No matter what kind of doctor you are, it will be precious in the last days.

Thinking so, Yu Yujiu peeled off the boiled egg and threw it to the white snake.

After eating the egg, it quickly crawled to the owner's side.

It's not that Yu Yu Jiu is kind, the main thing is that this egg was accidentally dripped with snake saliva....

... Pay attention next time.

Soon, Liu Yao, who was busy with his luggage, took out a few large plastic cages, ran to the garden on the rooftop, and loaded the free-range chickens and rabbits into them.

Hey, this big rabbit is...

... No, this is not a rabbit, but a sailor suit who is eating grass with a rabbit


I saw that he had eaten so much that his belly was bulging, and he looked like he was pregnant!

Liu Yao was so shocked that even the cage fell to the ground, stopped him, and shouted loudly:

"Little friend, what are you doing?!No matter how hungry you are, you can't eat grass, you'll die!" he

scratched his ears and cheeks in a hurry, and next, should he induce vomiting or gastric lavage?

"Ah it's okay, he's not a human, it's my pet, don't worry. Behind Liu Yao, the voice of a black-haired boy sounded.

"Pet, what are you talking about?!" Liu Yao turned his head and looked at him in disbelief, "And slander that he is not a human being, and the outside world has regressed to slavery?!" "

Well, how do you know?... No, I mean he's really not human... Tsk, trouble... Shuma, explain it yourself!




The Moe King agreed perfunctorily, and a translucent blue tentacle reached out, with an innocent rabbit wrapped on it.

The tentacles dangled in front of the two of them as if they were ostentatious, causing the rabbit to scream like a baby.


! That blue-haired wrist actually turned into a tentacle!

Liu Yao was stunned on the spot.

He had read too many Lovecraft novels, and he was so frightened that he sat on the ground, and his SAN value went crazy.


“... I see, you mean that it costs a lot after becoming a chimeric beast, so it needs to replenish the life essence urgently, right? "

Yes, chew, chew. In the resentful gaze of the rabbits, Shuma, who was holding a bundle of grass, was about to eat the turf bald.

Hearing this answer, Yu Yujiu was slightly disappointed.

I thought I was getting a cheap and easy mount, but now it seems that I was thinking too much.

Transforming into such a high-level magical beast, even if it only maintains one, the consumption is very large.

And the "Aquatic Chimera", which is composed of three demonic beasts, is not to mention.

From the point of view of conservation of energy alone....

... The furnace on the chest of the Light Flame Turtle also has to be a level 5 energy consumption.

Comparable to the air conditioning in a rental house.

But mounts have to be on the agenda.

That's it, next time, let's see if there are any suitable Warcraft, kill and take the core.

In his previous life, he had domesticated a Death Dragon as a mount, but that thing was scarce and depended on luck.

Running a hundred miles only consumes half a ton of pasture, which is much easier to raise than those beast king-level war pets who need hundreds of catties of blood food every day.


... Seeing Shuma eating grass with relish

, he felt the same way? Like a cow, he endured hardships and stood hard work!

As the saying goes, what is eaten is grass, and what is produced is born

... Wait

, if he goes to get a two-headed cow core, he'll transform Shuma when he needs to.

Wouldn't you be able to drink milk anytime and anywhere?

I couldn't help but think of myself lying under the cow milking and drinking.

Well... I always feel unsightly.

Touching his chin, Yu Yujiu looked up and down Shuma's barren chest hidden under the sailor's suit.

If the human form is okay...

Yu Yujiu suddenly became excited.

Shuma: The

slime who looked at his master with a cute face.

I had no idea what dirty thoughts he was thinking.

... It was a nefarious plan to train him to be a wet nurse in the truest sense of the word.


Therapeutic occupation as a wet nurse, nothing wrong.

Yu Yujiu smiled and stroked Xiuma's dog's head.

The other squinted his eyes comfortably.

While groping, an oval-shaped shadow loomed over their heads.

"Brother, I'm here! Did you drop the rope and come down?!" At the distance where the call was all about roaring, the sister on the airship shouted directly.

"Just anchor down, it's safe here!" Yu Yujiu roared back.

With that morning experiment on chicken coops, he now has a bold idea.

It's not the kind that puts Kunkun in the fifth-speed electric fan... Bold ideas, but to expand the pod.

On the one hand, after filling the [Demon Mist], the lift of the airbag has been greatly improved.

On the other hand, I just got a "large self-healing airbag for airships".

The upper limit of the large airbag is very large, because the load is also greatly increased.

In this way, there is a lot of redundancy in the design.

Considering that in the future, it may often save people and brush merit or something.

By the way, there are breeding rooms and soilless cultivation rooms, and Lao Tzu wants to eat meat and vegetables rattling!

. . .

Among the stars, a bright moon emitted a demonic red light.

... After the total destruction of human electric civilization, light pollution no longer exists.

The bright galaxy has become visible to the naked eye again.

This is probably the post-apocalyptic world... The only good thing left.

On the almost bumpered turf, there is a "green carpet" that is neither big nor small.

The two of them were gnawing on the roast rabbit with oily hands, constantly bragging and farting.

Next to it, is a plate of roast chicken that has just been taken out of the oven and has been roasted.

On the electric grill in front, half-cooked rabbit meat is constantly spinning.

Brush the semi-finished product with oil from time to time, after all, the rabbit itself has no fat, and it will be very chai if you don't brush the oil.

Then reach over the jars and sprinkle the spices evenly.

The tantalizing smell of oil, and the spicy spicy smell that makes people appetize.

It was late at night, and the high-rise apartment behind them was still brightly lit.

The diesel generators roared, but they no longer had to worry about the noise disturbing the neighbors.

after all, the "neighbors" are constantly slapping the debris in the fire escape, but if they can't get in, they can't get in.

There was the sound of footsteps on the stone slabs.

Yu Yuzhen, who wiped her hair with a large towel and wore loose sportswear, walked out of the apartment.

"Wow, it's so cool to take a bath, brother, go take a bath too." "

Due to the limited water tank, there is no bathtub in the airship for the time being, only showers, so there are not many opportunities to take a bath.

It was great to be able to borrow the bathroom.

But when the renovation is completed tonight, the airship will be able to take a bath.

Thinking of this, Yu Yujiu smiled and nodded.

Seeing that her brother agreed, she happily walked straight into the airship and closed the metal hatch.


The two were silent for a moment.

"I warn you, don't hit my sister's idea. Staring at Liu Yao, Yu Yujiu bit off a piece of meat fiercely.

"No... How could it be, I'm not that kind of beast teacher..."Liu Yao waved his hand awkwardly.

Not to mention that he has never slept with a female student, he thinks that his teacher has not lost anything.

Let's talk about Yu Shaoxia's sister....

... The moment she wiped her hair just now, she thought she had seen the female ghost in the horror movie!

The soul was about to be lost, how dare she run away?!

Of course, these words could never be spoken.

Glancing at him in disbelief, telepathically, after instructing his sister to lock the door, Yu Yujiu also walked into the bathroom.

Ten minutes later, he came out.

"How is it, are you still comfortable?" Liu

Yao asked with an eyebrow raised after putting down the beer bottle that only had a little bit left.

"Comfortable is comfortable, I have never seen such luxurious bathing facilities... But look at the capacity of the water tank... It's almost gone, isn't it?" Sitting on his small stool, Yu Yujiu bit the lid of a bottle of beer and took a few sips, "There are also a bunch of empty barrels in the diesel tank, and the electricity won't last for a few days." "

yes... That bit of diesel was originally purchased to prevent the power outage of the experimental equipment, but I didn't expect it to save my life..."Liu Yao didn't hide it.

“... In other words, if I don't take you away, you're almost trapped here, right?" Breaking off a chicken leg, Yu Yujiu glanced at him with a playful afterglow, and said while gnawing, "What is worried about children, what is saving students, what is so nice to say... Hahaha.

"Ah, believe it or not. Liu Yao spread his hands and didn't care.

"Anyway, I'm doing you a favor in terms of your reward, let's get rid of it. "Don't look at him either, Yu Yujiu just looks at Xiuma who is constantly working from afar.

Knowing that the other party didn't believe him at all, Liu Yao sighed and asked, "By the way, how long do we have to get on

the airship?" He spent the whole night barbecuing while watching the airship be expanded little by little by the slime like a three-D print.

Source of materials... It's all kinds of wood and furniture left on the penthouse.

Even some of the furniture used to block the zombies was used, so it can be said that it is not a desperate bet.

Of course, the effect of the transformation is also huge.

If it was a bit modern before, now... It's become a lot like an airship in a fantasy world.

"What's the hurry...?give Xiuma a little more time, it's not the pod itself, it's just an illegal construction.

"You don't want to fall asleep and fall down because of the quality of the building... Isn't that right? Hiccup..."Yu Yujiu laughed and burped.

"Shhhh Okay, then wait a little longer. After a little imagination, Liu Yao, whose scalp was numb, paid attention to the quality on the spot.

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