Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1906 Only Me

Perhaps it was because he hadn't enjoyed such peace for a long time that Gao Feng fell asleep for the first time. This was also the first time he slept after becoming the Calamity Gallo. When Minnie came to find Gao Feng the next day, he was surprised to see Gao Feng holding Hua Qi in his arms. , there was a beautiful woman lying on her chest, and the three of them were sleeping, which made her feel jealous. After a while, she pouted and turned around to go out.

After Minnie left, Gao Feng opened his eyes and scanned the other party's movements. When he knew that the other party had reached the deepest part of the forest, Gao Feng looked at Zhuang Midie who was sleeping soundly on his chest. Zhuang Midie, who looked mature and charming, looked at him at this moment. Like a little daughter, a pool of saliva flowed from the corner of her mouth, making a large area of ​​Gao Feng's chest wet.

While muttering about Zhuang Midie's drool, Hua Qi quietly got up and started a busy day, never waking up Zhuang Midie. It was not until more than ten minutes later that Zhuang Midie opened her eyes and looked at Gaofeng vaguely for a long time before finally returning. After coming to his senses, he happily hugged Gao Feng's neck and shouted loudly:

"I finally slept with you, and I will have a baby soon. But, should the baby be called brother, or something else?"

When Gao Feng heard this, veins popped out on his forehead. What he said was so stupid. He sat up with Zhuang Midie in his arms, stared into her big eyes, and said fiercely:

"Midie, you are naughty again. Who can control you now that I'm gone?"

Zhuang Midie looked blankly at Gao Feng, who was pretending to be menacing. Tears suddenly filled her eyes. She hugged Gao Feng tightly and cried in a nasal voice:

"I know you are leaving and you will probably never come back. I don't want you to leave, but if you don't leave, great terror will come..."

As a new world consciousness, Zhuang Midie can sense the coming disaster earlier than anyone else. Even if Gao Feng does not leave, he may not be able to protect the moon base and the earth, because he is only one person, and the other party is a civilization of countless individuals, which is slightly different. Pay attention, flaws will be revealed, unless Gao Feng takes the initiative to kill the Moko Protoss and disrupt the unprepared offensive.

"I am very powerful now. Those enemies are no match for me. I will come back after I deal with them. You don't have to worry too much. I promise you will always be safe and no enemies will hurt you again..." ”

As a catastrophic expert, Gao Feng believes that the Moko God Clan has no opponent of its own. As long as he is careful and gradually disintegrates the military power of the Moko God Clan, thereby destroying the foundation of the Moko God Clan. As long as the strength of the Moko God Clan is weakened, the rest will naturally There will be hostile forces from the Moko Protoss to eliminate him. As long as Gao Feng launches a fatal blow at the last moment, I believe everything will be completely resolved.

"But you will definitely get lost and can't find your way home. I can feel that the place you go is too far away..."

Zhuang Midie still refused to let go. What she said also shocked Gao Feng. In fact, he was probably lost in the depths of the Milky Way. He had no coordinates, no guidance, and no means of transportation that could span thousands of light years. Gao Feng was really may not be able to come back.

"Midie, do you believe me?"

Gao Feng held Mi Die in his arms and looked at the other person's tearful eyes seriously. Zhuang Midie was stunned for a moment, and then nodded after a while.

"You are the new world consciousness. As long as the world is not destroyed, you will not die. I am the strongest person in human history and have a long life. Even if it takes thousands or tens of thousands of years, I will still live. I I promise that as long as I am still alive, I will come back to you and protect you forever..."

Protecting Zhuang Midie forever is the third ambition made by Gao Feng. These words are not nonsense, but are recognized by the source of consciousness. Once Gao Feng violates it, the source of consciousness will abandon Gao Feng and make him lose the power of catastrophe.

After hearing Gao Feng's words, Zhuang Midie lowered his head and muttered for a while:

"Thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, it is easy to forget the past. Maybe you have forgotten me, maybe I have forgotten you, I don't want..."

Gao Feng had no choice now. No matter how dissatisfied Zhuang Midie was, he had to go, whether it was for his family or the future of mankind.

"But it's not impossible. As long as you promise me one thing, I can provide you with the coordinates so you can find your way home..."

Suddenly, Zhuang Midie's face changed, revealing a proud look like a little fox. This made Gao Feng a little confused, and his doubtful eyes showed a hint of alertness, as if he had a bad premonition.

"What's your expression? Do you really not believe me? You are really heartless. I care about you so much, feel sorry for you, and love you..."

The little woman in front of him talked a lot, which gave Gao Feng a headache. He quickly stopped and shouted:

"I promised you, tell me what you want me to do..."

As soon as the words came out, Zhuang Midie's tender cheeks suddenly revealed a strange smile. The original youthfulness suddenly turned into a graceful maturity. A pair of charming eyes suddenly showed infinite charm, seducing people. A strange fragrance came from Zhuang Midie. The plump and delicate body of the butterfly is scattered.

The next moment, the entire forest changed. Minnie who was walking seemed to have entered a maze. No matter what, she could not find the way back. Hua Qi, who was busy, suddenly sighed and walked out of the cabin. The insect nest looked at the silver insect king in a daze.

The fragrance of Zhuang Midie instantly made Gao Feng feel thirsty, which was easily resolved by Gao Feng. It was impossible for the powerful catastrophe man to be fooled by any small tricks. Just as he was about to ask clearly, a dexterous little tongue suddenly came out. After entering the mouth, the next moment, Zhuang Midie had taken off her clothes, revealing her snow-white skin. This made the hair on Gao Feng's body stand up. It seemed that the beauty in front of her was not Zhuang Midie at all, at least not at the soul level. Gao Feng could easily of distinction.

"Who are you, and what did you do to Zhuang Midie?"

Gao Feng was furious, and the powerful and terrifying pressure spread instantly, making the beauty in front of him turn pale. In an instant, Zhuang Midie's temperament suddenly changed, turning into the person Gao Feng was familiar with:

"Big brother, this is my mother. She has been with me all the time. Let's have children together..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhuang Midie's aura was replaced by the person before, still the stunning and enchanting beauty:

"Thank you for taking care of Mi Die all along. Today's action was requested by me. Please don't blame me. Mi Die and I need your seeds. Only in this way can we transcend infinite time and space, create a bond with you, and let you find The way home…”

"Why do you do this? I never thought about it happening to Mi Die..."

Gao Feng didn't know whether he was crazy or the whole world was crazy. Zhuang Midie and her mother were hiding in the same body. What was even more surprising was that they wanted to have a relationship with him. What on earth was this?

"Midie got the lost consciousness of the world, thus awakening me. Without you, Midie and I would be food and tools for other civilizations. In addition to the reapers, there would be other races snooping. If there were no guardians, the final outcome would be very... It’s miserable, so we don’t allow you to get lost. As long as the two sides are bonded, the connection will not be lost..."

Zhuang Midie's mother was called Xiao Meng. She explained to Gao Feng in detail. However, during the explanation process, she still maintained the posture of hugging Gao Feng. There were inevitable frictions between movements, which made Gao Feng's shameful dragon look up.

"No, wait, maybe there are other ways..."

When Gao Feng said this, Xiaomeng understood in her heart that Gao Feng no longer refused as before, at least subconsciously, she accepted it, so she did not answer Gao Feng anymore, but twisted her waist and connected with Gao Feng skillfully. At the same time, Gao Feng took a breath of cold air and looked helplessly at Xiao Meng, who looked innocent.

Then again, this time was the most exciting time in Gao Feng's life. There was a craziness about challenging taboos, especially when they were halfway through, they were suddenly hugged tightly and heard Zhuang Midie's delicate voice:

"Brother, you are so awesome, I love you to death..."

This time Gao Feng completely fell, and the beauty in his arms kept changing. One moment he was the mature Xiao Meng, and the other moment he was the youthful Mi Die, which made him completely unleash the deepest impulse in his heart. The collisions again and again made Minnie feel trapped in the maze. The wandering time extended indefinitely, and it was not until night came that she found her way home again. Just when she saw her little house, she saw Gao Feng walking over with weak legs, grabbed Minnie, and said dryly:

"Why so late? I'm in a hurry, I'll leave right away..."

Looking at Gao Feng's leaving figure, Hua Qi, who was a little unhappy, looked at the cute-looking Zhuang Midie, and asked after a while:

"Is this appropriate? After all, she is your mother, not to mention, back then..."

"Without a mother, it has always been me. She is just a memory I simulated. Before I died last time, the most regrettable thing is that I did not fall in love. Otherwise, I would not have given you to him, and he was the only one like him. A man is worthy of me. The bond has been formed, and my knight will eventually come back to protect me..."

Zhuang Midie's face changed slightly, and she touched her belly with a happy smile.

After hearing what Zhuang Midie said, Hua Ci realized that everything was Zhuang Midie's trick. In fact, she had almost forgotten that Zhuang Midie was able to open a restaurant by herself at a young age. If it were not for her inborn terminal illness, Zhuang Midie would be her The best girl I have ever seen,

"Besides, how can we capture him without some means? Who makes him treat me as his sister? Since he has given me a new life, an infinite future, and made me the master of my destiny, why can't I let him be my king? I Will be his only queen, and he will have the smartest queen in the world, and you know, time is on my side..."

Hearing this, Hua Ci felt a sting in her heart. Both Gao Feng and Zhuang Midie had a long life, but she would experience a short life and then wither, destined not to see Gao Feng return one day.

Maybe he felt the sting in Hua Ci's heart. After all, Zhuang Midie had a spiritual resonance with Hua Ci. The corners of his mouth curved into a smile, and he raised his hand to reveal a ball of light. This ball of light had traces of being divided, and the flower thorn naturally She doesn’t know her, but Zhuang Midie knows very well that this ball of light is the source of world consciousness that she needs most. By integrating this source, she will undergo earth-shaking changes. This is also the most precious gift Gao Feng has given her. Waiting for her After fusing this ball of light, she has the ability to transform Hua Ci, thereby completely changing Hua Ci's destiny and allowing her to easily be promoted to Star Breaking Gara. Once she becomes Star Breaking Gara, time will no longer be an insurmountable barrier. .

"Should we let Brother Stinky's women also transform? It's better not to. How can those old women compete with me for men? They are not flower thorns..."

After making a decision, Zhuang Midie regained her roots, waved her hand and destroyed Minnie's cabin completely, as if it had never existed, and then said to Hua Qi lazily:

"Aunt Hua, I'm going to sleep again. This time it will take a long time. Please stay with me, lest you turn into a bone when you wake up..."


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