"Help! Help! Who will save me! Ahhhhh!!!"

Lin Cheng, who hadn't slept all night, was suddenly awakened by the urgent cry for help from downstairs. Before he could react, the cry for help suddenly went silent after a heart-rending scream!

Feeling that something was wrong, he hurriedly leaned over the window and looked down, but was blocked by the fog that covered the clouds and the sun.

Won't something hurt happen again? !

Thinking of this, Lin Cheng hurriedly put on his clothes without washing his face, and was ready to go downstairs to check the situation. After opening the door, he found that it was not only him, but basically the entire hotel's guests were alarmed by the screams downstairs. .

After taking the elevator down with the chattering crowd, Lin Cheng saw that the parking lot in front of the hotel was already densely surrounded by people. He hurried over and squeezed forward. The sight gave the frightened scalp a tingling!

At this time, the person lying on the ground is no longer a complete person. The belly that was cut open by some kind of sharp weapon is so bloody open, the heart and intestines that are still beating slightly are scattered on the ground, and half of the face has been bitten by something. His face was beyond recognition, and blood was dripping down the torn neck, dyeing the ground around him a deep red!

Looking at the bloody corpse in front of him, Lin Cheng felt nauseated in his stomach. He resisted the feeling that he was about to vomit. With a pale face, he was no longer in the mood to think about any hurtful incident. There was only one thought in his mind, hurry up. Go back to your room!

Thinking of this, Lin Cheng turned around and squeezed out of the crowd. Just as he was about to go upstairs, he saw something suddenly jump out of the thick fog!

Before he could see what it was, the thing that jumped out of the thick fog made a muffled whimper, jumped over his head at an extremely fast speed, and rushed directly into the dense crowd behind him!

The speed of this strange thing is too fast, and Lin Cheng's reaction speed, which has been strengthened by the potion, can't keep up.

The monsters that jumped into the crowd were like wolves entering the flock, and they would bite people when they caught them. In an instant, seven or eight people had been brutally murdered!

The crowd frightened by this ferocious monster screamed and fled in all directions. Those who ran slowly were pushed to the ground, and they were trampled countless times by the frightened crowd and never stood up again. It was still lively just now. At this time, the neighborhood has become a hell on earth!

Lin Cheng was also frightened by the slaughtering monster in a cold sweat. Seeing the monster slaughtering in the crowd, he quickly raised his weak legs and wanted to escape back to the hotel.

But when he looked up the situation and stepped back to the hotel lobby, he suddenly felt something grabbing his left leg!

Hold! Will there be another one? !

After this series of bloody incidents, Lin Cheng was already scared to death. At this time, he felt that his left foot was caught by something, and he couldn't help but wailed. He hurriedly looked down, only to see a man holding his left foot. It's not that weird monster, but it scares him even more than that weird monster!

But I saw the unrecognizable corpse that I just saw was resurrected! At this time, the 'he' looked a little different from before. There was only one eye left, the white of the eye was missing, the whole eyeball was a kind of dead gray, and the blue skin also became like tree bark. Dry and shrink!

He didn't know when he had dragged his intestines and crawled to Lin Cheng's feet. The dirty and sticky pus and blood pulled out a long black blood trail on the ground. He grabbed his left leg with both hands and opened it. Sharp teeth are ready to bite!

Seeing that this long dead body was not only resurrected but also wanted to bite himself, Lin Cheng's mind was extremely chaotic, but he knew better that now was not the time to hesitate. 'A slap in the face!

After kicking and kicking the corpse away, Lin Cheng resisted the urge to urinate.

Ignoring the chaotic scene behind him, he hurriedly rolled and crawled into the hotel lobby.

After escaping into the lobby, he didn't dare to stop for a second, and rushed to the elevator, only to find that none of the elevators at the moment were parked on the first floor!

Seeing that these elevators had been removed from the chain in an emergency, Lin Cheng was so angry that he swears, but he didn't dare to linger. Who knows when the man-eating monster will kill him in the hotel.

Helplessly, he hurriedly ran into the safe passage to climb the stairs. Fortunately, his room was not too high. He hummed and climbed to the ninth floor. Lin Cheng used his last strength to rush into the room and locked the door, then sat down on his ass. On the ground, gasping for breath!

Finally escaped!

Lin Cheng clutched his trembling chest, feeling extremely fortunate in his heart. Under the situation just now, if he hesitated for a second, he would most likely die there!

After taking a few more deep breaths, when his mood eased a little, he quickly took out his mobile phone and wanted to call Aunt Qin to ask her about the situation, but found that there was no signal.

After repeatedly shutting down and restarting several times, Lin Cheng was disappointed to find that there was no problem with the phone, but that he really couldn't receive any signal!

The phone couldn't get through, so he quickly turned on the computer to check the situation online, but found that the network was also disconnected.

Deeply feeling that something was wrong, Lin Cheng quickly turned on the TV and wondered if there would be any official news to tell him what happened, but the snowflakes all over the screen shattered his last hope!

Under the repeated blows, Lin Cheng was already a little desperate. He was anxiously circling around the room, and the series of accidents in the morning was about to break his psychological defense line!

What exactly happened? Is this what the boot system calls a sea change? !

Lin Cheng thought about this question over and over again in his heart, but no one could answer him.

I can't get through on the phone, and I can't understand the situation on Aunt Qin's side. Will there be the same monster attacking people there? Did Aunt Qin and the others listen to their own words and stay at home, and did they hoard enough food and water?

And even if you don't mention Aunt Qin's side, what should you do on your own side?

Without the Internet, without news, I am completely smeared at the current situation, and I don't know anything.

There are ferocious man-eaters outside, as well as the strange living dead who stood up again after being attacked by the monsters. Now he is completely a trapped beast, and he is still the kind of person who does not know how lucky he is to survive for a few days.

Lying on the bed staring blankly at the chandelier on the ceiling, listening to the screams from downstairs from time to time, Lin Cheng turned a deaf ear to everything that was happening around him, and quietly thought about his way out.

After two hours of buffering, Lin Cheng's mind became active again. He suddenly thought that he had a system by his side!

There are so many things that happened in the past two days, Lin Cheng almost forgot about the fact that he was in charge of the system!

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