Apocalyptic Dark Age

Text 264 Desperate Flip

Yue Tanyi's whole body is burning and sprinting towards the peak, but the peak is constantly retreating. Neurotoxins can destroy people's nerves, and at the same time, they can improve people's combat effectiveness and stimulate the deepest potential and animal nature of the body. If they want to kill Yue Tanyi, the peak will be Have to fight to the death.

Under the influence of neurotoxins, Gao Feng's body is changing, and his muscles are rapidly expanding. The expanded muscles make him look like a stone statue carved from rock, with powerful power in his every move and every move.

He never thought about whether he could survive, never thought about whether he could escape the disaster, or even thought about what would happen if he died. Gao Feng devoted himself wholeheartedly to the battle situation and used all means to improve his combat effectiveness.

At the moment when the beast-like fighting spirit in his heart took control of his body, Gao Feng no longer retreated, roared and rushed towards Yue Tan Yi with his death scimitar. The distance between the two people shortened rapidly, and Yue Tan Yi was like a torch ramming towards Gao Feng. , the flames only burned on him. He actually had time to put out the flames, but he knew that if he did so, the pursuit of Gao Feng would reach a deadlock again. He was tired of Gao Feng's endless methods and would rather kill Gao Feng even with a small injury. Lose.

This level of injury is indeed a minor injury to Xianfeng Jialuo. Their bodies have surpassed ordinary people and evolved in another direction. Seeing Gaofeng rushing towards him, Yue Tanyi smiled instead of being angry, and suddenly burst out with his Maximum power.

Peak rushed towards Yue Tanyi like lightning. The moment he was close to Yue Tanyi's killing range, his toes suddenly hit the ground, bursting out fluffy soil, flying backwards against inertia, and when the invisible force field twisted the ground Broken into pieces, like a plowed field, the retreating steps of the peak suddenly stopped and rushed forward again.

Gao Feng and Yue Tan Yi had a vague connection with each other. This feeling increased tenfold after Gao Feng used neurotoxin. With only his intuition, he avoided Yue Tan Yi's fatal blow. This caused Yue Tanyi to become frantic, and he swung his sword to cut across the peak.

Gao Feng, who was running, suddenly slid to the ground. He raised his head and slid towards Yue Tanyi. Like a transparent blade, the air pierced the tip of his nose and fell behind, cutting off dozens of raised hairs.

This time, Gaofeng came within a few meters of Yue Tanyi. Yue Tanyi was still burning. When he saw Gaofeng rushing towards him, he shouted in panic. Yue Tanyi, surrounded by rolling flames, actually took the initiative to retreat, and then retreated again. In the process, he pulled off the burning clothes on his body, but he couldn't get rid of all the flames, especially his feet. The shoes were almost stuck to his feet.

The huge pain was something Yue Tanyi had never felt in his life. In this pain, he once again burst out with new strength, but before this force could involve Gao Feng, Gao Feng strangely avoided it.

The stimulation of severe pain made Yue Tanyi's senses more sensitive, and everything around him became unfamiliar. It seemed that there was a transparent film, and just outside the film, peaks surrounded him, roaring and moving, looking for a breakthrough. Opportunity.

This film is the effective killing range of Yue Tan Yi, but it cannot last. When the film disappears, the peak rushes over again. Yue Tan Yi prepares to push the peak back again, looking for an opportunity to flush the activation ability, like lightning. The scimitar of death slashed across his waist.

Yue Tanyi had to fight against the flames and peaks in his legs at the same time. The pain of the flames was unbearable by humans, but Yue Tanyi could bear it. Before the scimitar of death could reach his waist, Yue Tanyi stretched out his hands. Put your hands together and clamp them before you hit him.

In less than a second, he can reactivate his abilities and cut Gao Feng into pieces.

But he never expected that Gao Feng would abandon the scimitar of death and rush in front of him, knocking his head down on his brow. The time in less than a second stretched infinitely at this moment, and Yue Tanyi was hit on his brow. Howling miserably, he stepped back, and his ability to prepare early was triggered in advance, forming more than ten translucent air knives to wrap around the peak.

A series of bloody mouths exploded in Gao Feng's chest, and the blood sprayed like spring water, but Gao Feng did not hesitate for a second because of the injury and pain. He rushed over again, hugged Yue Tanyi by the waist, and was about to activate his ability. For a moment, he lifted it up into the sky and slapped it hard on the ground.

The huge impact caused Yue Tanyi to spurt out a mouthful of blood. Before Gao Feng kicked him with his flying legs, he roared and unleashed the power that had not been unleashed. It was like being sucked into a meat grinder. The skin all over Gao Feng's body was bursting. , but the bulge swelled to the extreme like a rock. Under the blade-like power, he trembled and moaned, and countless drops of black blood splashed everywhere, leaving Gao Feng with no good flesh on his body.

But Yue Tan Yi's disaster has not passed. He did not have the ability to explode with all his strength, and he did not inflict a one-hit kill on Gao Feng. Gao Feng, who was in a manic state, did not care about any pain, and the flying kick still hit Yue Tan Yi hard. On Yi's chest, amid the crisp sound of his sternum, Yue Tan Yi rolled out on the ground.

Rolling again and again, with mouthfuls of blood, and heart-rending pain, Yue Tanyi suffered the biggest blow in his life. Before he could stop completely, a bear-like peak hit the ground heavily. Every time he took a step, They all made deep dents in the ground and rushed towards him quickly. They jumped up high when they were still five or six meters away from him, curled their legs in the air, and dropped their protruding knees heavily towards Yue Tanyi's back.

Yue Tanyi didn't know the situation at all. He had been stunned. Even though Gao Feng had lost his rationality, his fighting instinct was still there. Countless practices allowed him to deliver a killing blow at any time, like a mountain bearing down on the top of a mountain. Yue Tan is falling.

At this moment, the soil around Yue Tanyi suddenly lifted up, forming a huge pillar of soil that circled like a giant dragon and collided with the falling peak. After the peak broke through half of the soil pillar, it was covered by the rising soil behind it. The column bounced back.

The peak drew an arc, fell heavily to the ground, and roared like a beast. The carp jumped up and rushed towards Yue Tanyi again. In a violent state, he would kill any creature that appeared in his eyes. , he will never give up until Yue Tan Yi is torn into pieces.

The soil pillar was not replenished. It was only one-half of the previous height. It rose to a height of seven or eight meters, suddenly turned around and crashed towards the peak again.

This time, Gao Feng was like a wild bull on the ground, lowering his head and crashing into the earth pillar. At the moment of the collision, Gao Feng suddenly jumped forward, threw himself on the ground to avoid the earth pillar, put his hands on the ground and exerted force, jumped up again, until He rushed towards Yue Tanyi who had just woken up.

Seeing that Gaofeng was unstoppable, the earth pillar suddenly retracted and turned into an earth wall blocking Gaofeng. Due to time constraints, the wall was quite thin. Gaofeng lowered his head and smashed it into pieces. He kicked Yue Tanyi on the head with a swing. , Yue Tanyi whined and flipped up, like a top, flew more than ten meters away and fell heavily. Gao Feng was about to rush up and tear it into pieces when a re-formed earth pillar hit his vest from behind, causing Gao Feng to also It flew out and landed in the opposite direction.

This time Gao Feng also spurted out a mouthful of blood. The blood was black and smelly, just like the blood flowing out of his wound. But after the blood spurted out, the blood in the wound turned red, full of bloodshot eyes, and his eyes were crazy and violent. Qingming also gradually recovered.

Gao Feng uses neurotoxins with the intention of dying, because everyone who has used them will die suddenly in a crazy vent, squeezing out the last bit of energy and potential in the body. Neurotoxins will pour into human blood vessels and make the blood boil. , speed up the beating of the heart, pump out more blood, and emit more power, all of which are overdrafts.

Gao Feng was unintentionally cut open to all the intradermal blood vessels in his body, and a large amount of contaminated blood flowed out, thus giving himself a chance to end this desperate battle before their potential was exhausted. Yue Tan There was no doubt that Yi had lost his fighting ability, and the muscles in Gao Feng's whole body began to ache, and he would feel severe pain even when he moved his little fingers.

{Piaotian Literature


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