
Except for the people who had already left Lichao, everyone had gathered.

Jiang Feimeng looked at the high platform with a puzzled look.

Suddenly, a discussion broke out.

"Why did the leader suddenly call us together? There must be something important to announce, right?"

"That's for sure, otherwise you think the leader is idle every day."

"It's really been a bit peaceful recently. The mutant beasts around Lichao are no longer afraid to come because of us."

"I feel a little loose, so there must be something to do now, right?"

The people below were discussing, and Jiang Feimeng said after seeing that almost everyone was there:

"I'm glad that everyone has grown up recently, and they have all been pulled out, but before that was just the first step - survival."

"And now, we in Lichao have passed the early stage of the disaster and have established ourselves here. For the time being, there is no danger that can defeat us."

Hearing this, everyone in Lichao was immediately excited.

They praised one after another.

"It's all thanks to the leader!"

"If the leader hadn't made so many preparations before and led us, there would probably be only a few of us who could survive now."

"That's right! I don't obey anyone but the leader."

"That's right, the leader is simply our reborn parents."

Seeing this, Jiang Feimeng immediately stretched out his hands to suppress the high emotions of the crowd.

He continued to speak into the loudspeaker: "It's not my credit alone, it's the result of everyone's hard work. I'm not praising you when I say this. Although we have achieved results temporarily, we can't completely relax."

"I can tell you very seriously that this world has expanded a hundred times, and you have no idea how many powerful dangers have been born."

"Our Licheng was originally just an ordinary city covering an area of ​​300 square kilometers, but after the great changes in the world, it has an area of ​​nearly 30,000 square kilometers."

"And in the past half month, the area where we have been active is only a few hundred kilometers around Lichao. How many unknown dangers are there in this 30,000 square kilometers? You have no idea at all."

Hearing this, the entire Lichao people suddenly fell silent.

Yes, what Jiang Feimeng said is absolutely correct.

Before, they only knew that the world had expanded a hundred times, but they didn't have a specific concept.

Now, after hearing what Jiang Feimeng said, they realized that they were a little shortsighted.

This is why Jiang Feimeng is so eager to make the mecha era come quickly.

Otherwise, a large number of ordinary people will not be able to form combat power, and Lichao, and even the entire world's human beings, will be suppressed miserably.

If only he is strong, he can't protect everyone all the time.

Everyone must become stronger.

Seeing everyone silent, Jiang Feimeng said again: "Of course, I said these words not to attack you, but to make you understand that there is always a knife hanging over our heads."

"It's okay to relax occasionally, but you have to stay in Lichao. Once you go out, you must always be vigilant."

"Only by being alive can you output."

"You can wander around."

"The purpose of calling everyone here this time is also very simple."

"Because the situation in our Lichao has gradually stabilized recently and the overall strength has increased, so I have formulated a plan, the plan is called - the Licheng Reclaiming Plan."

"The purpose is also very simple, to take back the place where we originally lived."

"And the first step is to expand the scope of our outbound activities from the original hundreds of square kilometers to 5,000 square kilometers. Once you exceed it, don't move forward. Otherwise, if anything happens, Lichao will not take any rescue measures! "

"At the same time, Lichao's mission is released - collecting supplies, including rare minerals, exotic fruits, unknown items, gold, food and other searchable resources. "

"All resources can be exchanged for contribution points. "

"I hope that no grass will grow wherever I pass, that is to say, if you can take it back, don't be polite. "

"During the process, if there is any danger, fire a signal gun and people nearby will immediately take rescue measures. "

"Cooperation! Unity! Only in this way can we survive better."

"Another thing to remember is that if you find a cultivator, evacuate immediately!"

Jiang Feimeng clearly remembered that the cultivators in the previous life were different from those in Lichao who had just started practicing.

With the help of some rare spiritual treasures, they had achieved some success. At that time, people who could still practice cultivation could be said to have no difference in talent. After the great changes in the world, they were naturally one step ahead.

Calculating the time, many powerful people should have been born now.

If most people in Lichao do not escape in time, there is absolutely no chance of survival.Yes.

"We all listen to the leader!"

The people in Lichao shouted.

At the same time, many people were eager to fight.

After many people became stronger, they were already a little bored in the 100-kilometer range around Lichao.

And almost all the materials that can be searched have been searched.

As a result, many people have no chance to exchange contribution points.

There are often a large group of powerful super-tattoos or cultivators who go to grab a little gold or a bag of flour.

Extremely embarrassing.

Now it's good, it can finally be relieved.

Jiang Feimeng was also very happy to see this scene.

He continued: "After so many days, everyone's strength has been clearly divided and has been allocated."

"There are super-tattoo teams and cultivator teams."

"And now, I announce that except for roll calls or major tasks, the super-tattoo and cultivator teams will break up the team and choose to form a team of five to twenty people, and can carry a vicious dog for exploration."

Now the area around Lichao is temporarily safe.

Moreover, Cui Huanzhu's vicious dogs are becoming stronger day by day. Only one thousand guards are needed, and the extra ones can go out to explore together.

Not only can these people grow faster, but they can also play a certain protective role.

It can also speed up the evolution of Cui Huanzhu's vicious dogs.

At this time, Cui Huanzhu, who was beside Jiang Feimeng, heard this and his face turned black.

He whispered fiercely: "It's a dog, not a vicious dog!"

"Ahem... I just feel that vicious dogs sound more imposing."


Cui Huanzhu rolled his eyes silently.

But he didn't destroy Jiang Feimeng's stage at this time.

The people in Lichao were also excited when they heard it.

They had been jealous of these vicious dogs for a long time, and they were all too powerful.

If there were vicious dogs following, it would definitely be twice the result with half the effort.

"Okay, those who were not present at the meeting, please tell them that from now on, everything will proceed as planned. The meeting is adjourned!"

Jiang Feimeng spoke quickly and directly, and everyone knew what to do next.

They immediately formed a team and set off according to what Jiang Feimeng said.

Jiang Feimeng did not plan to stay idle. He remembered that there was a spiritual stone mine about 500 kilometers away from Lichao, which would be born at dusk today.

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