Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1913 Transforming Mars

The brutal aura of the red sand exploded instantly, forming a powerful force field. It instantly pushed away the beauties of the Spirit Race who were in front of him, revealing a small snow-white tiger tooth. He glared fiercely at the beauties present and hugged Gao Feng tightly. The arms seem to prevent the peak from being snatched away by others.

"Are the little fairies jealous? Don't worry, I won't touch them..."

Gao Feng stroked Hong Sha's hair helplessly, as if changing his face. Hong Sha put away his expression and squinted his eyes to enjoy Gao Feng's touch. Only a cold light came from the corner of his eyes and glanced at the beauties of the Spirit Tribe present.

"I don't need your blood. I asked you to come forward because I hope you can become the manager of the Eldar Tribe and be directly responsible to me..."

After appeasing Hongsha, Gao Feng once again turned his attention to the stupid mature beauty sitting on the deck, and said these words that shocked her heart. Then, the three remaining battleships began to be reorganized, and the destroyed ones were salvaged at the same time. The battleship’s rescue cabin….

Gao Feng sat comfortably in the captain's seat, receiving the treatment of Hongsha's shoulder massage. From below, he would take a few glances at the delicate and graceful figure of the mature Eldar beauty. Most of his eyes would focus on her plump chest. , every time at this time, Hongsha would feel a little inferior, looking down at his inconspicuous chest, gritting his teeth.

There was a language barrier between Gao Feng and the Eldar Tribe, so he could only issue unilateral orders, which frustrated Gao Feng's desire to learn about the intelligence of the Moko Protoss. Nothing changed until he arrived on Mars. Through the communication base station in the orbit of Mars, Minnie's image appeared on A new round of commotion suddenly erupted in front of all the Spiritual Races.

Alpha endured extreme fatigue and sat on a pile of energy crystals, staring blankly at the slowly growing Mars. Suddenly, Alpha jumped up and ordered loudly:

"Enemy ships found, number three, bearing 107, prepare firepower..."

When she issued this order, there was no anxiety about the upcoming battle in her heart, only inexplicable relief. She was tired of going back and forth around Mars. She didn't want to think about anything now. She just wanted to defeat the enemy and return to the moon base to have a good rest. If she added a trivial wish, she hoped to press the abominable peak on her knees and spank her ass hard.

The biological fleet began to quickly change its formation and use a battle formation to meet the enemy. Just when it was about to enter the effective firefighting range, the screen suddenly flashed, showing Gao Feng sitting on the captain's throne, surrounded by a large wave of Eldest beauties in the center. In addition, In addition, there is a little girl who is more beautiful than all the beauties of the Eldar tribe, massaging Gao Feng's shoulders.

"Little Alpha, look, all the problems have been solved, and there is no need for you to fight. So, you should return with the fleet. When I go back, I will reward you well..."

Alpha looked at Gao Feng's moving lips stupidly. His nameless anger instantly burned away his sanity. His eyes turned red and he screamed loudly:

"I'm going to kill you. Listen to my order. Fire everyone. We must kill that bastard..."

Of course, Gao Feng, who was identified as the most hated enemy by Alpha, could not be killed. In fact, the command of the biological fleet was in Alpha's hands, but the combat power still belonged to Gao Feng. As long as Gao Feng did not nod, the biological fleet could not take the initiative to attack.

In order to compensate Alpha, Gao Feng asked the fire dragon to take the proud girl back to the moon base first, enjoying a warm bed and hot bath. As for himself, he was in space, enjoying the two-person world with the red sand. This was just the way they enjoyed it. Something strange.

Huge asteroids, changed by the peak, flew towards Mars. Through Minnie's super brain calculation, they accurately cut into the starry sky of Mars and fell rapidly to the ground. The target of the fall was the North and South Pole covered by Mars.

The fall of every giant meteorite is equivalent to a terrifying nuclear explosion. The manic shock wave will turn Mars, which has been dormant for countless millions of years, upside down. Mountains will be broken, the earth will be torn apart, and large areas of the frozen layer will be evaporated by the high temperature. , turned into ice and snow in the atmosphere, and fell slowly. Before it hit the ground, it was melted again by the high temperature, turned into rain, and poured down the dust.

Gao Feng has been carrying out this procedure for more than a month. In fact, when he was preparing to place the Spirit Race on Mars, it caused a huge trouble for himself. It also made him realize that the gap between ideals and reality has often been Throwing meteorites on Mars is nothing. The problem is that it is very troublesome to get the meteorites from deep space. What is even more troublesome is that after throwing half of the meteorites, whether Gao Feng is willing or not, he must continue, otherwise the previous efforts will be wasted. .

In addition to bombing Mars, Gao Feng also needs to take time to use energy analysis to create a mirror with a diameter of more than hundreds of kilometers in space. This thing has no other use except to reflect sunlight. Energy crystals are far more powerful than solar energy. convenient.

Gao Feng's hard work is still effective. With the release of large amounts of carbon dioxide from the surface of Mars, the atmosphere of Mars is improving, at least it has produced ideal changes. Relatively speaking, Gao Feng is happier than the fire dragon after working hard in space.

Under the pressure of the red sand, the fire dragon is desperately digging holes. It is as tired as an oil driller. The direction of the holes is the dead volcanoes on Mars. The youngest of these volcanoes are hundreds of millions of years old, trying to squeeze out Magma and heat do not seem to be simple things.

As for the Eldar battleships, they have not been idle. They rely on their ultra-high speed to repeatedly travel between the lunar base and Mars, dropping hundreds of thousands of tons of chemical gases onto Mars. The production of these gases accounts for almost 100% of the lunar base. Sixty's industrial robots and equipment make Yan twenty-jiu full of resentment every day. His biggest dream is to rush to the orbit of Mars and teach Gao Feng a lesson.

Under the chaos of the peak, Mars was like hell. The sandstorms that permeated the entire planet hardly stopped for even a second. The drastic changes in the North and South Poles also caused natural disasters on Mars, which were almost the same as the previous catastrophes on the earth. Fortunately, there is no life on Mars. In this case, even interstellar cockroaches have no way to survive.

Perhaps the only one who is happy is Minnie, because she has regained her clan. Although her clansmen have been trained into domestic animals by the Moko Clan, Minnie has no idea of ​​placing her clansmen on the earth. On the contrary, she is more willing to transform Mars and protect her clansmen. , but she didn’t know that Gao Feng had decided to completely integrate the Spirit Tribe into the human system. Anyway, the men of the Spirit Tribe had been trained to be gay by the Moko Protoss.

After finishing the day's work, Gao Feng returned to the Eldar flagship. As soon as he entered the bridge, a mature Elf beauty whom Gao Feng named Ami came up to her and said in unskilled Chinese:

"Welcome Master back, do you want to take a shower first?"

Upon hearing this, Gao Feng subconsciously looked around. Ami smiled and said secretly:

"The master of Hongsha is still transporting meteorites in the Broken Star Belt. He didn't come back until about three hours ago..."

Ami's explanation made Gao Feng's worries dissipate. Apart from his wife, Hong Sha would be jealous of any female. Once he got angry, Gao Feng had to put in more energy to appease him. Nowadays, his daily work makes him tired. I don't have the energy to regulate Hongsha's jealousy, so I would be less troublesome, so I naturally don't want to get into trouble.

When he came to the bathroom, Gao Feng took off his clothes and jumped into the bathtub renovated in the whole room like a carp diving. At the moment when he was like water, Gao Feng felt that he was alive. Just as he squinted his eyes and enjoyed it, a mermaid swam beside him. This is Ami who is full of capital and has a huge career line.

"Why did you get in?"

Gao Feng frowned. Although he liked to take a peek at A Mi's career line, he just wanted to take a look. Who knows that the beauties of the Spirit race are generally flat-chested. A Mi, who has a strong career line, has naturally become the focus of Gao Feng's eyes, but it does not mean that he After all, Gao Feng will not be easily tempted by a woman who is not intimate with him.

"It was ordered by Lady Minnie. She asked me to relieve your fatigue on her behalf..."

Ami knelt in the bathtub in panic and explained with the most frightened expression. At the same time, her whole body was shaking, especially the fluctuations in her chest, which reminded Gao Feng of the stick-swinging dance in his previous life.

The cold light in his eyes subsided, and Gao Feng continued to squint his eyes. Ami approached Gao Feng timidly and wiped his body. At this time, Gao Feng suddenly asked:

"What is the life cycle of an Eldar?"

"It's about five hundred revolutions. This is the life cycle of an ordinary spirit race. The spirit race that breaks through psychic energy will have two thousand revolutions. If you become a child of destiny or a daughter of destiny, it will be about five thousand revolutions. …….”

Ami answered in detail, but Gao Feng didn't have much astronomical knowledge, so he took it for granted that a revolution period is one year. But in fact, the revolution period of Mars is close to two years. He was envious of the Eldar's unique talent.

Suddenly, Gao Feng thought that the length of life is inversely proportional to the continuation of the ethnic group. The longer the life cycle, the lower the fertility rate. In this way, even after a thousand years, the Martian spirit tribe will not eat more than a thousand people. , where did the thousands of Moko warships in the memory picture come from?

Thinking of this, he was horrified. He opened his eyes suddenly, only to see Ami's head sinking under the water, rising and falling between his legs. A numb feeling made the problems in his mind disappear immediately, and he closed his eyes again. His eyes enjoyed it, and his hands unconsciously touched the career line he had been observing for a long time.

Enjoyment makes people depressed, so he did not comment on Gaofeng. Because he was worried about the return of Hongsha, he did not break through the last step, but simply enjoyed Ami's small mouth. This also changed the atmosphere of the spirit tribe. For Gaofeng Becoming obedient, far more positive than the previous depression and confusion, this made Gao Feng puzzled for a long time. Later, with the help of Ami, he figured out that all the time, the spirit tribe belonging to Gao Feng had been worried that there was no spirit tribe. Men serve the peak, and now it is confirmed that the women of the Spirit Tribe can also be favored by the peak, so everyone is happy, at least they don't have to worry about being punished for no reason.

After understanding the truth, I was immediately shocked. I had a deeper understanding of the values ​​​​of the Spirit Tribe. These guys are a group of servile guys to the bone. They don't need the so-called equality and human rights. They only need to be deeply squeezed, and then If you find a girl to take a bath with, you will become absolutely obedient. No wonder Minnie asked Ami to sacrifice herself for the peak, not to compensate, but because she understands her tribe better.

Many years later, Gao Feng has gone through countless hardships and escaped countless cosmic traps and threats. When he finally returns to the solar system, he will be surprised to find that Mars has become the most popular tourist paradise for humans. The Eldar have completely become a matriarchal society. All travelers to Mars Men, as long as they are not shivering, will have countless romantic encounters, and most of the men of the Eldar race have become GAY, and even formed a gay cultural circle. Fortunately, when humans and Eldar races combine, the children they give birth to are all Eldar races. , otherwise he might be exterminated. What made him vomit blood the most was that his statue turned out to be the statue of the spirit tribe. They affectionately called him the god of reproduction, just because he was the first human being to have relations with the spirit tribe. .


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