Chapter 37 Survivor Base

The hidden vendor was stunned for a moment, the smile on his face faded, he glanced at Xia Bai and said, "Do you know what you are talking about?"

Xia Bai smiled while holding the sour milk in his mouth and shook his head.

The hawker's brows furrowed, and at a certain moment he even felt that Xia Bai was playing tricks on him.

However, immediately after, Xia Bai threw him a small green post office bag directly from the car.

The vendor was surprised. He took it and found it was heavy. He pulled open a corner of the bag and took a look, his expression suddenly changed.

Inside was a piece of brilliant gold, which made his whole face shine.

And the at least a pound.

He raised his head and looked at Xia Bai in front of him in shock.

Xia Bai smiled and said: "If you have what I want, you can come to me when I go back in. If you don't have it, if you can introduce me to relevant people, I can give you more." reward."

The vendor's face changed slightly and he said, "Is this... for me?"

Xia Bai said: "When you entrust someone to do something, you have to show some sincerity first, right?"

"You..." The hawker was indeed in a daze. Even if it was the end of the world, as long as he was lucky and brave, a poor man could get a lot of supplies or gold, but he just threw out a pound of gold as a stepping stone so casually. , it was really the first time he saw it.

Although the price of gold has dropped sharply now, it is still the early days of the apocalypse. Many people know that this thing is of little use, but they are willing to pay a lot of materials in exchange for it. A pound of gold is worth a lot of money.

And just when he was in a daze, Xia Bai already said: "Of course, you can find a group of people to trouble me. They are all insignificant things, just more troublesome. So, if possible, I I think we should try our best to comply with each other's requirements. If you give me channels to get what I want, I won't treat you badly."

Xia Bai knew that he would take a certain risk by throwing away a pound of gold like this. However, in the Bingcheng Prison Survivor Base, although the military did not control the weapons owned by individuals, a large amount of resold materials were still not allowed. It's allowed. One or two guns are fine, but if Xia Bai wants to get truly powerful and large-volume weapons and equipment, he can only get them from the military and government. This is especially important for sellers. He was extremely cautious. Even if he wanted to sell, it would only be to a big benefactor or a well-known force. There were only seven people on Xia Bai's side. If he didn't reveal that he had "money" first, it would be impossible for anyone to choose to sell to Xia Bai. White weapons and equipment.

Therefore, he used this method to open a path. Although he might take certain risks, it was undoubtedly a method that would get him what he wanted in the shortest possible time.

Moreover, the security in Bingcheng Prison is actually quite good. Xia Bai is a doomsday veteran and there is an awakened person by his side. I really don't think anyone here can pose a threat to them.

Survivors who covet his gold cannot be too strong, and survivors who are too strong will not care about the gold from Xia Bai.

The vendor hesitated for a moment, rolled up the post office bag, stuffed it into his own bag, and said, "Sir, what's your surname?"

"Xia Bai."

The peddler nodded and said, "Wait for me to find you."

With that said, he directly raised his hood to cover his face, and walked away looking around.

Bai Lan, who was sitting in the passenger seat, was a little surprised and said, "You want to buy military weapons?"

Hou Zhuang and others were more curious - where did Xia Bai get the gold?

Although Xia Bai has revealed the secret of his battleship to everyone, he has not told them any more details about his battleship. Therefore, they are not very clear about the detailed functions of this battleship.

Hearing this, Xia Bai glanced at Bai Lan and said with a smile: "Of course you have to be armed to the teeth. You all need to learn how to shoot."

Bai Lan: "Huh?"

The next journey was much smoother. In the area of ​​Bingcheng Prison, the military set up a strict defense system to kill all the zombies that slipped in. Although there were many cars crowded here, it was absolutely safe. of.

When Xia Bai and the others finally reached the security check point when the sky was completely dark, specialized medical staff and military members wearing biochemical suits carefully inspected everyone. This was a full-body examination, as long as there was a wound, it would cause High priority.

The military did not confiscate the weapons carried by Xia Bai, but gave him a serious reminder to pay attention to safety. If he conflicts with others or even kills someone in the Bingcheng Prison Survivor Base, he will be directly expelled from the Bingcheng Prison Survivor Base. .

The inspection took nearly ten minutes to end, and their car followed a military vehicle and drove towards the Ice City Prison.

Hou Zhuang complained: "I really feel like I'm going to jail. The inspection is too strict."

It had only been three days since the end of the world, and it was already fast enough for the military to clear a place to house the survivors. Therefore, there was basically no renovation inside the prison, and all the previous facilities were put into use. middle.

Xia Bai and the others were assigned to Building 9 of the prison and actually lived in the prison.

Xia Bai had experienced it a long time ago and was used to it, but Bai Lan and the others looked a little awkward - after all, it was the end of the world, and they were still a little awkward about this kind of arrangement of living in a prison casually.

On the first floor, a company commander came to greet him.

It was a man about twenty-six or seventeen years old, with dark skin and a resolute expression. He nodded to Xia Bai and others and said: "I am Lin Yong'an, the person in charge of the ninth building. What happened to you in this building?" I will be responsible for everything. We will arrange rooms for you. The tentative situation is that two people share a room. However, the water supply plant has long been damaged and it should be temporarily out of supply. The prison has its own generator. However, power supply must be provided to military industrial facilities, so power cannot be guaranteed. However, the military will distribute a fixed amount of food per capita every day and receive it on time at ten o'clock every day. Please remember.

"Also, I heard, you have guns in your hands, right? The security guy in front may have said that although it is the end of the world, killing people or shooting indiscriminately is still not allowed, because my company We are also responsible for the peripheral security of this area. We may not always be in the Nine Buildings, but the monitoring system is operating normally. Therefore, please remain peaceful and do not initiate conflicts with others. If a conflict occurs, please notify us immediately. Military, we will deal with it impartially."

After the man said this expressionlessly, he motioned to his soldiers to take Xia Bai and others upstairs, while other survivors who arrived were also received by other soldiers.

Xia Bai realized that the reason why the company commander came forward in person might be because he had a gun in his hand.

After all, because of the special nature of China, firearms in the hands of civilians are highly valued. Xia Bai also knows the risks involved if a gun appears in the hands of a person who doesn't know how to use it or who is crazy.

The military agreed to allow survivors to keep the weapons they carried, which itself was a risk.

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