Apocalypse: The Fat Lady Strikes Back

Chapter 454 As long as the whole body is left

The deal is done, since the monster has been attracted and wants to retreat, and then attracts a large number of ordinary humanoid zombies, it will not retreat for a while.

On a battlefield of emergency defense against the enemy, Qiao Lingxiang was stuffed with a set of bulletproof equipment by a junior garrison, and then pointed her to the temporary field hospital to cover Qiao Lingxiang in the past.

These lovely people always thought that Qiao Ayaka was very fragile, and she was still wearing a thin black women's fashion, without even a body armor.

Therefore, he thoughtfully distributed a set of his own bulletproof equipment to Qiao Lingxiang.

A stone bomb exploded beside Qiao Lingxiang. She put on the bulletproof gear with great enthusiasm, and was protected by two guards, and ran towards the field hospital. \b

A black humanoid winged monster aimed at Qiao Lingxiang and swooped down, just in time for Cen Yi to see it.

He directly threw out a chain wrapped in purple electric sparks, bound the monster's feet, dragged it in his direction, and said angrily:

"Come find me, I'm here, don't mess with her!"

The humanoid winged monster was a very persistent monster, it saw and saw in the air and insisted on chasing after Qiao Lingxiang.

Seeing this, the nearby garrisons also frantically shot at the monster in order to save Qiao Lingxiang. Qiao Lingxiang is such an important medical resource, she alone is a hospital.

So there must be nothing wrong with her.

Seeing this, the busy medical garrison in the field hospital hurriedly shouted:

"Ban Yue, Ban Yue, something has happened, something is chasing the captain, hurry up!"

Ban Yue hurriedly dropped the white cloth in her hand, she was so anxious that she grabbed the stone beside her and threw it towards the stinking monster in the sky.

It is conceivable that there is no egg use.

This kind of monster can't be killed by bombs, electricity, or bullets. It seems that humans can't do anything about it, but it doesn't have much IQ.

Just like now, Cen Yi bound its feet with chains to prevent it from harming Qiao Lingxiang, and it didn't try to find a way to untie the chains on its own feet, and just flew forward.

Cen Yi was dragged forward and staggered a few steps, his strength was not as strong as that of the monster, so he only roared:

"Xiaolong, come here!"

Zhao Long next to him heard it, and hurried over to help, holding the electrified chain with his hands wearing a pair of mechanical gloves, and pulled back the kite-like humanoid zombie in the sky.

Then, Zhao Long went up and hit the monster with a blast hammer. He hammered the monster to death.

In the rotten brain, a shiny crystal nucleus was exposed.

It seems that this monster is also a product of nuclear radiation + mutated virus.

When everyone saw it again, they were immediately overjoyed. No matter what they did, they couldn't be killed, so they were beaten to death by Zhao Long's fists like this?

All of a sudden, many people with supernatural powers raised their fists at the humanoid winged monsters that swooped down. Some of the slightly injured humanoid winged monsters were knocked into the air, and some fell to the ground.

At first they thought how difficult this thing was to deal with, electricity, fire, and explosions, they couldn't kill this thing, but they didn't expect that they just hit it with their fists, but gave the humanoid winged monster a critical blow.

The monster that fell to the ground was surrounded by a group of people with superpowers. Although they were not as strong as Zhao Long, they punched and kicked each other. One wing, tearing vigorously to both sides.

The humanoid winged monster let out a shrill and painful scream, but it was too late, everything was too late.

It had already been beaten to death by a group of power users with physical attacks.

There was a small burst of cheers from the crowd, as if they had found the secret to killing this humanoid winged monster, every power user felt that he was about to rise up.

Originally, everyone thought that the power ability seemed useless, but it was just a little bit stronger than ordinary people. Hitting things in the sky still got fire and electricity. This kind of magic attack was more effective.

But now they don't think that way anymore. From now on, people with supernatural powers can hold up half the sky in the last days!

However, before everyone was happy, another humanoid winged monster appeared in the dark sky.

The popularity and bloody smell here are too strong, and soon, not only the human-shaped winged monsters came from the sky, but also some strange zombie birds.

Behind the team, there are still many walking corpses, which are also slowly moving towards this place.

Cen Yi quickly ordered to set up a battlefield here, and let the smell of blood pervade to the fullest, attracting all the monsters around.

Let's do it.

Those walking corpses on the ground are not difficult to deal with. Lu Zhengqing, Mi Ranyi, and Ajiu can deal with them. There are some strange zombie birds in the sky, which are not difficult to deal with.

Cen Yi propped up a power grid on the battlefield. Except for the humanoid winged monsters who could rush through the power grid, those little zombie birds would turn into ashes as soon as they touched his power grid.

So the most difficult thing to deal with is actually the human-shaped winged monster. One Zhao Long is still too little, after all, Zhao Long is the first-tier power user.

At this moment, it is most taboo to disperse power. Therefore, all power users who are still on the battlefield are stationed, and they must concentrate on dealing with the humanoid winged monsters.

A hearty bloody storm began to spread.

People fell one by one, causing countless casualties.

Seeing this, Cen Yi felt that the situation was not good, so he just asked everyone to take back his companion's body.

It is no longer important to kill the monsters or not. The important thing is to not be injured if you can, and to be slightly injured if you can. Based on this principle, try to keep the whole body as much as possible.

As long as the whole body is left behind, there will be salvation!

At this time, Qiao Lingxiang had already run to the field hospital.

There, Ban Yue and another medical garrison, Qiao Lingxiang, had already returned to the field hospital after Qiao Lingxiang escaped from danger, and the two of them were already busy.

With limited conditions, they couldn't come up with a more complete field hospital with better conditions, so they could only find a few trees nearby as shelters, and put the wounded and dead garrisons in these trees under.

More ordinary garrisons surrounded the field hospital, those with torsion ballistas shot at the monsters in the sky, and those without torsion ballistas shot at the monsters in the sky.

Those with supernatural powers are stationed, giving up all weapons, and only fighting these monsters hand-to-hand.

On the battlefield, all defenses revolve around the field hospital and the headquarters, because these two positions are very important, one is the place where orders are issued, and the other is the place where all wounded comrades gather.

So be sure to hold on to it.

Qiao Lingxiang plunged into the simple and airtight white tent of the field hospital. Several dead security checks and garrisons were brought in. Ban Yue and another medical garrison were giving them cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Seeing Qiao Lingxiang coming, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief, and directly gave up a seat to Qiao Lingxiang.

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