Apocalypse: The Fat Lady Strikes Back

Chapter 698 There is nothing more aggrieved in life than this

Time waits for no one. When the boat crossing the river arrives, the Supreme Commander of Jiangcheng Garrison has already started to send a telegraph technical commissioner to send a telegram back to Jiangcheng to count the number of deaths this time.

Although Jiangcheng was beaten down by the first step led by Zuo Chenghao, in fact, there are still many Jiangcheng garrisons in Jiangcheng who are still alive and well, mainly because the speed of the first step is too fast. The highest commander of Jiangcheng garrison After going to Z city again, the entire Jiangcheng lost its mobility.

So, the first ladder went straight in.

Wait for the other Jiangcheng camps to react, crap, the city we guard is occupied, and then report to the top, counterattack counterattack.

So now Jiangcheng is still alive, and there are quite a lot of Jiangcheng garrisons who are trying to counterattack.

The Jiangcheng garrison commander wanted to know how much harm this time Zuo Chenghao led the first step to occupy Jiangcheng, and how much harm it did to Jiangcheng.

The danger is manifested here. How many garrisons were killed by the 15-city alliance in Jiangcheng this time, and how much impact did it have on the lives of the civilians in Jiangcheng? How many innocents have been hurt?

On the boat crossing the river, soon, the still alive fighters in Jiangcheng sent a telegram to the supreme commander of Jiangcheng's garrison. The telegram said that they didn't even know how many people died in Jiangcheng this time.

Because all the garrison corpses that were killed by the first step in Jiangcheng were garrisoned by the medical staff on the first step, they packed them up and loaded them into refrigerated trucks, and hurriedly headed to where Qiao Lingxiang was.

I don’t know whether the taken Jiangcheng garrison corpses should be counted according to the number of prisoners or the number of victims, because if it means that they were sacrificed, they are now being sent to Qiao Lingxiang by the first step. They will definitely be resurrected, so after resurrection, these people should be counted as captives.

Being sacrificed and captured, these two damage levels are absolutely different.

So the supreme commander of Jiangcheng's garrison began to feel embarrassed, and he didn't know how to define the damage.

Because from the point of view of the garrison, if you want to say how much damage to human life was caused, there is still no, because every corpse has been packed up.

But in terms of the damage to Jiangcheng, the first step has damaged many buildings and streets in Jiangcheng this time.

However, then again, when the first step entered Jiangcheng, they also found several closed villages on the road, and the people in the villages turned into zombies, so the guards on the first step, in line with Passing the principle of not to be missed when passing by, help Jiangcheng to wipe out all the zombies in these villages

So although the first step destroyed many buildings and roads in Jiangcheng, they also helped Jiangcheng destroy those zombies that had never been discovered before. What about this?

It can't be counted as a balance of merit and demerit.

In the room of the big ship, the supreme commander of the Jiangcheng garrison was walking back and forth in the room. At the table in front of him was the telegraph commissioner who was sending a telegram, and some subordinates were standing beside the telegraph commissioner. Amidst the beeping sound, that subordinate turned to Jiang

City Garrison Supreme Commander,

"Boss, Jiangcheng replied that Zuo Chenghao has withdrawn from our Jiangcheng city, and followed the first step to Z city with the refrigerated truck pressed down."

After a pause, the subordinate saw that the commander was still walking around, as if he hadn't heard what he said, and asked loudly:

"Right now, the first step and Zuo Chenghao on the other side of Jiangcheng are escorting the frozen convoy out of Jiangcheng. Should we send someone to snipe it?"

Judging from the current situation, the first step only took down Jiangcheng, but there is no plan to stay in Jiangcheng for a long time. If the first step is stopped now, it may not be able to stop the first step, but it may be disrupted. The overall deployment of the 15-city alliance.

It was not so fast for Cen Yi to meet the first ladder.

The supreme commander of the Jiangcheng garrison who was walking around anxiously in the room suddenly stopped. He stared at the subordinate who said this, and asked angrily:

"Who do you want to snipe? Do you know what is escorted on the first step? Do you know what is on those refrigerated trucks? They are all our own brothers in Jiangcheng. Who do you want to snipe? Tell me, tell me!"

When this subordinate said such words, there was a hole in his head. The refrigerated trucks of the 15-city alliance are full of corpses, and those corpses will be transported to where Qiao Lingxiang is.

Ask which city's garrison supreme commander in the southern region will send people to snipe the refrigerated trucks of the 15-city alliance?

Even if the security guard in City Z died, they all knew to put their brother's body on the side of the road and wait for the medical garrison of the 15-city alliance to collect the body.

None of the security checks in City Z would make it difficult to refrigerate the car. If you stop the refrigerated car, doesn't that mean that your brother has no possibility of being resurrected?

The subordinate who had been scolded for a while lowered his head in shame, and his face was still blushing. He didn't have the brains to ask such idiot-like words, and he knew he was wrong.

Indeed, in the current situation, the combat effectiveness of the first step is obvious to all in the southern region. They can occupy Jiangcheng, and the garrison in Jiangcheng must have suffered a lot of casualties. Pack it up. Sending it to Qiao Lingxiang to be revived made people feel angry for no reason, and at the same time felt a little grateful for the 15-city alliance.

I just want to be angry, but I can't get angry.

After scolding his subordinates, the Supreme Commander of Jiangcheng Garrison said to the telegraph commissioner:

"You send a telegram to all the executive officers of the garrison camps in Jiangcheng who are still alive. Regarding the refrigerated trucks of the 15th Cities Alliance, don't block them, don't attack them, don't make any embarrassments, just let the refrigerated trucks leave Jiangcheng, and along the way, you must Clear the way for their refrigerated truck. Shit!"

After a pause, the Supreme Commander of Jiangcheng Garrison said angrily:

"Don't say this cursing, and tell the executive officer. If you encounter mutants and zombies who want to attack the frozen convoy along the way, if you can solve it, help them solve it."

After saying this, the supreme commander of the Jiangcheng garrison went back to his bedroom angrily, slammed the door with a heavy "bang", and went back to the bedroom to sleep.

Stuffy! If he doesn't sleep anymore, he may have a myocardial infarction from the 15-city league.

This kind of city has been attacked by someone, and he has to help the people who beat him retreat, and he has to take care of these refrigerated trucks along the way, so that the brothers on the refrigerated truck cannot lose the chance of resurrection.

Damn, there is nothing more aggrieved in life than this.

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