Apocalypse: The Fat Lady Strikes Back

Chapter 250 Let's go out together to enjoy the moon

God gave the garrison swift mobility.

The garrison uses this mobility to be a thief!

In the dark night, Qiao Lingxiang reluctantly followed a group of injured garrisons, walking carefully towards the mission center in the next street.

She herself didn't know why things turned out like this, but she only remembered that when she was at the headquarters, Zhao Long said that she was going to help Ajiu move the materials in the material warehouse of the mission center.

This was heard by a wounded garrison.

Then a group of injured garrisons came to help, and finally, all the injured garrisons lined up and set off neatly.

Except for Mu Wenbin who was sleeping at the door of the tent, all the wounded and garrisoned participated in this operation.

Dozens of garrisons took advantage of the cover of night to find the location of the warehouse that Ajiu said, and began to move the materials in this small warehouse.

Because everyone was injured, and some people were still limping when walking, so there were not many supplies that everyone carried.

But there are so many people who can't stop it.

The wounded garrison was like ants moving, but within two hours, a small supply warehouse was emptied.

It was late at night, and Fanyou came back from reporting work at Ye Yiming's office on the back street. He saw that the entire tent where the wounded were stationed was empty, so he hurriedly asked Mu Wenbin who was hanging water at the door,

"Where's my garrison?"


Mu Wenbin looked like he was just waking up from a big dream. He was still hanging water, sitting on a small bench, looked up at Fanyou, and said:

"Probably, come back."

"This~ what came back? Let me ask you, where are they?"

Fanyou, who felt that this world was somewhat magical, pointed to the empty tent and asked Mu Wenbin,

"Here, there are a lot of people who are going to die. You know it yourself. They are the ones who are so angry. Don't tell me, they are out for a walk."

Mu Wenbin looked at Fanyou in embarrassment, and faltered and said:

"Then you ask me, who do I ask? It's not enough to go for a walk, that's right, the moonlight is pretty good, maybe... let's go out and enjoy the moon together."

Fanyou looked at Mu Wenbin like a fool, nodded,

"Okay, watch the moon, right? People are dying, watch the moon!"

After finishing speaking, Fanyou really looked up at the moon outside the tent door, paralyzed, the moon is dark and the wind is high, there are no stars, return the moon! ?

He was about to get angry at Mu Wenbin when he heard a neat line of guards outside the tent, each holding a cardboard box in their hands, coming in from the yard.

It was the wounded garrison who were injured almost to death before.

Everyone still held a cardboard box in their hands, and they piled up the cardboard boxes on the open space, still talking and laughing.

This quiet night seemed to suddenly become lively.

Fanyou was stunned for a moment, and before he could react, Mu Wenbin gave him a hand.

"What are you doing?"

Fanyou glared at Mu Wenbin, he was losing his temper!

"Pretend to sleep, don't talk too much! You don't know anything, and neither do I!"

Mu Wenbin pulled Fanyou and sat on the small bench beside him, seeing that Fanyou was still struggling to get angry.

Mu Wenbin hurriedly said in a low voice:

"Dr. Qiao organized it, understand? She stole Gong Jingye's small supply warehouse. If you don't want Dr. Qiao to be punished, just keep your mouth shut."

Fanyou: "..."

It was actually organized by Qiao Ayaka? Then you don’t have to sell other people’s face, but Dr. Qiao’s face still has to be sold. Dr. Qiao has really worked hard these two days. It is because of her "meticulous" care that the garrison can achieve zero deaths.

Of course, the weirdness is very weird. After all, those injured and bitten by the zombie rats have been delivered to the present, and in less than 72 hours, all of them have gone from dying to being able to run out to steal supplies...

It's very fantasy.

But the garrison will not get to the bottom of it so much. They only value the result and don't care so much about the process.

As a result, Qiao Lingxiang saved a lot of garrisons, so anyone can save face, and Dr. Qiao must protect it.

Just like that, Qiao Lingxiang walked back to the tent following the large group of wounded and garrisoned. What she saw was Mu Wenbin and Fanyou, the two captains, leaning head to head, sitting together on a small bench, with their backs pressed against the tent. , sleeping soundly.

Everyone didn't think about other things, they were talking and laughing, and they just lay down wherever they should lie down.

Someone even joked with Joe Ayaka,

"Doctor Qiao, do you think our two captains look like two pigs when they are asleep, hahahaha, right?"

Pig head? ! Very good, whoever said that, take a notebook and write it down!

Qiao Lingxiang cooperated with the group of garrisons hehehe, stood there and laughed a few times, then found a place to rest while sending messages to Cen Yi and Lu Zhengqing.

As for the recovered supplies, they were piled up in the yard first, and Ajiu said that he would donate them anonymously to the security check, but naturally they would share half of the looted items.

You must know that Gong Jingye has more than one mission center, and naturally more than a small warehouse.

The warehouses in the mission center are all delivered from the large warehouse in Xiangcheng. After the small warehouse is moved, there is another large warehouse, which also needs to be moved by hand.

As long as they think of Gong Jingye's angry look when he finds out that his material warehouse has been emptied, everyone can't help being happy.

In the dark night, the backyard of the headquarters was full of joy.

On the expressway in front of the headquarters, Wen Yuansi stood in the power grid and watched the power grid open. The first batch of those who had been quarantined for 72 hours and had their body temperature monitored by Zhang Yu three times a day drove their own private cars to slow down. Slowly left Xiangcheng East.

At the same time, the four directions of Xiangcheng opened the power grid to release people.

Tens of thousands of infected people left Xiangcheng in the dark, which seemed to be fleeing.

He silently watched these people leave happily, and stood alone from early morning to dawn.

It was bright day, and Qiao Lingxiang woke up from a sleep in a small room specially assigned to her by the headquarters.

As soon as she went out, she was about to brush her teeth with a water glass and a toothbrush, when she saw Wen Yuansi walking over with a stack of manuscripts in her hand.

Qiao Lingxiang hurriedly turned her back, pretending not to see him, and planned to squat to the other side to brush her teeth.

As a result, Wen Yuansi stopped her and said:

"Student Qiao, can you tell Captain Fan for me to print out this letter?"

He originally wanted to tell Fanyou himself, but the garrison now treats him like a street mouse, and everyone who sees him despises him.

This of course made Wen Yuansi feel very uncomfortable, but his father's fault, as a son, there was no way to escape.

The father's debt is paid by the son, and he is willing to pay back the garrison for his father.

In order to achieve this goal faster, asking Qiao Lingxiang, who is very respected by the garrison, to do this is the fastest way to get things done.

Qiao Lingxiang was holding a plastic bear cup with a toothbrush in it, watching Wen Yuansi silently.

She doesn't dare to promise anything to anyone, especially the matter of the Wen family. If she accidentally sells the garrison, she will be an eternal sinner in the history of human extinction.

Saturday~ Go to the movies with Xiaobaa, um, watch cartoons!

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