Apocalyptic Black Technology System

Chapter 43 This planet has been targeted!

Liu Tingting had a sweet and gentle smile on her face, as if she was an old friend reunited after a long absence, who had been waiting for a long time and wanted to catch up with Su Ran.

Su Ran didn't like this, and he didn't have the time to talk nonsense, so he went straight to the topic and threatened: "Battle in the Pacific, you will die, believe it or not, I will return the money after autumn, and I will kill you all over the universe." Keep?!"

Yuan Licheng stood at the back with his hands behind his back, and didn't speak anymore.

Liu Tingting was neither nervous nor angry, but said leisurely, "We thought you didn't have time to trouble us."

With that said, it even sat down on the sofa in the living room at the back, pointed to the seat opposite to itself, and said, "Please sit down."

Su Ran was not angry either, the threat he just said was aimless, it was just an attitude. At this time he said: "What do you mean?"

"Didn't you plot against us in the Sky Brood War before? Complicated with each other, this is considered even." Liu Tingting said, "Besides, we have restrained ourselves and have not moved your subordinates. However, I still I really want to ask, since your battleship is complete, why don't you just run away and still waste time here?"

"Why are you still wasting your time here?"

Su Ran sat down, different from Liu Tingting's relaxed expression, his expression was very serious from the beginning: "I hope you can give me a reasonable reason, otherwise with the current situation... the insect swarm is half destroyed, I just slow down Now that I am in such a tone, I will kill you on the earth first!"

If it is Su Ran's casual threat to say that the universe is chasing and killing, but this sentence is true.

The system is now level four, and now, level five is just around the corner. The period of rapid fleet development has arrived. At that time, as long as the spore life is still on the earth, Su Ran is absolutely sure to kill them all. Keep.

Liu Tingting seemed to be still very calm, she shook her head and said, "Su Ran, don't get me wrong. We didn't keep 'manpower' here to trouble you. In fact, we have two plans. First, if you die , we will find a way to occupy this planet, although the human life situation here is very backward, and those stupid bugs are not a race worth invading, but now that we are in decline, don't let it go in vain."

The casual tone in these words made Yuan Licheng raise his eyebrows slightly.

On the other hand, Su Ran remained motionless, as if he didn't care about the content of this sentence at all. After a moment of silence, he said coldly: "I have already set my sights on this planet!"

"Of course. It is precisely because this planet is being targeted by you that we have a second plan, that is, the plan that you are not dead." Liu Tingting glanced at Su Ran and said, "Unfortunately, you did not die.


Su Ran said: "I'm also very sorry that I didn't knock you down from the sky immediately."

"Don't say that. Su Ran, our cooperation is still very pleasant. Those stupid bugs don't know how they lost." Liu Tingting said, "Those stupid bugs even tried to win me over. There is such a huge gap between us, there is no possibility of cooperation between us and them, only they become our vassals. Civilization can decline, but as long as technology and achievements exist, there will always be a day of rise, but the technological gap, the civilization The backwardness cannot be filled for tens of millions of years."

These words made Su Ran a little concerned.

Sure enough, the spore life has always looked down on the swarm...

However, from this point of view, does it prove that the spore life feels that this "down and out alien" is the kind of person who has declined but has the inheritance of civilization?

So the spore life thinks highly of itself?

Thinking of this level, Su Ran suddenly couldn't laugh or cry, she didn't know whether she should feel happy or depressed.

But... At the end of these words, it was Liu Tingting who was boasting about her spore life!

Su Ran said, "Stop talking nonsense."

Liu Tingting smiled and said: "In the final analysis, we are all limited by the current human body. The speed of human information exchange is too slow, so it seems that we are always talking nonsense."

Su Ran said: "Tell me about your second plan. I'm not dead, what are you going to do? I hope you'd better speak carefully, otherwise I'll slaughter all of you on Earth in the future."

"You don't need to slaughter them all. Here is the list of individuals we still have left on Earth. There are 103 people in the new capital, and 76 people in Australia, a total of 179 people." Liu Tingting said He handed over a small notebook and said, "As for our second plan, we want to cooperate with you."

Su Ran narrowed her eyes slightly, and said, "If I remember correctly, in the Pacific War, you would do nothing but die, and before the bastard escaped, we were still in a cooperative relationship..."

"The cooperation we hope for now is different from what it was then." Liu Tingting said, "Before we left this planet, you wanted to kill us, and we wanted you to die too. This is just to use each other and take what they need, you are stronger than us, and you are one with human beings, which poses a great threat to us, so we hope you can die even more."

"It's too straightforward." Su Ran smiled, and was not annoyed, because he had dealt with aliens like spore life a lot, and he could gradually figure out some of their thoughts. At this time, he had already guessed Out of the intention of the other party's cooperation, at this time, he asked instead, "What about now?"

"Now. Our main body has left this planet. So we plan to cooperate with you." Liu Tingting said, "This time it will be a real cooperation. We will assist you and provide you with some of our advanced and powerful biotechnology support , and you provide us with shelter. We want to achieve a symbiotic relationship with you."

Su Ran rubbed her chin and said, "That's why you can't put all your eggs in one basket?"

Previously, they used each other because the civilizations of spore life were all on the earth. Su Ran was vigilant against them and wanted to destroy them all. It is just a small part of spore life individuals among them, and they are the eggs separated out to be placed in another basket.

Su Ran can understand that this is prepared for the extermination of the genus. If the main body of the starry sky is destroyed, the spore life will still have the seeds on the earth, and if the earth is destroyed, there will be the seeds in the starry sky. In this way , The starry sky is so big, but the probability of their genocide is actually smaller.



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