Apocalyptic Capsule System

Chapter 91 Rescue Mu Houyuan

In a hurry, Lin Cheng glanced behind him and saw that there was a hidden door not far away. He didn't have time to think about it. Before the soldiers approached, he rolled his head and rushed to the door. Before those soldiers could react, they pushed open the door and flashed in, and then tightly plugged the iron bolt behind the door!

"Da da da--!!!"

As soon as he entered the house, he heard the sound of a burst of fire hitting the door, and the iron door was swept up into a dense bulge!

After seeing the bulge on the door, Lin Cheng felt that the iron door should help him buy a few minutes of breathing time. He took a few deep breaths, and then raised his head to look around this gloomy and cold room, trying to find something. There was no such thing as a back door for him to escape.

But after a few laps, there was no shadow of the back door at all, but he saw a scene that almost suffocated him!

Looking around, this room of only more than 200 square meters is full of cold mortuary beds, on which lie corpses with dismembered stomachs, and the exposed organs are covered with a thin layer of white ice. This room has been running strong air-conditioning, and the color of these internal organs has already turned blue.

And what angered Lin Cheng the most was that a row of morgues not far away were blatantly covered with the corpses of young children!

Looking at the corpses of these young children being wantonly destroyed, Lin Cheng only felt an indescribable anger going straight to the top of his head!

He doesn't care about the human experiments these people do, or even the ability to experiment with them. However, these dehumanized people dare to experiment with ignorant young children, even an indifferent person like Lin Cheng. It is completely unacceptable!

There was a hint of coldness in his eyes, Lin Cheng closed his eyes and mourned for a moment for the corpse in the morgue, then opened his eyes again, although his eyes were extremely calm, but the chilling chill exuded from his body was completely. Can't hide it!

He slashed the horizontal lock on the iron gate with a knife and looked at the soldiers who rushed in. Lin Cheng put his hands on both sides and squeezed it hard. He saw a sharp ice thorn suddenly bursting out from the ground, and instantly Thoroughly pierce the feet of these soldiers who are rushing towards them!


"What's on the ground... ah!!!"

"My feet are torn! Captain, save me!!!"


Listening to the screams of these soldiers one after another, Lin Cheng grinned, and his heart moved. The ice slag mixed with blood and water quickly condensed again, but in a few seconds, it merged into two giant ice pieces about five cubic meters in size. Stand on either side of these fallen soldiers.

Afterwards, as soon as Lin Cheng snapped his fingers, these soldiers saw two giant ices suddenly rushing towards them at an accelerated rate. They didn't have time to react, and they were completely caught in a jerk in the miserable howls of crying fathers and mothers!


Hearing this heavy crash that symbolized the end of life, Lin Cheng sighed in his heart...

"Sleep with the people in the room..."

Seeing the blood flowing out from the gap between the two giant ices, Lin Cheng murmured softly and walked straight out of the morgue that had already become a purgatory on earth. Then, he tightened the iron door and sat on the ground gasping for breath. .

Although the time of the battle just now was very short, the continuous use of power in this way would consume too much physical strength. After sitting on the ground and resting for ten minutes, he felt that his legs were no longer weak, and then he stood up and dared not stand up. Do the delay and continue to rush towards the tenth floor!

His whereabouts have been completely exposed, and Lin Cheng doesn't know what kind of response the officers in this building will make, but no matter what, these soldiers are not too much trouble.

What really troubled him was whether the mysterious prince would suddenly show up because of this incident. After all, his current state is not in his prime.

Under the attack of the soldiers with guns and this prince who has the ability to control fire, it is really not necessary to escape!

Thinking about things in his heart, Lin Cheng's footsteps were slow at all. After killing two teams of soldiers who were going to the eighth floor for reinforcements, he finally rushed to the door of Room 1102 on the tenth floor!

Looking at the closed door, Lin Cheng looked around a few times. After seeing that there were no soldiers guarding the room, he realized that the other party had not guessed his purpose for the time being.

After taking a few deep breaths, he pulled out the pistol from his waist and held it tightly in his hand, then leaned against the door to listen to the movement inside.

After listening for about a minute, he found that there was no sound inside. Lin Cheng frowned, took out a straight knife from behind and stabbed it at the position of the door lock, and then cut a few times along the door lock, and it was done in a moment. this door.

Gently pushing the door open, Lin Cheng hid aside. After hearing that there was still no movement inside, he finally understood that this room should be just a cover. I am afraid that the place where Mu Houyuan is really locked should be in a secret room inside. .

Thinking of this, Lin Cheng no longer hides, and dodges into this room to close the door again. Just as he was about to search carefully, he heard a piercing 'di di' sound on the wall next to him!

There is an alarm here!

Hearing the alarm, Lin Cheng wanted to scold his mother in a rage. Ever since he went up to the eighth floor, his journey has been rough. Seeing that he was here, the alarm was triggered again.

Now that the alarm has been triggered, Lin Cheng stopped searching carefully, and started to search back and forth in this room at a high speed, but before he could search for a minute, the door on the left suddenly opened, and then I saw four strong men rushing out, and when they saw his figure, they shot directly!

"Bang! Boom! Boom—"

When he saw them shooting, Lin Cheng had already tumbled behind the sofa. After the sound of the gunshots, he rushed out from behind the sofa, holding the jackknife in his hand tightly, and quickly shuttled between the four big men. After a few moments, the four big men groaned and fell to the ground one by one, covering their necks with anger!

Without looking at the four corpses whose throats were sealed by his knife, Lin Cheng rushed directly into the room behind them, and saw that the remaining two strong men were driving a gray-haired old man to the depths of the room. inside a door!

Once again, he rushed over to solve the two of them one by one, Lin Cheng finally solved the crisis temporarily, and quickly helped the old man who fell to the ground, saw him looking at him in shock, shook his head, and said, "You are Hou Mu Far away? I'm Mu Yingxue's friend!"

Hearing the words, the old man nodded quickly, and was about to say something with a look of surprise, but was interrupted by Lin Cheng, "Now is not the time to talk, can you still leave?"

After seeing Mu Houyuan nod, Lin Cheng took his armpit to the window, kicked the glass on the window with one foot, then took out a climbing rope from his bag, tied one end to the radiator and the other to Mu Houyuan. On Hou Yuan's waist, he heard the sound of dense footsteps getting closer and closer. He didn't dare to delay any longer. He grabbed him and threw it out, and then he jumped out!

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