The tone was deep and sad, but there was no trace of sadness in Gao Feng's eyes. Two contradictory emotions appeared on him at the same time. Instead of conflict, they seemed extremely harmonious, as if any weird thing would change as long as it appeared on Gao Feng. It couldn't be more normal.

"Humanity is not finished yet. My fleet can request various resources from space to supply human needs..."

Masati didn't know the meaning of Gao Feng's words, so she gave her answer firmly and looked at Gao Feng without blinking. Suddenly, she felt an inexplicable fear. She felt that Gao Feng would probably leave her, although she She has broken away from her ambiguous relationship with Gao Feng, but Gao Feng has always been a bright light in her heart. As long as Gao Feng is there, she will be confident in anything. She has relied on the confidence in her heart to survive these years.

"Maybe, who can tell what will happen tomorrow?"

Gao Feng was in a very irritable mood. The damn Moko Protoss was like a sharp sword hanging above his head. No one knew when it would fall. Compared to those terrifying civilizations that had developed for who knows how many thousands of years, human beings were too fragile. , it may be completely destroyed if you are not careful.

Masati didn't know what Gao Feng was thinking, but she could see Gao Feng's impatience. She couldn't help but stepped forward, squatted in front of Gao Feng, and looked at Gao Feng with her blue eyes, as if she wanted to see something in the other person's eyes.

"You want to leave?"

Just when Gao Feng didn't know how to divert the embarrassment, Masati suddenly expressed her intuition. Then when she saw the unnatural dodge in Gao Feng's eyes, she suddenly felt dizzy. Could it be that all her guesses were true? of?


Gao Feng did not deny it, which made Masati feel as if she had fallen into an ice cellar. After a while, he asked questions word by word from the depth of his throat. Facing Masati's dimmed eyes, Gao Feng became even more anxious and habitually He groped around on his body, but forgot that he had not had the habit of smoking for a long time.

"Because we have encountered a more powerful enemy, more terrifying than the Chaos God King..."

"So you're going to fight alone?"

Masati interrupted Gao Feng, and became a little nervous and yelled. The anger in his eyes was as real as ever, and the strong emotional fluctuations made Gao Feng, who was mentally sensitive, even feel a little burning in his eyes.

"What do you think of the fleet? What do you think of me? A burden or an encumbrance? You are not the only one who is a warrior, we are too. You can't deprive us of our honor, you can't be so selfish..."

Masati rarely lost control of her emotions. Her breasts rose and fell rapidly as if they were about to explode. Her red cheeks were so white that they were about to bleed. Her anger, which had been suppressed for an unknown amount of time, was released in an instant, making Gao Feng feel angry. There was an urge to escape. Masati was so terrifying at this time. Gao Feng would rather face ten Chaos God Kings than endure the guilt of his conscience here, although this reason for guilt could not change his determination. .

Gao Feng stopped talking. Masati wanted to quarrel but couldn't find an opponent. Fortunately, as the fleet commander, she was able to control her emotions. She slowly calmed down with her heavy breathing, calmed down again, and stared at Gao Feng fiercely.

"The earth cannot return for the time being. Humanity is too fragile in deep space. There are countless dangers hidden. A meteorite can destroy a space city. Although your fleet is very powerful, it is not powerful enough. Our enemies are terrifying beyond imagination... ….”

Gao Feng wanted to convince Masati as much as possible. In fact, he did not have even the slightest confidence in defeating the Moko Protoss, so he placed all his hopes on Masati's fleet. Let Masati lead the fleet in exile in the stars and find a remote place to preserve the fire of mankind.

It's a pity that once a woman becomes emotional, she won't listen no matter what she says. Especially Masati, as the commander of a combat force, cannot sit back and watch the peak take risks alone.

"We are not afraid of death. Without you, we would have died in the hands of the Chaos God King, on the surface of the earth. So what if we are all dead? At least we will die together..."

Gao Feng originally wanted to tell Masati bitterly. If according to Masati's words, the remaining humans will perish together with the Moko Protoss, wouldn't all these years of efforts be in vain? But after he listened, he immediately understood Masati's painstaking efforts. She was not doing it for herself, but for him.

Looking at the resolute face of Masati, Gao Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. His originally straight back leaned on the soft backrest of the sofa as if it was cramped. He looked at the soft light on the ceiling. After a long time, he whispered :

"We have been fighting for so many years. I can't remember how many people died in my hands. I can't remember how many loyal warriors fell on the road to battle. How many people in the Blood Sea Fleet that entered China with us are still there. The face of the past? Sometimes I wonder, if I had not left the wilderness, would my life have been happier? At least when the disaster came, I would have died with my family..."

Masati listened silently to Gao Feng's plain words. She could never resonate with these words. If it really develops as Gao Feng tells it, the last livelihood of human beings would probably be completely cut off, no matter where they are hiding in any corner of the world. , have all escaped the fate of annihilation. It was Gao Feng's uncompromising struggle that gave us today's glimmer of hope. For this glimmer of life, no matter how many people died, it was worth it. At least they grabbed the throat of fate, even if they died , will die clearly.

"If it were before, I would have agreed to your participation in the war, because the fate of mankind must be in our own hands, and we must die with our heads up even if we die, but now..."

Having said this, Gao Feng's originally indifferent eyes flashed with a hint of tenderness and kindness, and a pure and peaceful spiritual power unknowingly escaped from Gao Feng, sweeping across the entire battleship like a spring breeze, and thousands of sailors and crew members were in no particular order. Feeling this peaceful and peaceful atmosphere, they couldn't extricate themselves from it, just like returning to their mother's arms when they were children. Many people shed tears of emotion, clearing away the negative emotions that had been accumulated in their hearts for a long time. When the breath wrapped around them slowly When I retreated and regained my senses, my whole body felt like a new life, feeling more relaxed than ever before.

"What did you say?"

As the person closest to Gao Feng, Masati was completely immersed in the boundless warmth and tranquility. When she woke up, Gao Feng had already finished speaking and asked embarrassedly. At this time, Gao Feng had discovered the changes in the entire battleship. Everyone's mental outlook took on a new look, as if they had put down a heavy burden and been reborn. This gave him a new understanding of the use of spiritual power.

"I said, this is how it will be for my whole life, but my son and daughter cannot lose their future. I cannot let them grow up in a human hometown, but I hope that they can perform a wonderful life on the stage of the stars, and you will be Their mentor holds up a sky for them and guides them in the direction of life..."

After hearing this, Masati felt infinite excitement in her heart. Gao Feng was ready to let her become the child's teacher, which made her feel like she was dreaming. She must know that it is impossible for moderators to have children. Their innate defects make them become They are tools of the Chaos Front, but no matter what, they still have human emotions, dreams and hopes. Without these dreams and hopes, what is the difference between living and a dead tree?

Having a child is a fantasy that moderators can never achieve, but becoming a child's teacher is much more practical. In addition, Gao Feng can teach her own children, which also shows that Gao Feng attaches great importance to the space fleet, which indirectly proves that human beings The future is not a moon base or a space city, but a fleet that can soar in the starry sky.

"Really? Really let me..., no, no, I'm not qualified, I'm not careful enough, and I have a bad temper. It would be better for your child to be taught by Yan Erjiu, she is more suitable than me..."

Masati first thought of her own shortcomings, and her love for her children made her flattered and even frightened. She was afraid that she could not do well and ruin the future of her children. During her repeated rejections, her deep eyes like the stars of the peak were always watching. She finally bowed her head shyly.

"Actually, there is one more thing that I need your help with. There are thousands of children collected from all over the world on the moon base. They have different skin colors and races from China. It is difficult for these children to integrate into the wilderness system. If they are not taken seriously, they may form many problems. A big hidden danger, I hope all moderator officers can adopt one or several so that they can integrate as soon as possible..."

The powerful peak of spiritual power can penetrate people's hearts. Why does Masati insist on fighting with the peak, even if she knows she will die without hesitation? It is the moderator who cannot find hope for the future, has no reason to live, and has a self-destructive tendency hidden in his heart. Gao Feng originally had no solution to this. After all, the moderator who cannot have children, even if he marries, there will always be a hidden tendency in his heart. With a thorn.

Fortunately, when Gao Feng decided to evacuate the surface, he took into account the single race of the human race and obtained many women and children from all over the world. Most of them were children between several years old and teenagers. The problem was that these children had all kinds of strange living habits. It takes a lot of time and manpower to fully integrate into China. Relatively speaking, it is best to let the moderator officers adopt these children. It not only gives them a care, but also allows these children to receive a good education. Train future officers and talents of the fleet.

As expected, after hearing Gao Feng's suggestion, Masati's face became even more joyful, and she hurriedly agreed, but then she became very distressed:

"The fleet is responsible for many important tasks, such as searching for water ice, collecting minerals, transporting materials, and guarding against asteroids and meteorites. Most officers have no time to rest. If they adopt a child, they may delay their own work..."

"Didn't Wen Xin'er complain that many people in Space City have nothing to do? Let them become reserve sailors and learn to accept the work of the fleet. Give them some unimportant jobs first, replace the manpower, and allow the sailors and officers of the fleet to take turns. This way Once you come, won’t the problem be solved?”

Gao Feng told the solution. Masati thought for a long time before slowly nodding. Most of the spare personnel in the space city have been trained to master various tasks in the space city. Although in comparison, the sailors of the fleet need more professional skills. Skills, but it is not impossible to use them. If there is enough time to familiarize and train them, coupled with military management, I believe that there will be enough manpower to replace and supplement them soon.

"You have to know that neither the moon base nor the space city is the home of mankind. They are only temporary footholds. Only the fleet is the hope for mankind to find a home. As long as there is a fleet, no matter what kind of enemy we encounter, even if Even if you can't defeat it, you can escape. As long as people are not dead, they can rise again, so you are not only responsible for the comfort of the fleet, but also the burden of the continuation of mankind..."

For a moderator who is not accepted by orthodox humans to become the hope of mankind, this is something Masati did not expect. Moderators have always had a sense of inferiority. In the Chaos Front, they are just tools, but in the wilderness, because of their beautiful The appearance and unfailing color of men were once considered to be monsters. This was also the pain in the hearts of Masati and other moderator officers. Gao Feng pinned the hope of the entire human race on them, which was equivalent to identifying with them. This made Masha Di felt inexplicable excitement and trust, and her body couldn't help but tremble slightly.

After solving Masati's problem, Gao Feng returned to the moon base. He didn't think that the Moko Protoss would give up. The loss of control in the multi-dimensional space made him understand that if he hadn't inadvertently brought the Moko Protoss's spatial positioning coordinates to the multi-dimensional space. , maybe the big ships and big guns have descended into the earth's orbit.

In order to solve the possible hidden dangers of the Moko Protoss, Gao Feng not only has to continue to block the Moko Protoss' forces traveling through time and space, but also finds a way to go to the place where the Moko Protoss is and destroy the opponent's space shuttle tools as much as possible. Before that, Gao Feng needs to spend as much time as possible with his wife and children.

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