Chapter Fourteen: The Swarm

On the island of Kyushu, an unprecedented mass evacuation kicked off.

In the deep sea, huge war worms landed on the land of Kyushu Island. Some of them looked like manatees, and some looked weird like ancient aquatic dinosaurs. They dragged their heavy and huge bodies out of the deep sea to meet A temporary station in the future city that has not yet been built in the distance.

But this time, they didn't come to attack and kill.

The Xinjing Fleet headquarters on Kyushu Island and nearly 300,000 survivors from all over the world will be evacuated to all parts of the world through them.

The evacuation forecast was already prepared, but Hoshino Junxia couldn't find a way to transport so many people trapped on Kyushu Island in batches.

But now, with a solution, everything becomes easier.

Meng Yibai was skimming over the insect swarm, and was the first to enter the huge temporary survivor base outside the future city, and entered the temporary command center of the Xinjing Fleet Headquarters from the sound of shouts.

Along the way, a large number of survivors looked up at this scene.

The arrival of the huge war worms outside had already spread among the survivors, and everyone knew that it was the swarm of worms.

In the temporary survivor base of the entire future city, the Xinjing Fleet is turning on the broadcast, and the voice of the announcement echoes over the entire survivor base: "This is the headquarters of the Xinjing Fleet. A large swarm of insects is currently landing along the coastline. Please don’t panic, this swarm of insects is not an enemy, they are here to help us, we will use these giant war insects to completely wipe out Kyushu Island, next, please follow the instructions of the executive officers of the Xinjing Fleet in each division to the designated The location. This is..."

Loud voices echoed, drones and radios carried messages to every corner of the makeshift survivor base.

Every survivor finds the situation somewhat incomprehensible at the moment.

Why would the swarm help them evacuate?

For many people, the cooperation between the Zerg Swarm and the Xinjing Fleet is still a secret. Even if some people have heard about it, it is said that the interaction between the Xinjing Fleet and the Zerg Swarm has been particularly close recently, but it has never been really confirmed.

until today.

The answer is already on the paper.

Junxia Hoshino was the first to come out to greet her, raised her head, and watched the girl with silver-gray skin descend from mid-air. Her perfect figure and exaggerated way of appearing on the stage attracted many people to look at her a few more times. .

Meng Yibai landed on the ground, but looked up at the sky instead.

At the far end of the sky, clusters of small firefly-like flashes are shining, accompanied by meteors passing by occasionally, disappearing into space in the blink of an eye.

If this was a time of peace, this must have been a fantastic and beautiful scene, but now that the world is in turmoil and the tide of the apocalypse is raging, this scene now looks more like a prelude to destruction.

Hoshino Junxia and Meng Yibai both knew that it was not a meteor at all, it was the destroyed space satellite combat group of his circumplanetary defense system being destroyed one by one by enemy ships in space, and the flickering light was that they were in the sky. explode.

And because there is a satellite group over Asia at this moment, everyone on Kyushu Island can see this scene.

However, what they can witness is only the fringe situation of the space annihilation war.

According to the latest information feedback,

The four satellite attack groups currently deployed in space have been completely defeated, unable to withstand the attack of the Proxima Centauri fleet at all, and are being destroyed utterly.

This means that there is not much time left for them.

Hoshino Junxia and Meng Yibai looked at each other and understood that this moment is not the time to talk nonsense.

Hoshino Junxia handed the prepared portable terminal to Meng Yibai, and said: "This is the retreat plan we have compiled. The soldiers of the Xinjing Fleet, including their families, have detailed everyone's retreat plan. For other ordinary survivors, I will divide them by region. It's all inside, I need you to control your swarm and disperse them."

Having said that, Junxia Hoshino paused for a moment, and instinctively glanced in the direction where the swarm of insects came from.

Of course, she still couldn't see the huge war bugs summoned by Meng Yibai at this position, so she asked, "How many big war bugs do we have?"

"Not many. There are only 230, each of which can carry one to two hundred people at most." Meng Yibai responded immediately, "These are marine war worms, a group tailored for the earth's ocean system, although It travels slowly on land, but when entering the sea, its speed is comparable to that of an ordinary frigate."

Although these giant war bugs look huge in size, they are not powerful bugs in themselves, let alone space-level or general-purpose war bugs of the swarm. Instead, they were cultivated and adapted to the ocean conditions of the earth after they came to the earth. The new type of war insects on the earth, therefore, their number is not large, their intelligence level is not high, and their importance is not much. When the insect swarm retreats, these almost marginalized insects are directly abandoned, and they can only follow along. Wandering in the sea, floating around like a lonely ghost, but because of this, there has never been any conflict with the humans preparing for the battle of Proxima Centauri.

And because they are fringe worms, their loyalty to the queen is absolutely undeniable. As long as they are called, they will immediately gather from all directions to respond to the call of the queen of the swarm.

Hoshino Junxia's heart sank slightly when she heard the words. Just now she saw the momentum and thought that there would be nearly a thousand large war insects no matter what, but she didn't expect so few.

However, it is meaningless to be fast in the ocean without sufficient protection and fixed measures. In the current situation, if the Proxima fleet clears the four groups of satellite attack groups in space, it will choose to attack humans. Kyushu Island New The headquarters of the Beijing Fleet must be the first target of their attack. Based on this situation, they can evacuate two to three groups of people at most. According to the most ideal situation, it is about 120,000 people.

Less than average for the survivors who are currently here.

But now is not the time to talk about this, Hoshino Junxia said directly: "I understand. We will start the evacuation process now!"

Meng Yibai nodded, she took the terminal handed to her by Junxia Hoshino, looked at it and quickly lifted off into the air, making a silent low-frequency scream in mid-air, directing these large war insects to prepare to welcome their passengers.

On the other side, Hoshino Junxia immediately began to evacuate all levels of personnel in the temporary headquarters of the Xinjing Fleet.

Command, Engineering, Biology, Ground Medical...

In the headquarters, batches of personnel were withdrawn, and the materials were brought out. Only Zhang Jianguo was still leading a group of people to contact various countries—because according to Hoshino Junxia’s deployment, a large number of people would land in various countries, and they had to be Say hello first.

The ground headquarters of the Xinjing Fleet is in full swing for an unprecedented and unprecedented retreat.



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