Apocalyptic Black Technology System

Chapter 117 The Final Mission

Chapter 117 The Final Mission

In the depths of the distant starry sky, which is endless light years away from the solar system and the triple star system, on the edge of the Orion galaxy, on an unknown fiery red planet.

On the devastated land, strange-shaped alien creatures came out of their hiding places, or showed surprised expressions on the weird-shaped aircraft they drove.

They were extremely surprised to find that the terrifying alien dodecahedron battleship that had been fighting with them had left the battlefield like that, leaving the planet that could be conquered immediately, and disappeared into the deep space like a burning butt. .

These alien creatures communicated with each other, and gradually came to a conclusion that surprised them.

The powerful civilization behind this dodecahedron battleship was likely to be attacked by a more powerful civilization, forcing it to return immediately.

What kind of existence could make this dodecahedron civilization, which is as powerful as a natural disaster, go away in such a hurry?

These extraterrestrial creatures all showed outward and shocking colors.


Trinity Star Battlefield.

Homestead bridge.

"Surprisingly, this Proxima Xingxing-class battleship came all the way from an unknown distance, and it was the first to attack the two Yuncheng-class warships we left in outer space?" Li Yilan frowned. Wrinkled, said, "They probably want to use this Proxima Xingxing-class battleship to turn the tide of the battle and completely wipe out our entire Xinjing fleet. When these two Yuncheng-class warships are destroyed, the next target to be attacked must be It is Lin Yuandong's Vagabond!

"Although this Proxima star warship is suspected to have returned from the battlefield, its strength is still strong enough. If it joins hands with the Proxima Star star warship that was disabled by us on the escape route, the fleet in Lin Yuandong's hands may not be an opponent.

"In this way, they will be defeated one by one, and they will soon be able to rejoin the triple star system. At that time, we will face a pincer attack, and we may be wiped out by the opponent in one fell swoop!"

Su Ran was also frowning, looked at the collected data and information, and came to a conclusion: "As long as we can solve this Proxima Centauri planetary fortress faster than them, we will be able to rush to the rescue of Lin Yuandong. Come over and completely eat the two star-class warships of Proxima Centauri!"

Li Yilan combined the analysis results of the advisory group and the computer, and quickly responded: "Yes, it is true. But..."

She seemed hesitant to speak, but what she wanted to say was that if two Proxima Xingxing-class warships attacked back and forth, with the strength of the fleet in Lin Yuandong's hands, it would be difficult to support it for a long time.

Lin Yuandong only has one battle group in his hands, and the Wanderer is more of a functional flagship, and its own combat power is not strong. Their firepower, entanglement with a nearly crippled Proxima star-class battleship is okay, but if Coupled with the same battleship with full combat power, it would be a one-sided battle without any suspense.

Su Ran also understood this truth.

Proxima apparently hoped to take this opportunity, in turn, to completely devour the Xinjing Fleet, which had already been mired in the quagmire of war, and never leave any future troubles.

The current Xinjing fleet has no way out.

Su Ran immediately connected Lin Yuandong and informed the other party of the situation. He said solemnly: "Brother Dong, I need you to help us drag the two star-class warships Proxima Centauri, the longer the better, otherwise, the new The Beijing Fleet will probably pay a heavy price today."

In the distant battlefield, on the Homeland, Lin Yuandong only smiled slightly at this, without hesitation for half a second, he resolutely replied: "Your Excellency, Commander, I would like to issue a military order and vow to hold back the enemy fleet's footsteps at all costs! "

Su Ran's heart trembled slightly.

He knew that there was no need for a military order at all, because it would be death if it could not be delayed, and it would almost be death if it could be delayed.

But now, Lin Yuandong's battlefield is different from Su Ran's here. They can leave the battlefield.


Su Ran didn't say much,

Only said solemnly: "Brother Dong, take care, you must live."

Lin Yuandong just laughed: "Go back and buy me a drink."

With that said, he took the initiative to cut off contact with Su Ran.

While on the Homeland, Lin Yuandong silently glanced at the enemy ship with broken defenses in the sky, just stared at it silently, but did not give an order for a long time.

Seeing this, Li Yan, Lin Yuandong's adjutant, couldn't help but asked with some concern: "Brother Dong, we already know that a second Proxima Xingxing-class battleship is coming soon, and now we... have to continue this fierce attack." Is it? If we don't start shrinking, Proxima reinforcements must arrive on the battlefield, possibly..."

"We can't shrink." Lin Yuandong said, "The reinforcements of Proxima Centauri will come, one is to annihilate us; the other is to save and rendezvous with the broken starship we are killing now, if we cannot continue to exert pressure and maintain the offensive, Threats to the current broken starship, the reinforcements from Proxima Centauri are likely to go directly to the triple star system, and now the broken starship we killed may also find a chance to return to the triple star battlefield. Come on, our main force is finished.

"We have to attack.

"We have to attract them.

"Then we're going to hold them down."

Li Yan looked at the decisive expression in Lin Yuandong's eyes, hesitated to speak, and finally gritted his teeth, saying: "I understand, Brother Dong, brothers listen to you!"

In the dark deep sky, the Wanderer is still at the rear, and the fleet led by the warships launched a new round of onslaught.

In the Homeland, Su Ran sighed leisurely.

At the front end of the battlefield, the entire Proxima Centauri planetary fortress has been lit up.

But at the same time, the Xinjing fleet lost more than ten Yuncheng-class warships and bombers.

The number of battleships is becoming less and less.

The Homeland has also been attacked repeatedly, with flames burning everywhere, and engineering robots rushing to repair it everywhere, like a big ship full of holes, which may really sink at any time.

Su Ran looked forward.

The long-silent positron cannon finally fired again.

The shining light once again danced in the space, and the super-new burst of flash appeared again.

vertical and horizontal breakdown.

The front of the planetary fortress of Proxima Centauri began to explode magnificently.

The flames and explosions in several directions are connected with each other, like dominoes. As far as the eye can see, the half sphere of the Proxima Centauri planetary fortress in front of Home has been bathed in the dazzling and destructive flames.

Moreover, not only its surface layer is exploding in chains, but the interior is also undergoing martyrdom explosions, and the unstoppable destruction is spreading along this artificial planet.

But that still wasn't enough to destroy it.

This fortress is quite dense, and it was built by the Proxima Centauri civilization for an unknown number of years. Two rounds of attacks are still not enough to completely disintegrate.



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