Apocalyptic Dark Age

Text 135 Opening

"The deserters are coming..." On the Fortress of Despair, the clan leader looked at the overwhelming black tide in the distance and murmured to himself. Behind him, huge trebuchets tightened their nooses, like giant slingshots ready to go. Countless warriors wearing metal armor and holding long swords and iron shields were waiting in formation. Every twenty meters, a giant bed crossbow made of fine steel unfolded its huge crossbow arrows like a peacock spreading its wings, waiting to be fired.

In addition, beside every warrior on the wall, there were two men in linen clothes. These men carried quivers on their backs and held crossbows, looking at the countless desolate people spreading from the distance in fear.

Just standing on the heavily guarded wall is already frightening, not to mention the tens of thousands of wilderness people gathered below. These refugees from the southern tribes are like wasps that have exploded their nests. They are running in panic below, and there is a faint sound of huge... cries and shouts.

The deserters were approaching, but the door they expected was still not open. When they regained consciousness, they found that except for the food that was about to rot, all their weapons and supplies had been taken away. The clever ones immediately thought of the Fortress of Despair. The conspirators and the brainless ones abandoned all their belongings, climbed the steep mountain, and fled to the top of the mountain.

More and more people are climbing like ants. Some people are waving weapons to kill the people around them in order to get ahead. The fear of the desert people makes them break the rules of the southern wilderness. There is no order and no rules, just like It was like the end of the world. Everyone was panicked and without thinking, they just climbed towards the path of survival in their minds.

Amidst the roaring sound, logs that could be hugged by several or ten people rolled down from the top of the mountain. They were like huge rocks breaking through the water waves, knocking away countless people, crushing countless people, and chasing countless people. Rolling, jumping, and colliding on the hillside as they press their way down the mountain.

Bloody roads woven with flesh and blood were winding behind the giant trees. More giant trees were rolling down from the mountains. Before the deserters could get closer and show their butcher knives, the tribesmen in the southern wilderness suffered heavy casualties under the attack of the Fortress of Despair. The huge log dyed red with blood was loaded into the surging crowd.

The huge collision was like the bombardment of cannonballs. Dozens or hundreds of people were hit into the sky by the impact of the logs, and rolled and fell in all directions. They screamed, roared loudly, and howled and cried, lying on the bloody path of the corpses. In the middle, the lucky ones knelt on the bloody hillside, stretched out their hands towards the top of the mountain where the logs continued to roll down, clasped their hands and begged humbly, as if asking for salvation from the gods, but the logs were still rolling down, A huge shadow flashed out of the corner of his eyes and knocked them out, flying in the air and rolling towards the ground where people were surging.

No one dared to climb anymore. Many people were knocked away and fell on the hillside like falling rocks rolling down. Many people were crushed by huge logs. Their flesh, blood and bones were fused together. Under repeated crushing, they were embedded in the soil. In the sand and dust, there were still people running crazily down the mountain, but they lost their feet one after another, rolled over and knocked over more people, and fell to the foot of the mountain and were trampled under the feet of countless people.

The bloody massacre was a one-sided massacre from the Fortress of Despair, but it was carried out by mercenaries recruited from the southern wilderness. They could not compare with the well-equipped samurai. The samurai armor could block the slashing of fangs and one-handed swords. They can easily cut people in two, which cannot be compared with the samurai followers. These men dressed in linen are all rosy-cheeked and well-nourished. The crossbows in their hands can snipe the enemy in front of the battle from a distance.

These ferocious men wearing animal skins or only having a piece of cloth covering their heads didn't care whether the people below who were wailing, begging, and fleeing were of the same race or tribe as them. They just gritted their teeth and pushed away the life-threatening logs one by one. The warrior who came down the mountain just to gain supervision smiled.

If you ask who is the most miserable person in the world? That is the tribesmen who are in chaos below. They are gathered here, and nothing else. They just want the Fortress of Despair to protect them, but they do not expect that the savior in their hearts will take their lives before the legendary Desert Man wields his butcher knife. Little life.

The Barren Man is the enemy of the wilderness tribes. This belief has been passed down hundreds of years ago. This has been believed in the southeastern and western wilderness for hundreds of years. The evil, arrogance, vulgarity, ugliness, etc. of the Barren Man have been passed down from generation to generation. Such a negative word, the term "tribal warrior" was born from the corpse of the desolate man, but they did not expect that when the desolate man really came, the thing they relied on most suddenly collapsed.

There were hundreds of people of all kinds, not all of them dared to resist. At least there was a group of people on the outermost edge. When the Desolate Man came, they arranged themselves in a neat battle formation, launched a series of not heavy torsion crossbows, and took out They have been treasured crossbow arrows, making final preparations.

These people are tribes that have not yet been broken up. They are unlucky. They arrived a step too late and can only be on the outermost periphery. When the deserters arrive, they have the least chance to enter the fortress of despair. Their despair only arouses the desire to die. , I would rather die gloriously in battle like my ancestors did, than have to be hacked to death from the back by the deserters in a panic.

But when they saw the huge crimson logs behind them knocking hundreds of tribesmen away, their desperate determination to die quickly deflated like a deflated balloon. People in the distance have begun to slow down, leaning closer to each other.

One side formed a defensive formation that was several kilometers long, while the other side formed a massive offensive formation like a sharp blade. The collision between the two sides was only between Sumeru. The clan leader Yi and countless warriors were waiting on the wall. During this collision, I was surprised to see that the tribes that were preparing to meet the enemy collapsed, leaving gaps one by one, and uniformly lowered their weapons.

"I knew these bastards were unreliable..." Patriarch Yi said these words disdainfully. While the warriors around him were astonished, they all looked at the heavy casualties crushed by logs at the foot of the mountain...

Patriarch Yi's declaration revealed his ignorance and indifference, which chilled the hearts of the people below. The Huangren did not start killing for no reason, but drove all the surrendered tribesmen aside, without even confiscating their weapons. After waiting and watching, more people cautiously walked towards the deserted man.

The two modes of thinking have caused an ebb and flow of changes. In the eyes of the clan leader, the tribesmen are just a group of useless ants, but on the desert people's side, these people are sources of soldiers, labor force, and supplements to the combat power. I don't know why. Feeling that the patriarch has successfully handed over the power of tens of thousands of his own forces to others.

The imagined attack did not start. The deserters rushed over in overwhelming numbers, and even their swords and guns were not stained with blood, and they got their first victory today. The tribes gathered here accounted for almost half of the population of the wealthy southern wilderness, digesting They, the deserters, needed quite a bit of time, so they ignored the Castle of Despair.

At the same time, the Beilong Canyon also ushered in the power of the wilderness people. It’s funny to say that the wilderness people like to get together. When they see someone coming this way, they will follow them. The fleeing tribesmen don’t even care whether they send the wilderness people to them. Also provoke him.

Just like this, the number of deserters who came this time was not large, and the number was more than 3,000. When an alarm came from far away, the people below panicked. There were always some people who didn't shed tears without seeing the coffin, thinking that there was still enough time to go. Think clearly, so after others were either pro-slaves or ran behind, they still stayed there and dilly-dallyed. After the deserters came, they became chaotic.

{Piaotian Literature


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