Apocalyptic Dark Age

Text 289 Delusion

Under the piled soil, mud-covered shovels were flying up and down. No different from other depressions, this depression only had one shovel from beginning to end. The shovel was specially made and could quickly catch up with the width of the door panel. It was thick in the middle and sharp on the edges. , not like a shovel, but more like a strange weapon with three edges.

The person holding the shovel tightly is a malnourished child. At first glance, this newly made shovel can easily crush the child to death, but in his hand, the shovel seems to be weightless, dancing quickly, and every time Every time, dozens of kilograms of soil were shoveled from the bottom, and an afterimage was drawn out of the pit.

The depression he was in had been dug out to a depth of seven or eight meters, but he still didn't stop. The shovels were shoveled down like raindrops. If it were others, they would have been put into rattan baskets before they could be sent to the ground. For him, He said that there was no difference between seven or eight meters and one or two meters. Outside the pit where he was, the pile of soil was always the highest, and the rustling soil rolled back into the pit from the edge.

But he couldn't clean it up as fast as he did. In less than five minutes, he dug down to a depth of one meter again. This child named Jin Neng by Gao Feng had a focus that no one else had. When he shoveled down with the shovel in his hand, He kept chanting: "Eat, eat, have meat to eat..."

This was Gao Feng's promise to him, and it was also his motivation for work. In this monotonous work, he got an unprecedented sense of satisfaction. One person cultivated more than a thousand acres of land in ten days. On average, he cultivated one thousand acres of land every day. More than a hundred acres. Apart from him, even the strongest man may not be able to cultivate ten acres of land in one day. Therefore, Jin Neng gained the respect of everyone, and many women wanted to give him their daughters. , I believe he can make a living.

But Jin Neng's heart is not here at all. He just wants to complete more work, gain more appreciation, and eat more meat at the same time.

"Jin Neng, have a drink of water..." Fen Yue's concerned call came from overhead. Jin Neng stopped what he was doing, looked up with his dirt-stained cheeks, and looked at the smiling Fen Yue, numbly. He shook his head and dug the shovel into the soil, digging a huge gap...

"Jin Neng, please eat. There is food here..."

Jin Neng's ignorance made Fen Yue frustrated, but she started to fight again, gesturing with the dough in her hand to seduce Jin Neng below.

Jin Neng was attracted by the noodles this time. He felt hungry and swallowed his saliva involuntarily, showing longing in his eyes. Looking at the longing in Jin Neng's eyes, Fengyue smiled.

"Call me sister, and I'll give it to you. You can have as much as you want..."

Fengyue said to Jin Neng in a seductive voice. The hot look in her eyes surprised Jin Neng. Although he was young, he didn't understand anything. Being courteous for nothing was not a good thing in the western wilderness.

"Hurry up and agree. If you agree, you will have something to eat..."

Fenyue continued to gesture with the dough in her hand to seduce Jin Neng, when Taro's low words came from behind.

"Jin Neng cannot be bought with a piece of bread. Even if you ask him to recognize you as his sister, the adults will not admit it. Jin Neng's future is limitless. Your tricks will make the adults disgusted with you..."

Fengyue suddenly turned around and looked at Taro who was walking up with a gloomy face. She couldn't help but panic and defended herself: "No..., no, I just..."

The look in Taro's eyes was like a blade that made Fenyue shut up. As a tribal warrior who had killed countless people, he naturally had a fierce killing intent and temperament. Even though Fenyue became the manager of thousands of women, and Taro She was still inferior in comparison, so Fenyue felt that she could be seen clearly by Taro from her hair to her fingernails, and she had no privacy at all.

"You give your child to someone else, and you follow the adult all the time. Even a blind person knows what you are thinking. Do you want to be the only woman for the adult? Stop dreaming."

These words made Fengyue turn pale. She had indeed done what she expected. She had been observing Gao Feng these days and found that Gao Feng was not interested in ordinary women, at least in the tribe. There was no woman like her. In that way, Gao Feng had tampered with her.

Let her come to the conclusion that Gao Feng is still a virgin. Nothing makes a woman's heart beat more than capturing a virgin. As a man's first woman, she will be remembered by him for a lifetime. If she grasps it well, she may become Gao Feng's only possibility. Even the slightest chance can drive any woman crazy.

Once she made hope, her mind started to move. She was a smart woman, and she found the obstacle between her and Gao Feng, which was the child, so she gritted her teeth and sent the child away, but this was not enough. , she used to be just a very ordinary woman, not a virgin, nor did she have alluring looks, her status was completely unequal.

So she must get foreign aid, a strong helping hand. It is well known that Jin Neng is different from ordinary people. No one wants to get close to Jin Neng because their identities are different, but Fen Yue is different. She can use He obtained food through his authority, and then used food to seduce Jin Neng.

The reason why Taro stopped him was not because he was worried that Fen Yue would become Jin Neng's sister, but because he was afraid that after Jin Neng got enough food, he would no longer have the heart to work. Beasts would only hunt when they were hungry, and he didn't want Jin Neng to be killed. Pink Moon was ruined.

"Eat, eat..."

Jin Neng didn't know what was going on above. After waiting for a long time, he didn't see the noodles falling. He couldn't help shouting loudly. Fengyue's face was pale and her whole body was shaking. As long as she threw the noodles down, Jin Neng would recognize her. Even if Taro couldn't stop him. If he didn't throw it away, Jin Neng would definitely hate him, and he might never be able to count on him to help him.

The opportunity was right in front of her, but she was hesitant. Just below her, Jin Neng was climbing up, trying to climb out of the nearly eight-meter-deep pit and get the piece of dough. Just before he When his longing eyes were getting closer and closer to the pancake, the pancake suddenly flew away from his head, causing him to roar angrily and fall to the bottom of the pit unwillingly.

The pancake rolled and fell into the dirt piled on a small cart not far away. The next moment, it was grabbed by the cart man and hidden in his arms. Not everyone can eat enough, and not everyone can eat sand. Noodles made from jujube noodles.

Fen Yue looked at Taro in shock and anger as he kicked the dough out of her hand. Taro's cold eyes were sent back to the trolley and transferred to Fen Yue, causing Fen Yue to look away involuntarily.

"I'm here to save you. Do you think Master Xianfeng is really what you think? Can the average person think of making an iron plow? Can the average person think of burning mud into bricks? How many things can the average person do that they can't do in a lifetime? ?”

Fengyue bit her lip and stared at the sky without speaking. After a while, Taro calmed down her tone and said seriously:

"From now on, don't think about becoming an adult's woman. As long as you do what you should do and complete what the adults tell you, your life will be enough. You will have enough to eat and drink, and you will have status. What else do you want? Really? Do you think that as a grown-up woman, you can get everything? There are so many women in the wilderness, what do you think?"

These words finally made Fengyue stop showing off. Taro spoke to her heart. In the wilderness, what does a woman like her mean?

{Piaotian Literature


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