Although Lin Yuandong also saw that this was a nano-weapon, his reaction was a little slower. He didn't realize it until Qiao Xiangchen reminded him, and immediately issued an order. Defense against short-range guns unlocks Safe Mode, which automatically retrieves enemies.

Qiao Xiangchen and Lin Yuandong's caution was not groundless.

The nano-invasion, manipulation, and transformation capabilities displayed by this ghost ship are completely beyond their imagination, and are even far ahead of the nanotechnology mastered by the current Xinjing fleet. They have to guard against it.

In the records of the swarm, the Proxima fleet is even suspected to have smaller units of weapons, no matter how small they may even pass through the energy gap of the shield. Therefore, Lin Yuandong ordered to activate the automatic retrieval defense system of the short-range guns to ensure that there is nothing wrong with it.

However, this is just a precaution. From the current point of view, the Proxima Centauri Fleet does not have any intention or tendency to attack the Xinjing Fleet. On the contrary, it is very active and friendly. This weapon was exposed in front of the fleet, which put the fleet on guard.

From this point of view, these visitors to Proxima Centauri are still sincere?

Qiao Xiangchen turned this thought in his mind, but he didn't relax his vigilance, but immediately passed the harvest here to the direction of the earth.

But on the earth, in the sky above Kyushu Island, in the bridge of the Yuncheng, Su Ran was able to grasp the front-line situation almost immediately, and he immediately passed this information to the countries that were anxiously waiting to achieve complete wartime information sharing At the same time, he immediately sent back the order, saying: "Continue to detect, I need you to spend four days to detect these eleven spaceships."

Lin Yuandong and Qiao Xiangchen were slightly taken aback when they received this news from the fleet.

"Isn't that right? You don't want results, but time?" Qiao Xiangchen, who was maintaining real-time communication with Lin Yuandong, frowned and muttered.

But Lin Yuandong's reaction in this regard was much faster than Qiao Xiangchen's, and said, "Su Ran wants us to delay. So what he wants is four days!"


What are you doing?

Qiao Xiangchen is not very clear, but he believes in Su Ran's determination, and the detection is a long process. Although it is clear that the ghost ships of the other party are completely controlled by nano-machines, they still need to further explore these spaceships. Weapon systems, it would be nice if possible to figure out how these nanomachines work...

The longer the detection time, the more useful information will be obtained, and it will undoubtedly be more beneficial to the Xinjing Fleet if there is a real fight.

From this aspect alone, Qiao Xiangchen agreed.

It's just... Qiao Xiangchen glanced at the twelve-sided conical spaceship docked silently in the distance: Will the Proxima Fleet let the Xinjing Fleet see their warships inside and out?

Lin Yuandong didn't think too much about it. In his opinion, this might be another test by Su Ran to test whether the Proxima Centauri fleet really came with the idea of ​​peace.

For a civilization that can lay out its layout for seven months, such temptations should definitely be had.

Of course, Su Ran's real idea was to delay until the completion of his own aircraft carrier type I. At the same time, Su Ran was really testing it out. He always felt that something was wrong.

The longer the time, the more cooperative the Proxima Centauri Fleet was. This feeling of having a problem has not subsided or weakened, but has become more and more profound, and even makes people feel uneasy.

However, what is wrong?

What is... where... went wrong?



Earth outer space.

Tong Miaoqiu was staring at the "moon" in the distance in a daze, until her deputy Jin Zhiying handed her a cup of coffee, and the female captain came back to her senses.

"Thank you, Representative Kim."

"You should call me Adjutant Jin." Jin Zhiying smiled. Obviously, for her, the title of Adjutant Narcissus of the Xinjing Fleet is undoubtedly more suitable for her. She glanced at her captain, and it was rare to hit the nail on the head Authentic, "Are you a little nervous?"

Jin Zhiying, who has always been very nervous, can speak directly to the point, which surprised Tong Miaoqiu. She shook her head with a smile, and nodded again: "I am really a little nervous. How should I put it, it is like the first time I am walking in a chaotic environment. It’s the same when performing missions on the streets of the Middle East, but at that time I knew I was nervous about my inexperience and the fear of death, but now, to be honest, I’m a little confused about what I’m nervous about.”

"Are you worried about Captain Qiao and the others?" After Jin Zhiying hit the nail on the head, his level quickly dropped, and he began to guess wildly, "It's nothing to be nervous about. Think about it. Captain Qiao was a soldier. It is said that he used to be a sniper. As for Brother Dong, although he is not from a serious combat force and I don't have much contact with him, I can tell that he is a cautious, observant and thinking person. Together, they can be said to be the safest people in the current fleet, they are 'entertaining' the Proxima Centauri fleet in Jupiter orbit, what is there to worry about?"

Although Jin Zhiying's "persuasion" was a bit thoughtless, it was really useful, and Tong Miaoqiu even burst out laughing.

"why are you laughing?"

"You are also called Captain Lin Dongge... But, how did you come to know that Captain Qiao is a sniper? It is not a secret that he is a soldier, but not everyone knows that he is a sniper." what!"

Jin Zhiying smiled and said: "My good sister Junxia Hoshino told me that I know more than that, do you know that it is said that Chen Ling, who is now in the biological laboratory, used to be an old acquaintance with our Commander?" , the two knew each other as early as in Bingcheng."

Tong Miaoqiu was not very clear about this matter, she only knew that Chen Ling and Su Ran had a good personal relationship, but she did not expect that these two people had known each other as early as in Bingcheng.

"Hoshino Junxia, ​​he didn't forget his job when he joined the fleet, but how did this become a gossip? The next time you see her, you have to talk about her, she is still not established in the fleet. Be cautious in your words and deeds..." Tong Miaoqiu said that he was cautious in his words and deeds, but his eyes were wide open, and some curious looks flashed on his already bright face, "But, hurry up and me Tell me, do you know any gossip, gossip, etc..."

Representative Jin showed an exaggerated expression, and leaned into his captain's ear, and the two started whispering like this.

In the distance, the slowly orbiting moon is silently watching the silent Yuncheng, like a silent bystander forever.



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