Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1916 The Truth of Spirit

According to Gao Feng's estimation, a channel connecting the multi-dimensional world and real space consumes a lot of energy every minute. Even a strong star-shattering person cannot maintain it for more than one minute. What's more, this exit is not in the space of the solar system. It is the Moko galaxy countless light years away.

For the first time, Gao Feng thought that the Moko Protoss was crazy. They actually spent countless energy to open an unknown gap just for those worthless rocks and broken minerals. After that, Gao Feng understood that opening this gap meant , the Moko Protoss found a way to build a high-speed suspended railway. In comparison, normal space jumps are far more expensive than gaps in the multi-dimensional world. If the Moko Protoss can master the shuttle of multi-dimensional space and understand the space nodes, I am afraid that The Moko Protoss will become the largest ethnic group in the galaxy.

Subconsciously, he tightened his right hand around Hong Sha, but did not feel the touch of the delicate body against him. Gao Feng took a deep breath of the non-existent oxygen, and drove the fire dragon to slam into the whirlpool-like gap. For a moment, Gao Feng entered the channel where various forces pulled strangely. He instantly felt a strong sense of dislocation, as if his legs should be on his head and his eyes were on his butt. As the sense of dislocation continued, he vomited. The desire is getting stronger and stronger.

Just when Gao Feng thought he had been kneaded into dough, a strong suction force pulled Gao Feng out of space and appeared on a huge platform. At the same time, there was also the red sand in his arms that was dazzling. The fire dragon that lost half of his life, as well as various rocks and metal ores that kept falling around him.

Minnie separated from Gao Feng for the first time and appeared next to him. Her excited emotions hit Gao Feng's spiritual sea like a wave.

"I feel it, there is a part of my soul here..."

An angry roar came from not far away, and the next moment, Minnie translated in Gao Feng's mind:

"Where did you domestic animals come from? Kneel down and die before me..."

Gao Feng squinted his eyes and looked at the dozen one-horned evil spirits not far away, then patted Hongsha's little butt. Hongsha's half-opened eyes flashed with a cold light, and with a wave of his hand, more than a dozen brains burst out. After falling into the mountains of gravel at their feet, more than ten Moko guys fell to the ground one after another, as if sleeping.

"hold head high……."

The high-pitched neighing of a cow suddenly resounded through the entire space, and it seemed to never stop. Gao Feng didn't understand, and only heard Minnie say:

"No, this is an alarm from the Moko tribe, let's hurry..."

Before he finished speaking, the sluggish fire dragon suddenly rushed out and devoured the corpses on the floor cleanly in one bite. Then he licked his tongue and looked around, seeming to be quite satisfied with the taste of these one-horned evil spirits.

"Have you forgotten why we came?"

Gao Feng chuckled and didn't take it to heart. At this time, he didn't ask how many enemies there were, only where they were.

While waiting for the enemy, Gao Feng looked around at the environment, only to realize that they were still above the starry sky. The Moko Protoss had built a huge starry sky pyramid. Their location was at the top of the pyramid, except for the ones under their feet. On the platform, there is a crystal above the head that can watch the stars.

At the four surrounding corners, four huge unknown devices were operating, emitting four purple beams, sealing the four corners of the space channel and maintaining the smooth flow of the space channel. In addition, Gao Feng discovered that these four devices were just The tip of the iceberg, most of its volume, is buried in the pyramid at its feet. It is not easy to destroy it.

It is not easy to destroy energy equipment, but it is very simple to cut off the space channel. The death sigh burst out of the body through the black lines, like a tiger releasing the gate, forming two huge black claws and grabbing four purple beams. , swallowing up the energy contained in it continuously.

The moment the energy beam was cut off, the space channel quietly disappeared, and at the same time it blocked Feng Feng's way home. Before Feng Feng could feel the sorrow of leaving home in his heart, he only heard a cheer from the red sand, and suddenly jumped up, solid His legs were clamped around his waist, his arms were wrapped around his neck, his clear eyes were full of smiles, and he declared in the loudest voice:

"From now on, you belong to me alone. Let your other women die..."

In response to Hong Sha's arrogant declaration, Gao Feng said that Alexander could only give her a wolf kiss without conscience.

"Your man is very lustful. Don't lose me in the future. If you lose me, you may never find me again..."

Gao Feng meant what he said, hoping that Hongsha would not leave her. When Hongsha heard Gao Feng admit that he was her man, her eyes turned into crescent moons and she buried her head on Gao Feng's shoulder, regardless of the powerful enemies around her. surround.

"Don't be so close to each other, the guys from the Moko tribe are getting ready to escape..."

Minnie was very helpless on the side. For such a long time, no Moko tribe appeared. They obviously realized the power of Gaofeng, especially since Gaofeng cut off the space channel, and they had no reason to continue fighting.

After being reminded, Gao Feng quickly killed the Moko tribesmen in the pyramid with the power of plowing through the caves, and captured more than a dozen large and small warships, as well as thousands of Moko tribe slaves.

The scene of thousands of slaves gathering together was particularly spectacular. Standing in front of hundreds of Moko corpses, Gao Feng also acted extremely fierce and powerful. There was no one who could look at him on an equal footing here, even if there were some among the slaves. A four-armed giant over five meters tall.

Thousands of slaves, at least hundreds of species, and all kinds of creatures made Gao Feng feel that his eyes were not enough, especially when he saw human-like creatures among these slaves. In addition to the spirit race, The ones that most resemble humans are those whose eyes, eyebrows, and hair are all golden. The appearance of these guys are all standard Europa races, both male and female, and their appearance is no worse than that of the Eldar race.

These guys with blond hair and golden eyes were also very surprised when they saw Gao Feng. They seemed to be unable to believe that there was a race so similar to them. As for the Spirit Tribe, Gao Feng no longer wanted to say anything. They had been reduced to a breed of domestic animals and were brought with them. There are also burdens around her. Similarly, Minnie will not consider these spirit tribes to be her people. To her, even if they die, the spirit tribes are still proud of them.

"The Moko Protoss' spaceship is left to you. You can go wherever you want. I won't hurt you, so just leave it alone..."

After saying a few words, Gao Feng walked towards the core area of ​​the pyramid, where Minnie's split soul was. The moment he left, the slaves who had gathered quietly dispersed, and 80% of them returned. Their respective jobs were waiting for the Moko Protoss to return. The remaining 20% ​​didn't know where to go. They just subconsciously went to the dock, boarded the Moko Protoss's battleship, and wandered aimlessly in the starry sky.

Halfway through, Gao Feng sneered, and then he stopped caring about those servile guys. He brought Hongsha with him, broke through countless traps and mechanisms, and arrived at a place that resembled the moon base and the computer room of Minnie's mastermind.

Minnie did not let Gao Feng take action, but floated to the huge master brain in the center of the room. After a while, countless tiny white lights emerged from the master brain, and finally gathered in mid-air to form a goose egg-sized light ball. This light ball faced Minnie's The spirit soul trembled, and then it was swallowed by Minnie.

While Gao Feng was waiting for Minnie to fuse, he visited the Moko Protoss base and found many interesting places, such as the Moko Protoss warehouse. In the core of the warehouse, Gao Feng opened a crystal that looked like a safe. He took out more than ten crystal boxes from inside, and then he looked at the things in the crystal boxes in disbelief.

They are spiritual bodies with human faces. In the crystal box, the spiritual bodies are sleeping peacefully. They have male and female faces, most of them are older, and at least one-third of them have peaked on the moon. I saw it in the crystal coffin at the base. According to the mastermind at the time, they completed the transformation of life, converted into spiritual life, and went to the center of the galaxy to enjoy the happiness of eternal life. How could they appear here?

"It looks delicious. Can I have one?"

Hongsha interrupted Gao Feng's contemplation. Hearing that this thing would make Hong Sha have an appetite, Gao Feng discovered that these spiritual bodies are also of great benefit to him. As long as he eats one, it can increase his mental power by at least 1%. origin.

Taking a breath of cold air, Gao Feng took a few steps back. His eyes were horrified, and then boundless anger arose. It turned out that the Moko Protoss not only pried into the origin of the world's consciousness, but they also regarded human beings as raw materials for high-quality food?

Without agreeing to Hongsha eating his spiritual body, Gao Feng took all the crystal boxes with him and turned around to go out. He found a golden-eyed man wearing a robe and waiting quietly by the door. This guy was also a slave who was unwilling to leave. His job His post was standing by the door, waiting for the Moko Gods to come and go. Even though all the Moko Gods were killed, he did not give up his work.

Seeing Gao Feng, the golden-eyed tribesman raised his head slightly, with a little arrogance, showing a little arrogance. At least when Gao Feng gave up on him and became a slave, he did not think that Gao Feng was his master.

Without saying anything, Gao Feng casually grabbed the golden-eyed man with mountain-breaking strength in mid-air, casually tore off his gorgeous robe, and then unfolded a pair of flawless white wings from his back, causing Gao Feng to squeeze the guy angrily. Into a bloody mass.

Then Gao Feng went crazy, constantly looking for the Golden Eyes. Regardless of men or women, he tore off their clothes and crushed them to death. Under Gao Feng's killing, the remaining slaves suddenly panicked and rushed into the dock one after another, boarding the The Moko battleship fled, and in the end only Gaofeng, Hongsha, and Minnie were left.

"Young Patriarch, what happened?"

Hong Sha did not stop Gao Feng, but just watched silently. To her, even if Gao Feng killed all the slaves, it was nothing more than a trivial matter. She was worried about Gao Feng's mental state.

"No..., it's nothing, it's just that I thought they were angels, but they turned out to be birdmen..."

Gao Feng said something that Hongsha couldn't understand, and turned around to look for Minnie. At this time, in his heart, he had completely regarded the Moko Protoss as a mortal enemy. Whether it was the so-called Lamb of God or anything else, the Moko Protoss would offend Gao Feng to the extreme.

Thinking of being at the moon base before, facing the resonance of the blood of his ancestors, Gao Feng felt a sense of humiliation as if his ancestral grave had been dug up. The so-called faith was probably a seasoning used by the Moko Protoss to increase the taste. At least, the stronger the spiritual power, the more powerful the Moko Protoss would be. It will feel more delicious. I really wonder what the equation of the shadow area in the hearts of those predecessors who thought they were transcending the world and going to heaven would be like when they were swallowed as tonic?

"It's so comfortable, like the missing life is being replenished, you can't imagine..."

Minnie finally woke up and told Gao Feng about her joy, but Gao Feng placed more than ten crystal boxes in front of Minnie.

"Can they be saved?"


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