Apocalyptic Capsule System

Chapter 59 Infiltration

Lingxian County, which is adjacent to Mangshan Mountain in the north, is a 'famous' impoverished county under the jurisdiction of Chengyang City, with an official population of only about 800,000.

It is famous because although this county is poor, the poor people have the backbone, and the crime rate has been ranked first in the province for five consecutive years.

Too many criminals of robbery, murder, theft, etc. have come out of Ling County. Even if Lin Cheng was just a lonely school student before, he had heard of this famous "sin county".

Standing on the only broad north-south avenue in the county town, Lin Cheng was facing the heavy snowfall that suddenly fell at an unknown time. He carefully recalled the location of the Tianhe Hotel in his mind, and then glanced at the road sign. It was not far from the Tianhe Hotel, so he shook the snowflakes on his body, hacked to death two zombies thrown out of the snowdrifts, and walked towards the Tianhe Hotel again.

On the way to the Tianhe Hotel, Lin Cheng carefully recalled the method that Hongmao said before, how to sense the ability. He also tried to sense it a few times in his heart, and found that it was of no use, except for being tired and out of breath. In addition, not even the root hair was summoned.

Reluctantly giving up this hopeless attempt, Lin Cheng raised his head and glanced at the hotel building with the Tianhe Hotel sign not far away, Shen Xinxin slowed down and slowly moved there.


Wu Liang has been extremely nourished recently.

He was originally just a poor gangster in Ling County. He could only earn a few dozen dollars every day by smuggling and cheating, and he was always worried about being chased and beaten. There was no way, who would let him Just a little scumbag who doesn't get in the way?

But since the end of the world, everything has changed!

After the entire county town was plunged into an unprecedented chaos, although Wu Liang himself was panicked, for some reason, there was an inexplicable joy in his heart!

Facts also proved that the joy in his heart was not unreasonable. He was lucky to catch up with the eldest brother Chen Yuemin in Lingxian County, and followed the group to occupy the mountain as the king in the only three-star Tianhe Hotel in Lingxian County.

Although he is still just a low-level guy who is watching the wind in this gang, he is much better than before, because Chen Yuemin is very familiar with the distribution of materials in this county. In time, the granary in Lingxian County was robbed, and several large supermarkets were looted again, and all these materials were moved to the Tianhe Hotel for storage.

Because Chen Yuemin is very forthright and generous, these little brothers have also been exposed to the light, and they have returned to the living standard before the end of the world. They drink, smoke and play cards every day. The most important thing is that they can pull a woman to be cool. To die, I can't live happily any longer.

Holding a half-smoked Zhonghua cigarette in his hand, Wu Liang sat in the lobby on the first floor and glanced at the goose feather snow falling outside. He thought that he would be able to change shifts in another hour, and that he would be able to find the woman from yesterday after get off work. After venting again, my heart suddenly felt happy.

Just thinking about these beautiful things, he suddenly saw a dark figure rushing in, and before he could shout, someone grabbed his neck tightly, and then his whole body was lifted up and dragged directly out of the hotel lobby. Into the next alley!

Feeling that it was getting harder and harder to breathe, Wu Liang's face was flushed red, he frantically waved his hand to indicate that he had something to say, and then saw the suddenly appearing figure suddenly let go of the hand that was pinching his neck. When he recovered from the violent cough, he heard the man whisper to him, "Be honest if you don't want to die!"

Wu Liang nodded again and again, coughed violently, and then looked up at the man, only to see that he had a hood on his head and a pair of wide snow goggles on his face, so that people could not see him at all. 's appearance.

"You...cough...do you know where this is? If you put me out like this, the third brother will find out in a while, and you will definitely be dead by then! If you want me to tell you, you might as well let me go and run away. Bar,

If our boss catches him, he can stab you to death with a single finger! "


He slapped the idiot in front of him who dared to threaten him. After seeing him being slapped, he didn't dare to speak any more. Lin Cheng took off his snow goggles and hood, and after listening to the movement in the hotel, he found that there was nothing. When the footsteps heard, he squatted down and asked him with a cold face: "I have already understood the situation of your eldest and the third, and you will definitely die here if you talk nonsense! Now tell me, are they in the hotel? What floor are you on? How many people do you have upstairs?"

Hearing Lin Cheng's question, Wu Liang stared in disbelief. Although he was timid, he was not stupid. Listening to what Lin Cheng said, this guy was completely aimed at his boss!

After guessing Lin Cheng's purpose, Wu Liang swallowed his saliva, knowing that it would be useless to talk about it now, so he could only answer with a bitter face: "Big brother and third brother are both on the third floor, second brother... two Brother went to collect supplies! There are about 120 people, they all defected after hearing the news, and brother took all the orders..."

Hearing Wu Liang's words, Lin Cheng nodded knowingly, and stopped talking nonsense to him. After directly killing this guy with a knife, he narrowed his eyes and thought about how to kill these two people under the protection of more than 100 people. An ability person gets energy value.

Since this Chen Yuemin's ability is unknown, he doesn't really want to kill him in such a dazed way, because if Chen Yuemin's ability is too tricky, it will be difficult to withdraw at that time.

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Cheng found that there was no good way to sneak in. After all, this was someone else's chassis. He was unfamiliar with life and could only act by chance.

Returning to the hotel lobby again, Lin Cheng glanced at the stairway on the left, and slowly dived upstairs with light steps.

I don't know if it was because the weather was too cold, but when he walked up to the second floor, he found that there was no one in the corridor.

Seeing that the situation upstairs was somewhat different from his own imagination, Lin Cheng was very helpless, thinking that he would have asked Chen Yuemin's room number if he knew it earlier...

Feeling that it is too inefficient to search like this, and it is easy to disturb a large number of people. He has no choice but to continue to go up to the third floor. He found a closed door and was going to find someone to ask Chen Yuemin's room number.

Looking at the wooden door in front of him, Lin Cheng pulled out a straight knife and stabbed the door hard, then cut a semi-circle along the pierced hole. Hearing footsteps coming from inside, he pushed open the door directly. rushed in!

He kicked away the naked strong man who rushed up. Before Lin Cheng could see the situation in the room, he heard a woman's screams filling the entire hotel!

What the hell! How can there be a woman here? !

Quickly rushed into the room to take a look, and saw a woman lying on the bed wrapped in a quilt, looking at herself in horror, no need to think, the scream just now must be her.

After hearing the sound of the door opening in the corridor, Lin Cheng didn't dare to hesitate any more. He rushed forward and slashed the woman's neck with the palm of his hand. After knocking her out, he quickly turned around and kicked the woman who was about to get up. Strong man's chest!

"What's the number of your boss's room?!"

Looking at the strong man with a painful face, Lin Cheng was a little anxious, and asked with a cold face.

"Let me tell you, the 311 luxury suite is only 998 a night!"

Hearing the snarling voice, Lin Cheng frowned and looked up, and saw a strong man standing at the door, looking at him with a livid face!

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