Apocalyptic Capsule System

Chapter 9 Energy Value

After sitting on the ground and resting for a while, Lin Cheng finally felt his body regain some strength, then took off the scarf wrapped around his head and wiped the sweat from his face.

After wiping off the sweat, he hurriedly wrapped the scarf on his head again. He didn't care to savor the joy of the rest of his life, and hurriedly called out the system menu.

When he just hacked the man-eater to death, the familiar beep sounded in his mind, but at that time he didn't have the heart to deal with it at all. After recovering his strength, he found that the energy value had increased by a large amount. 10 o'clock!

Seeing the total value of 11 points displayed on the energy value interface, Lin Cheng felt that he was about to be stunned by the rush of happiness. You know, killing a living dead will give you 1 energy value!

After being excited for a while, Lin Cheng finally calmed down. In fact, it's not surprising to think about it. Killing a living dead gives 1 energy point, but killing a man-eater gives 10 points. Converted, it is equivalent to a food. The fighting power of the monster is equivalent to ten living dead, and according to the conclusions he has drawn from the battle, the fighting power of the two sides may be far more than this gap!

So you're still at a loss? Lin Cheng thought that he was a little greedy and not enough, and then shook his head mockingly. He almost lost his life just now. At this time, not only is he alive and well, but he also gained 11 energy points. What else is he not satisfied with?

Thinking of this, Lin Cheng stood up and searched the room as usual, but found the body of the owner of the room in the bathroom.

Lin Cheng guessed that this unlucky bastard wanted to take a shower or just finished taking a shower, because his headless corpse, dismembered by the cannibal, was still lying in the bathtub wearing a bathrobe stained with blood, and the fragmented internal organs were scattered. After a pool, the severed head rolled down beside the toilet, and a pair of dead eyes widened. At this time, it was facing Lin Cheng, and his heart froze when he saw him!

It was a little uncomfortable to be stared at by these dead men, so Lin Cheng hurriedly grabbed a pack of Coke from the refrigerator and flashed it.

After returning to the room, Lin Cheng looked up at the wall clock on the wall and found that it was half past one in the afternoon. He quickly took off his down jacket covered in black blood of monsters and threw it at the door together with the fire axe, and then touched his already hungry stomach. , took out a piece of bread and ham from the food pile beside the bed and devoured it with the Coke just scavenged.

After finally filling his stomach, Lin Cheng hiccupped, laying on the bed and closing his eyes for a while, then reopened his eyes and began to summarize today's battle and what he saw.

According to the situation on the seventh, eighth, and ninth floors that he inspected today, the living dead in the hotel are still relatively rare.

Thinking about it, since the bloody murder happened downstairs yesterday morning, the survivors, whether they are passers-by or hotel guests, have not recovered. .

Is it safe to stay in the house?

Lin Cheng didn't think so, didn't the man-eater that he just killed jumped in from outside?

And that is the seventh floor. If the man-eater can climb the seventh floor and attack people, the ninth floor where he lives will never be spared!

You are really careless!

Lin Cheng cursed inwardly, but who could have predicted that such a monster that could climb stairs would appear?

Thinking of this, he quickly got up and ran to the window to have a look. After finding that there was nothing abnormal for the time being, he quickly thought about how to strengthen the window in his mind.

There were a lot of supplies in the house, but there were no such things as wood and iron nails needed to strengthen the windows. Lin Cheng felt a bit of a headache, and finally he had no choice but to decide to go downstairs later to fix the two rooms. The bed plank in the room that was inspected was removed.


Taking advantage of the already darkened sky, Lin Cheng was tired and sweating profusely, and finally disassembled the bed boards in both rooms and moved them back to his room.

After moving back to the bed, he couldn't take a rest.

He quickly lifted up a bed board and placed it by the window for a gesture, feeling that the size was sufficient, and then put the quilt brought back with him on the ground to muffle the sound, put the bed board on it, picked up the fire axe and chopped it up.

He slashed and slashed at the bed board, and before he knew it, more than half an hour passed. The sky outside had completely darkened. Lin Cheng lit a candle, and took advantage of the weak candlelight to chop up the ground piece by piece. The planks are given a final finish.

Then, he picked up a piece of sharpened wooden board and stuck it on the walls on both sides of the window. After aligning the positions, he pinched one of the iron nails he was biting in his mouth. The nail cap slammed hard against the wall.

The iron nails were found in a passing staff lounge when he was moving the bed board. Although it was a little strange why there were only iron nails but no hammers in the drawer, the situation at the time did not allow him to think too much.

After working hard for more than an hour, Lin Cheng finally nailed the entire window with wooden boards. He originally wanted to seal it directly, but after thinking about it, he still left a three-finger-wide horizontal gap in the middle for him to observe at any time. The situation downstairs.

Looking at the window in front of him that he had reinforced with wooden boards, Lin Cheng felt that it was still a bit reluctant to use it to resist the invasion of monsters, but this was the best defense he could do at the moment.

After doing this, Lin Cheng felt that he was exhausted and was about to collapse. He quickly stuffed some food into his stomach. After drinking a few sips of mineral water, he lay directly on the bed. Today's experience made his mind and body first. The first time he felt exhausted, he closed his increasingly heavier eyes and started snoring after a while.


"Call the menu list!"

Early the next morning, Lin Cheng, who had had a good night's sleep, twisted his neck, which was a little stiff because he slept too deeply, and hurriedly called out the menu.

He was so tired yesterday, and after nailing the window, he finally couldn't hold it anymore and fell asleep. Thinking about it now, it's really dangerous.

After secretly reminding himself that he must not sleep too much in the future, Lin Cheng looked at the floating menu in front of him and began to choose the capsule he wanted.

He killed a living dead and a man-eater yesterday, and gained a total of 11 energy points. Since this was the first time he had obtained energy points, he wanted to see if it was enough to exchange for a pistol he wanted.

Entering the weapon capsule interface again, Lin Cheng saw that there were two options, hot weapons and cold weapons.

I clicked on the hot weapon on the left, but I saw two options. I found that the left is a gun category and clicked in. Then I saw a striking red metal capsule floating in front of my eyes, and a brief introduction about it was written below.

After seeing the word Boretta 92F pistol written in the introduction, Lin Cheng couldn't wait, so he hurriedly recited an exchange to it, but suddenly heard a slightly harsh "beep" sound in his mind. Then, a row of eye-catching Chinese characters are displayed in front of the interface of the pistol capsule, and the energy value cannot be exchanged!

WTF? !

Lin Cheng was a little dumbfounded!

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