Apocalypse: The Fat Lady Strikes Back

Chapter 723 It's for Qiao Ayaka

Shang Zhengxin looked at the completely unfamiliar son in front of him, he raised his hand and slapped him, trying to wake up his eldest son.

I only heard that Shang Zhengxin was also angry, and said to his eldest son:

"You want to know what's wrong with you. Being too paranoid is your biggest mistake. Think about it for yourself. Just now your uncle also said that the energy stone is a very precious energy source. It is the only one we have enough at present. You can use it as much as possible. The energy used for this purpose, such energy is used a little less, we cannot and should not abuse it like this.”

Shang Zhengxin is still a typical businessman thinking. The Shang family has been in the energy business for several generations, so they naturally have a good understanding of the value of energy.

This is the truth that the city management system in the central region understands, let alone Shang Zhengxin.

There are too many energy stone weapons in the southern region now. How many energy stones do you need to consume once this energy stone weapon is released, and how many kilowatt-hours can the same energy stone generate?

Has this been proven through repeated experiments? Have experts checked it out?


So this kind of precious energy is wasted on human beings' ignorant internal strife. Shang Zhengxin, who is in the energy business, just thinks about it, and his heart hurts. How many energy stones are there to be able to afford such a supply? How many energy stone weapons are there?

Shang Zhengxin quickly calculated in his mind how many relics and energy coupons these wasted energy stones could be exchanged for, how many generations of the Shang family could be supported, and how many years the Shang family's glory and wealth could be maintained.

As the heir of the Shang family, Shang Lingjie, wouldn't he be able to settle this account? ?

Shang Zheng turned around excitedly, and was about to take out the account book from his drawer. He wanted to settle the accounts for Shang Lingjie properly.

He even thought about it, and asked Shang Lingjie to provide him with a consumption table of the energy stone weapon.

However, in the next second, he was pushed to the ground by his son's palm. Shang Zhengxin raised his head in astonishment, and a power stone weapon was pressed between his eyebrows.

"I don't want this~"

Shang Lingjie shook his head, with tears in his eyes. The energy gun in his hand didn't seem willing to move at all. Instead, he activated the energy gun resolutely, and shot his father directly on the forehead.

Seeing his father being knocked down to the ground by the energy shock wave, Shang Lingjie felt as if all his strength had been drained, and he fell powerlessly beside his father, crying until he collapsed.

Why are all his relatives like this? Either through deception, or through this way of killing each other, can we reach agreement with his ideals?


He really doesn't want to, really doesn't want to

While Shang Lingjie was sitting on the ground crying, downstairs, a car came through the night and drove into the garden of the Shang family's villa in Yingcheng.

Sitting in the car was Chang Zhaoling.

She leaned on the back seat with a tired expression. The driver in the front seat was sent by Chang Jincheng to take her from the southern region to garrison in the central part of the river.

Because the situation in the southern region is very bad now, the energy stone weapons of the civilian team have somehow fallen into the hands of the Southern Alliance garrison.

So now the garrison of the Southern Alliance not only has energy stone weapons in their hands, but they are also supernatural beings. As a result, the situation in the southern region has become more complicated.

If Chang Zhaoling does not go to the central region again, her whereabouts may be known by the Southern Alliance. Based on her actions during this period, it will be very dangerous.

No one in the Confederates will let Chang Zhaoling go.

Originally, Chang Jincheng wanted to let Chang Zhaoling return to the central region and explain clearly what the Shang family was doing in the southern region. Of course he knew that Chang Zhaoling was the one who ordered the massive mining of energy stone veins in the southern region.

Therefore, Chang Jincheng believed that the key to this issue lay in Chang Zhaoling.

If Chang Zhaoling can be stopped from frantically mining energy stone veins like this, Chang Jincheng will slowly clean up the chaos in the southern region.

However, as soon as Chang Zhaoling entered the Shang family's villa in Yingcheng, she saw her eldest son Shang Lingjie stumbled down the stairs on the second floor.

Seeing the tears on Shang Lingjie's face, Shuangxi knelt on the ground as soon as she came down to the first floor, crying to Chang Zhaoling:

"Mom, just now... a few garrisons from the southern region broke in. Dad, he, he can't do it."

When Chang Zhaoling heard this, her face darkened, she couldn't help but fell back a few steps, and was supported by the garrison behind her, she ran upstairs in a hurry, saw that the door of the study was still open, and rushed in directly .

In the darkness, the Shang family’s villa was not lit, and the faint moonlight shone through the floor-to-ceiling windows into the villa. Chang Zhaoling’s screams came from the study,

"Be honest. Ah."

The tragedy that happened to the Shang family directly caused many people in the central region to sympathize with the Shang family.

Even Chang Jincheng, who did not approve of Chang Zhaoling's indiscriminate digging of energy stone mines before, expressed his understanding to Chang Zhaoling, so the pressure on Chang Zhaoling from all aspects was slightly reduced.

It's not that there is no, nor does it represent the management system in the central region, so I think Chang Zhaoling is right to do so.

It's that the way they put pressure on the mother and son of the Shang family has eased up a little.

However, such gentle pressure fell on the mother and son Chang Zhaoling and Shang Lingjie, and they ignored all the pressure.

On the contrary, Chang Zhaoling became more determined. She would do her best to support the folk teams in the southern region. Her youngest son, her sister, and her husband all died because of the Southern Alliance. She was full of anger and hatred for the Southern Alliance. hate.

Therefore, the price of energy stone weapons sold by the Shang family is getting lower and lower, almost half selling and half free.

This is a crazy woman who met a crazy son. Even though Shang Lingjie knew that the Confederates might also be taking advantage of this troubled water and buying weapons from their Shang family's arms seller.

Otherwise, where did the energy stone weapons of the Southern Alliance come from?

But they couldn't tell that much anymore. The crazily digging energy stone veins and dealing with the pressure of the central management system that followed had already consumed most of Shang Lingjie and Chang Zhaoling's energy.

They will not stop, because Shang Lingjie has already inherited half of his father's shares, and Chang Zhaoling has inherited the other half of Shang Zhengxin's shares.

The mother and son didn't think there was anything wrong with digging energy stone veins indiscriminately. The Shang family had several generations of experience in energy exploration, and there were still many energy stone veins for the Shang family.

Therefore, how to dig energy mines and how to dig them, and how to make energy stone weapons.

And in the southern region where the vigor and vitality are in full swing, because of the huge price reduction of energy stone weapons, the garrison and civilian teams of the Confederacy are desperately hoarding energy stone weapons.

In comparison, the richer garrison system has more energy stone weapons than the civilian team.

Of course, there will definitely be no high-level garrison of the Southern Alliance for this, and they will run to tell the Shang family, or the Central.

All the high-level garrisons of the Confederacy told their garrisons that they lacked energy stone weapons. Although they bought a batch of energy stone weapons, they can only give you one. Use the ability if you can. , I really can't stand it anymore, so I use the energy stone weapon.

No way, the energy stone weapon is out of stock.

Under such a magic sound piercing through the brain, the garrison of the Southern Alliance would not take out precious energy stone weapons to fight against the civilian team unless they were forced into a last resort by the civilian team.

Therefore, more and more energy stone weapons are accumulated in the garrison systems of various cities in the southern region, and more and more are accumulated.

In the Southern Alliance, the medical garrisons in most cities expressed their willingness to obey Qiao Ayaka's arrangement and to participate in the tough battle of treating civilians and garrisons in the southern region.

As a result, the medical garrison of the supernatural beings was picked out by Yu Zheng, and all of them were handed over to Qiao Lingxiang for arrangement.

In fact, handing it over to Qiao Lingxiang to arrange, that is, to assign all the things to Ban Yue, because Qiao Lingxiang basically doesn't care about these things, and Ban Yue is in charge of all these trivial things.

Ban Yue divided these supernatural medical garrisons into several parts. The first part is the medical garrison that can absorb the energy of the energy stone, and the second part is the medical garrison that cannot absorb the energy of the energy stone.

Those who can absorb the energy of the energy stone, how many corpses can absorb the energy at one time, and those who cannot absorb the energy of the energy stone are garrisoned, and they need to be specially pulled away for assembly line training.

Just train them to absorb energy stone energy skills.

As a result, more and more corpses were sent to the resurrection area of ​​the center camp, Qiao Lingxiang revived the corpses faster and faster, and the combat power cycle of the entire Southern Alliance gradually became active.

Here in the resurrection area, there are always many people who come in sideways, and many people go out vertically, and some people go out for a walk to thank Qiao Ayaka. They always like to bring back some supplies they found and give them to Qiao Ayaka.

Sometimes it's some not very valuable gadgets, and sometimes it's some pre-apocalyptic supplies. Although they have already expired, it seems that the older the pre-apocalyptic supplies, the more valuable they are.

Especially before the end of the world, those snacks with strange tastes and various kinds are especially valuable.

These days, whether it is a supernatural person or an ordinary person, their physical fitness seems to have become particularly good. For them, there is nothing that expires or expires. As long as the taste does not become very strange, tear the package and eat it directly .

A bright moon hung high in the sky, and after reviving a batch of Confederate garrison corpses, Qiao Lingxiang stood there and stretched, ready to go to get off work with Ban Yue.

Although several batches of corpses were sent to the resurrection area during her stretching, Qiao Lingxiang stayed in the resurrection area all day, and her energy was limited. She also had to sleep, so she stayed up until 10 o'clock in the evening. It was time for Qiao Lingxiang to get off work, and at 8 o'clock in the morning of the next day, she would come to the resurrection area on time to start work.

As a result, as soon as he walked out of the resurrection area, there was a commotion at the gate of the center camp. Qiao Lingxiang stretched her neck to look at the commotion, and saw Ban Yue among a group of people, waving at Qiao Lingxiang and shouting:

"Hurry up, hurry up, the center camp is under attack."

ah? How could the center camp be attacked?

Qiao Lingxiang was puzzled. Who would have the guts to come to the center camp to carry out an attack? Doesn't he know who is in the center camp?

Sure enough, those civilian teams who had the guts to rush into the center camp to carry out attacks, were garrisoned by the supernatural beings in the center camp and killed them all before they rushed into the camp.

And all of them were killed, leaving no one alive.

At this time, the night was getting dark, Qiao Lingxiang walked up to Ban Yue, looked at the gate of the camp in the distance, where there was a corpse of a civilian team, and asked:

"What's going on? Why did the people from the civilian team rush to the gate of the camp?"

While she was asking Ban Yue, Niu Gaoda hurried up to Qiao Lingxiang, saluted Qiao Lingxiang, and said:

"This civilian team attacked the two refrigerated trucks under my command, and replaced the corpses on the truck with their own people. When it was the turn of the two trucks to enter the gate of the camp, they rushed in. I'm sorry, Mr. Joe. , I am checking the identities of these civilian teams."

When Qiao Lingxiang heard what Niu Gaoda said, she immediately expressed her understanding, because the refrigerated trucks travel around most cities in the southern region, and some accidents will inevitably happen along the way.

It's just a pity, because the refrigerated trucks are loaded with civilians, garrisons and security checks.

The civilian team that came to attack the center camp hijacked two refrigerated trucks, which meant that the corpses on the two refrigerated trucks would be disposed of at will, thus losing the chance of resurrection.

And just as Niu Gundam and Qiao Ayaka were reporting the situation, they walked past a garrison behind Niu Gundam with his head bowed.

The garrison was dragging a cart behind him, and the cart was full of dead bodies.

In the midst of the flashes, the tall garrison with his head bowed, took out a mouse-shaped thing from his hand, and threw it at Qiao Lingxiang.

There are garrisons all around, and this tall man's garrison action is not small. Many people discovered something was wrong the first time.

When Niu Gaoda turned around, Ban Yue immediately hugged Qiao Lingxiang and threw Qiao Lingxiang to the ground.

The iron-gray mouse-shaped thing fell directly to the ground, and a garrison next to him hurriedly raised his foot to kick it, but it landed on his feet. Before it touched the iron-gray mouse-shaped thing, it jumped out A layer of transparent ripples formed and burst out in all directions.

All the people standing around were pushed to the ground by the powerful shock wave, whether it was the standing Niu Gundam, Ban Yue who threw Qiao Ayaka to the ground, or even the tall man who threw this thing Garrison, he was not spared.

No one knew why such a traitor appeared in the Confederate garrison.

But this person has indeed entered the center camp, and he came in through a formal way, which seemed to be aimed at Qiao Lingxiang.

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