Apocalypse: The Fat Lady Strikes Back

Chapter 218 The License Plate Is From Dongtai Meng County

The car started, and a large area was vacated outside the gate. Zhao Long pushed those troublemakers, and Cen Yi took two blunt knives, and opened a big gap in the blockade of Xiangcheng Hospital.

Rong Ajiu drove the first car, old and weak, women and children, out of Xiangcheng Hospital.

As soon as the car got out of the blockade, someone immediately installed a power grid on the entire blockade and switched on the electricity. In the entire Xiangcheng Hospital, the 200 or so garrisons who stayed behind were behind the power grid.

The main force of Ye Yiming's garrison is still checking the infected people on the edge of the Xiangshui River, and looking for zombie rats or other species that may be infected.

Song Bai has already arranged a cooking team to make dry food. He will make dry food for several days at a time, and then transport it out of Xiangcheng Hospital by plane and send it to Ye Yiming's main garrison.

The entire Xiangcheng Hospital was completely besieged.

Thunderous human voices sounded outside Xiangcheng Hospital. Cen Yi and Zhao Long circled the car and beat people. Some unbelievers wanted to stop the car, but Cen Yi opened it quickly. Ajiu drove slowly. Moving forward, in front of the car, no one dared to block the front of the car beyond their limits.

To be honest, in this situation, if someone dares to block the head of the traffic, Ajiu dares to hit it directly.

Such a reckless operation, sure enough, the pressure that hit Xiangcheng Hospital was taken away by Cen Yi and the others. Even if someone wants to turn back to build Xiangcheng Hospital, the front and back doors of Xiangcheng Hospital have now been closed Power grid, and officially inform everyone who tries to break through.

The Garrison is not responsible if someone is electrocuted.

Their attitude is already very strong, they would rather kill civilians than let anyone enter Xiangcheng Hospital without permission.

Garrison is not a softie, but he has never played with civilians for real.

Once the game is real, it will kill people.

People cursed and could only vent all their anger on Cen Yi and Zhao Long who were near the bus.

However, no matter how vicious these civilians were, they couldn't defeat the two supernatural beings. What's more, in fact, many of these people who surrounded Xiangcheng Hospital just came to watch and play by ear.

There are not many people who really want to fight the garrison.

Cen said that he was invulnerable, Zhao Long directly held two shields, and walked forward, no matter how many people were in front of him, he could push them out into a large open space.

The more people get hurt, the less willing they are to move forward.

At this time, outside Xiangcheng, at the door of a warehouse going north from Lengshe Tower, Gu Siran was sitting outside an RV, watching the video on the computer.

In the video, also on this continent, some people took selfies, talking about their sudden arousal and all kinds of strange abilities.

Recently, Gu Siran had just recovered from his injuries in the Cold Snake Tower. He knew very well that some strange changes had taken place in his body, but he didn't dare to tell the upper echelons of his organization about the problems in his body.

Therefore, Gu Siran has been thinking, he knows that he has a space, in this space, everything is still, if he is injured, as long as he enters his space, his injury will not continue to collapse Go bad.

But other than that, he can't do anything, and the area of ​​the space is also very small. If he can barely fit his size, it's almost enough.

He dared not discuss this kind of matter beyond the scope of scientific understanding publicly, so he could only seek answers online.

As he swiped the video in his hand, he saw the video of Zhao Long pushing people in the crowd. Zhao Long was alone, holding two shields, and he could push people away like a domino with ease. Large open spaces.

Gu Siran had a pensive expression on his thin face. He stared at the video and searched for related videos. He saw another angle of the video of Zhao Long pushing people.

Cen Yi covered his face with a kerchief, held two knives in his hands, and danced the two knives in the crowd.

With cold weapons.

To be honest, the angle of this video is swaying, making it hard to see anything clearly, but people who use cold weapons now can easily remind Gu Siran of a certain little beast.

Gu Siran didn't know exactly what happened after he was injured and suspended animation in the Cold Snake Tower.

Because the team he led had already been wiped out, he only knew that his team shot and killed those little beasts, and then those little beasts were able to stand up and kill him.

According to subsequent investigations, those little beasts also killed the rest of his team, and finally the little beasts were forced into a collapsed cave.

Gu Siran's organization tried to dig the collapsed cave, and finally dug out a corpse, which was theirs, with a sword stuck in the corpse.

The matter is very strange. I have not investigated the origins of those little beasts. If we continue to dig deeper into the cave, the amount of work will be too large, because the cave collapsed quite badly. To find out what happened, we can only continue to increase manpower and material resources to split half of the mountain.

In the end, Gu Siran's organization could only concentrate its efforts on investigation and analysis, and only the wounds on the corpses found were almost all injured by cold weapons.

Therefore, this caused Gu Siran to think of those little beasts that the Cold Snake Tower let him destroy as soon as he saw people using cold weapons.

In the dark, he was sitting outside the caravan, about to flip through a video, when someone hurried over and reported to him:

"Gu Ge, we found a van at the foot of the mountain, hidden in the dense forest."

Gu Siran raised his eyelids, gave up the movement of continuing to swipe the video, and said to the visitor:

"What van? Where's the license plate?"

If he remembered correctly, those little bastards drove into the mountain in a van with the license plate number of Dongtai Meng County.

During this time, Gu Siran has been recuperating from his injuries. He heard from people in the organization that this incident was intentionally stopped. After all, those little beasts were forced into the collapsed cave, and he couldn't get out alive.

Now is not the time to seek revenge, but we should concentrate our efforts to find the energy stone mine in this huge cold snake tower. In this chaotic world, we really need to allocate manpower, material resources and energy to go to the huge Meng County of Dongtai to find some A dead person is also quite uneconomical.

But Gu Siran felt that he could survive, and those little beasts died and came back to life.

It may not be so simple to kill those little beasts.

He heard someone call him back again,

"The license plate is from Dongtai Meng County."

Gu Siran sneered,

"That's the van driven by those little bastards. Go find out who the owner is, and send two people to find the owner."

There are three more today!

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