Apocalypse: The Fat Lady Strikes Back

Chapter 690: All Security Checks

When walking all the way, Cen Yi was actually thinking, either he arrived at Z city first, or Qiao Lingxiang first arrived at Z city, how would he know that the two of them would meet on the road.

For a moment, his heart beat fast, and he didn't know what to say on the nearby channel, so he could only answer in a deep voice, and stopped talking.

This made all the people who were waiting to spread the dog food somewhat hopeless.

However, not only Cen Yi stopped talking, but also Qiao Lingxiang. The two teams were galloping in the night, because Cen Yi and Qiao Lingxiang were not talking, and gradually someone in the nearby channel started whispering, you I said a word.

In the end, the nearby channels were extremely lively.

In such a noisy nearby channel, Qiao Lingxiang tilted her head slightly, leaned her face against the car window, and looked at the combat garrison line that was advancing in the night far away on the opposite side.

She thought that with Cen Yi in this team, she was in a particularly good mood. Although she didn't say anything, the corners of Qiao Lingxiang's mouth curled up slightly.

And in the team of the tenth step, they seemed to know that Qiao Lingxiang was thinking of him in her heart, so Cen Yi, who already had a mature man's face, also slightly curved the corners of his mouth, and couldn't help muffled by himself. laugh.

This is a kind of tacit understanding that can't be said, can't tell anyone, and doesn't want to put the love in my heart in front of everyone, and spread dog food to everyone.

The convoy didn't stop, and it was about to reach City Z soon, when the sound of artillery fire came from far away.

Cen Yi, who was in the first car of the tenth step, suddenly said:

"Find a place to camp ahead."

Then he pressed his two fingers on the headset, and asked the medical garrison team next door on the nearby channel,

"Are you going straight up, or are you putting the field hospital in our camp?"

No one answered at the medical garrison. They all looked at Qiao Lingxiang and Ban Yue. Ban Yue, who was sitting behind Qiao Lingxiang, stretched out his hand out of the window in front of him, and lightly tapped Qiao Lingxiang's shoulder.

Qiao Lingxiang paused for a moment before turning her head to look at Ban Yue.

I saw Ban Yue raised her face and said softly:

"Let's tie the field hospital with the center forward."

Seemingly not knowing what Qiao Lingxiang was thinking, Ban Yue whispered again:

"Mi Ranyi said that he will come to Z City after he finished fighting Jiang City."

Cen Yi led the tenth step to play center forward this time, with only one Fan You behind him, like Mi Ranyi, Lu Zhengqing, Zhao Long and the others were all playing Jiangcheng on the first step, and Ajiu stayed in Xiangcheng to deal with those who took the lead. A non-governmental team that garrisoned the South Camp in Z City with heavy firepower and made trouble in Xiang City.

So Ban Yue's meaning is that if they put the field hospital in the center camp of the tenth step, Mi Ranyi and the first step will reach Z city after they finish fighting Jiangcheng and join Cen Yi's center forward .

At that time, Ban Yue will be able to meet Mi Ranyi.

After Qiao Lingxiang heard Ban Yue's words, she turned her head slightly and asked Ban Yue behind her,

"You and Mi Ranyi?"

Before she finished speaking, Ban Yue hurriedly shook her head, and explained to Qiao Lingxiang with a look of embarrassment:

"Don't think about it, what can I have with him? He is so much smaller than me."

Qiao Lingxiang blinked her eyes and said ambiguously:

"What did I say? I just want to ask, when did you and Mi Ranyi become good friends? Besides, they are just good friends, what does age have to do with it?"

As if on purpose, he asked:

"I said, how old can he be younger than you? You are only three or four years old, not an obstacle."

After graduating from high school, Ban Yue went to work as a medical garrison. Calculated according to his age, he was actually about 3 years older than Mi Ranyi, less than 4 years old.

The age difference is not much different.

But when Qiao Lingxiang said this, Ban Yue blushed and was about to jump up. If she hadn't been sitting in the car now, she would have stomped her feet to tickle Qiao Lingxiang's itch.

He blushed again and said:

"Okay, stop talking nonsense. He treats me as a sister, and I treat him as a brother. What can we have? Don't talk nonsense."

"Nothing, definitely nothing."

Seeing Ban Yue's lack of three hundred taels of silver here and there, Qiao Lingxiang nodded hurriedly, and followed Ban Yue's words.

She shrugged and said deliberately:

"Okay, then let's set up the field hospital in the center camp in order to meet your younger brother."

Then Qiao Youxiang smiled at Ban Yue again. There seemed to be a little understanding in that smile.

In fact, when Qiao Lingxiang came to Z City, she also wanted to join Cen Yi, but she was a medical garrison, and even if she joined Cen Yi, she would stay with the nearby field hospital.

It would be great if Ban Yue proposed to put their field hospital in a temporary camp on the tenth step.

Just like that, when they arrived at a suitable campsite, everyone got busy, even Qiao Lingxiang started to help build the white medical tent, so she and Cen Yi didn't have that time to meet, because Cen Yiyi had chosen the camping place , took a small team of the tenth-tier garrison to the edge of Z city, and went to the Z city garrison to understand the situation ahead.

A medical garrison ran to Qiao Lingxiang's side amid the sound of shelling, took the white cloth from Qiao Lingxiang's hand, and said:

"Officer Qiao, leave these tasks to us. If the squad leader sees us and asks you to do this kind of work, she should reprimand us."

All the medical garrisons know that their purpose this time is to carry corpses. With Qiao Lingxiang here, the only job of all the medical garrisons is to pick up corpses. What Qiao Lingxiang has to do is also very simple. The only thing she has to do It is the resurrection of the corpse.

Therefore, the entire medical garrison team regarded Qiao Lingxiang as a big baby, and was reluctant to let her do a little heavy work.

Just when Qiao Lingxiang raised her hand, trying to snatch back the white cloth that the medical garrison had snatched away, so that she could have something to do, a refrigerated truck suddenly rushed into the gate of the camp that was being built.

A few combat garrisons nearby hurriedly moved aside, clearing the road between the gate of the camp and Qiao Lingxiang.

The white refrigerated truck galloped over and stopped in front of Qiao Lingxiang. The nearby medical garrisons who were building medical tents with white cloth hurriedly put down their work and gathered beside the refrigerated truck one by one.

Someone opened the door of the car, and several girls in medical garrison uniforms hurriedly got into the truck, and lifted the bloody corpse out of the cold truck.

Ban Yue rushed up to see the corpse in the truck, and asked:

"It's all about security checks. How did the security checks in City Z be beaten like this?"

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