Zhang Linlin immediately changed back to her original appearance and landed beside Jiang Feimeng.

She screamed immediately, because after turning into a dragon, her clothes all burst open.

Protect your body now.

Jiang Feimeng's nose was hot when he saw this, and he immediately took off his shirt and gave it to Zhang Linlin.

Zhang Linlin quickly took it and put it on.

Jiang Feimeng's clothes were very wide, so they could cover his thighs when he wore them.

However, Jiang Feimeng couldn't help asking: "How did you solve it before?"

Zhang Linlin blushed and said: "When I passed by some residential areas before, I would take some clothes, and I can use the half-dragon state when I fight."

"Just like this."

As Zhang Linlin spoke, her body changed, two dragon horns appeared on her forehead, and her body was covered with scales.

Jiang Feimeng nodded silently. Zhang Linlin and Zhang Xueer were in different situations. Zhang Xueer's incarnation of Nuwa and Luo Lin's incarnation of Hou Tu Niangniang were both similar to a means of external incarnation.

Zhang Linlin directly transformed into a giant dragon.

It was just a bit of a waste of clothes.

This might also be the helplessness of the beast super tattooer. He felt deeply in his last life and changed clothes a lot.

After quickly tidying up his clothes, Zhang Linlin said to Jiang Feimeng: "Thank you, I feel like something is different. What happened just now? Is it because of the contract with you?"

Jiang Feimeng nodded and smiled and said: "Hehe, yes, you are now a nine-clawed ancestor dragon, and your tattoo should have changed."

Jiang Feimeng discovered last time that Jiang Meier's tattoos on her body also changed after his evolution.

Jiang Feimeng in his last life did not have this experience.

But at least it changed for the better.

Zhang Linlin was shocked and covered her mouth in surprise.

She thanked Jiang Feimeng again: "Thank you, you saved me, I feel like I have some kind of connection with you."

Zhang Linlin didn't know why, but she looked at Jiang Feimeng more and more kindly.

In fact, there is one thing Jiang Feimeng has never said. In the previous life, it was usually lovers or people with a very close relationship who would sign this tattoo contract.

After all, this kind of contract is equivalent to being able to sense the existence of the other party at all times.

Sometimes, you can even feel what the other party is doing.

Hearing Zhang Linlin's question, Jiang Feimeng also explained it again and said: "This is a blood connection. Only very close people will sign this kind of contract, and a tattoo can only be signed once. It's not surprising that you have this feeling."

Zhang Linlin suddenly realized and nodded, and didn't say anything more.

Blushing slightly again, the two of them signed this kind of contract when they met for the first time, but Zhang Linlin also knew that it was all for saving herself.

Then, Jiang Feimeng said, "Since you are well, let's go out, so your dad won't be anxious waiting."


Then, the two went out.

When he saw Zhang Linlin who was safe and sound, Zhang Qingping couldn't help crying with joy.

"That's great, Linlin, I'm glad you're okay. If anything happened to you, Dad wouldn't want to live."

Zhang Linlin also smiled and said, "Dad, I'm fine, and I feel better than before, thanks to this... this big brother."

Zhang Linlin didn't know how to call Jiang Feimeng for a while.

Jiang Feimeng knew what he said, and immediately said with a smile, "My name is Jiang Feimeng. If you don't mind, you can call me Brother Meng in the future."

"Okay, by the way, Dad, how did you know Brother Meng?"

Zhang Linlin was puzzled. Jiang Feimeng was obviously not an ordinary person. Not only were the people and vicious dogs he brought so powerful, but he also seemed to know everything.

I don't know how my father knew Jiang Feimeng.

Zhang Qingping smiled and explained when he heard this: "It was also good luck. You dragged the monster before, so your grandfather and I ran away first. I was being chased by those wild beasts, and I happened to meet this young man."

"By the way, Linlin, do you know where your grandfather went? Don't let him get into trouble!"

Zhang Qingping suddenly thought of this, and his expression became anxious again.

Zhang Linlin's face also changed. Thinking of this, Cui Huanzhu also brought a dozen vicious dogs that had evolved into beast kings.

Said: "Now that the world has changed drastically, many of us have gathered in Lichao. Professor Zhang is a leading figure in the scientific research community. We want to invite you to join Lichao."

"So no matter what the cost, we will rescue him."

Hearing this, Zhang Qingping and Zhang Linlin were also quite moved.

They all looked at Jiang Feimeng.

Noticing the gazes of the two, Jiang Feimeng nodded and said: "Yes, we came this timeThe purpose is to hear from one of Professor Zhang's students that he saw you and Professor Zhang on the surveillance, so he came to rescue you. "

"Can you tell me which direction Professor Zhang ran to before?"

Hearing this, Zhang Linlin immediately said: "Since the great changes in the world, I can transform into a dragon and gain some special abilities. I can give scales to my father and grandfather to achieve the purpose of tracking."

"In fact, we have experienced similar things more than once. After I finish fighting, I will find my father and grandfather in this way."

"Now I know where my grandfather is. You just follow me. I hope it's not too late."

Jiang Feimeng's eyes lit up.

Said: "This is better. Let's set off without further delay. "


Jiang Feimeng and his team arrived at Professor Zhang's location.

They were surprised when they arrived.

At this moment, Professor Zhang was in a dense forest.

Most of the plants here were mutants.

Various vines of man-eating plants were everywhere.

Of course, this was not the most terrifying thing.

What was even more terrifying was that there were a large number of strange creatures here.

There were also two general-level strange creatures.

At this moment, they were all translucent. If you didn't look closely, they looked like they were invisible.

They were feasting on the mutant plants here.

Although these mutant plants fought desperately, and there were some top-level mutant plants among them, they were still no match for the general-level strange creatures.

And in the cracks of the rocks under a bunch of huge flowers of countless mutant plants, an old man was lying there weakly with blood flowing from his legs.


"Grandpa! "

Zhang Qingping and Zhang Linlin both exclaimed.

Jiang Feimeng also remembered that Professor Zhang's body was found here in the previous life. When it was found, it was already a skeleton. It was determined to be Professor Zhang himself through the items he carried.

And the hard drive he carried with him was also damaged.

It became a regret for many people in the scientific community.

If Professor Zhang could be saved, the mecha era could come earlier.

Although the mecha force did not announce these technologies, it eventually created a mecha era for many ordinary people.

It greatly improved the survival ability of mankind.

And even many super-textured people will use mechas to assist in combat.

Jiang Feimeng used them a lot in the previous life and knew how powerful mechas were.

"Why are these things? Do we still have a chance to save grandpa? "

Zhang Linlin was stunned when she saw these strange creatures.

She was seriously injured before because of these strange creatures, otherwise she would not have been captured by the giant dragon.

She knew how powerful these strange creatures were. Each one of them was no weaker than her before. Even though she was much stronger now, it would be a suicide to go up against such a large number of strange creatures.

Zhang Qingping knew it too, and he was suddenly depressed.

But he still clenched his fist and said, "No, even if I can't beat these monsters, I can't watch my dad die!"

Zhang Qingping was about to rush up, but was pulled back by Jiang Feimeng and said, "Who said we can't deal with them? These are all treasures."

Jiang Feimeng looked at these strange creatures, and his eyes were shining at this moment.

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