What was surprising was that the knight was silently watching all this that Yu Yujiu was doing not far away, and did not bother.

Soon, the preparations were done.

"I'm going to get on

!" "Wang!" Yu

Yujiu, who stepped on the stirrup and held the long knife in his hand, rushed towards the knight in bronze armor!

. . .

I don't know how many rounds it is.

The boy and the wolf seemed to merge into one, and kept charging towards the huge knight.

Each time, they dodged the halberd's attacks at a fraction of a second, and used their long knives to cut through the weak points of their armor with precision.

Obviously, in order to facilitate horseback riding, the weakness of this knight's armor is basically concentrated in the lower body...

The strange thing is that the slash marks produced after the hit are not one, but three, and at the same time, they will continue to burst out of green light in this claw-like position.

And the suspended green crystal that followed would fall into the well like a stone, scraping through the deepest slash at a tricky angle.

The knight's wound kept coming out of a cloudy dark green gas that filled the surroundings.

This color is inexplicably reminiscent of plague and poison.

However, Yu Yujiu's violent double slash from time to time would blow it away with a huge wind pressure with a green slash!

As for the residual gas, it would be absorbed by the spiraling crystals, bursting out with a strong green light!

Ten minutes later.

The huge knight finally fell to one knee on the ground.

His legs, like felled logs, were almost cut off alive!

"Thank you," the knight made the sound of an urn.

"Thank you for beating me in a knightly way... Ahem, ahem. The breathing under the helmet was very heavy, "This kind of decent death, as if I was the shame of being controlled by the evil god, has also been washed away." "

You... Do you have any last wishes?" The long knife was sheathed, and Yu Yujiu walked up to him and asked nonchalantly.

“EMMM... I'd like to experience the conferment ceremony again, maybe a little sooner, I won't be able to stay awake for long..."

He pulled up the huge halberd and offered it with both hands,

"Being canonized as a Grand Knight of the Empire by Her Royal Highness Princess Adeline is the most glorious day of my life..."

"I heard from the children in the audience who came all the way from the Giant's Village to see me receive the gift that when they grow up, they will become the Great Knight of the Empire like Brother Boulder... I'm really proud...

"But... Why did the village suddenly disappear... That kid seems to be called Big Head... I brought a bag of candy from the imperial capital, which I had planned to give to him when I returned to the village... I stole a few... There are different fruity flavors... It's sweet...

"Where did I buy it? Mo, Mo—"

He muttered nervously, as if he didn't care about his current situation.

"I want to think about it... It's next to the Imperial Capital Shengguang Square, and Madame Modes's candy house bought it, right, it's really delicious. Taking over the conversation, Yu Yujiu smiled and stretched out his hands.

"Yes, it's a pity that it's too expensive, otherwise I want the giant cubs in the whole village to eat..."

"Are you ready?" the

Giant Knight stopped talking, bowing his head respectfully.

Despite the different hair colors, the gender is also not right.

but his beautiful face and the temperament of a superior person inexplicably reminded him of the princess holding a sword that day.

In the disbelief of everyone, Yu Yujiu raised the giant halberd with one hand and slapped it on the shoulder armor on both sides of the giant knight in turn.

"I, Princess Adeline Clemenson of the Empire, have officially canonized the Giants Boulder as the Grand Knight of the Empire. With courage, wisdom and strength, you will defend your territory and protect your people. May the empire prosper and be at peace forever under your watch. Hearing

this familiar announcement, Juyan's mind seemed to recall the glory of the past.

That's right! That's what the princess said in the Civic Square that day!

, "Thank you, Your Highness, for your trust, I, the Great Rock, will defend the empire and your glory and glory with my life and blood... Boom

, ah!! plague!! to spread the plague to the whole world!!" The darkness under the helmet glowed red again.

A dodge, Yu Yujiu raised his halberd and fell.

The head under the bronze helmet, tossed high.

The headless body gradually turned into ashes.

[You killed the Imperial Knight Boulder, EXP+4524

] [You have been promoted to LV19] [

You have obtained the Heavy Armor of the Imperial Knight of the Plague

] You can't hold it up.

[You have obtained the Broken Giant's Halberd]

uh... Barely able to be used as a greatsword.

[You have obtained the red card name unique to the cursed item of "Touch of Doom (Cursed)".

The card is painted with a bloodshot gem that looks like muscle tissue.

... Isn't that a good thing?

"Little Brother

Yu!" "Yu Yu Jiu!" "

Mr. Yu!"

While thinking about it, I felt that the refugees who had survived the catastrophe had already rushed over.

"You... Wait, what are you doing?"

"One-two-three-toss!One-two-three!" A

bewildered and depressed face was thrown up repeatedly by the happy refugees!

Maybe it was too dark, and many people accidentally stepped on Hao Er's corpse, and their internal organs were trampled to smithered.


The kingdom of the god of knights.

Under the command of his old man, an army of the Kingdom of God is ready to go, and countless warriors are preparing to go on the march.

The target this time is Hell

! There is a plane that has suffered from it and needs to be saved!

"How long will it take?" he

asked impatiently to a paladin behind him who was wielding a staff and sword.

"Hmm... My lord, there is a turbulence in time and space, and it is estimated that there will be more than ten minutes before the portal can be opened, so you can play with the mobile phone kill time first. The

God of Knights: "..."

No way, he took out his phone and played with it.

[The boulder you are particularly concerned about is online] [The boulder you are particularly concerned about is dead, and the points are being counted]


What's going on?!" "

I've been busy lately, and I haven't played this idle game for a while.

Why did the knight he favored disappear all of a sudden?

Or is it such a good seedling as the boulder!

He hurriedly clicked on the life interface of the boulder to see what had gone wrong with the cultivation.

The further he pulled, the more ugly his face became.

"Okay, okay, God of Plague, you can me.

After that, the various misfortunes suffered by the controlled Rock Knight, to the gradual loss of his heart, made him look very unhappy.

"Huh, this is—"

He saw... Boulder's last battle before he died.


This time, I should be able to sleep...

Yu Yujiu, who got into the quilt, thought so.

"Buzz buzz~"

The mysterious shell on his chest shook violently.

[The god of knights appreciates your behavior very much, and likes you and pays attention to the coin

] [You have learned a basic blueprint "Banner of Valor


[He left a message for you]


Thank you, boy].

[Let the boulder he... Died as a Grand Knight

] [This is a fragment of my past sword

] [You may be able to use

it] [Take it

] [You have obtained the transfer item [Miracle Token: Sacred Sword Fragment]<

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