Apocalyptic Dark Age

Text 341 Deceit

The night passed in a silent and tense atmosphere, and when the dim morning came, the war horn of the Sky Claw tribe sounded loudly again, and teams of elite warriors marched towards the battlefield in the sky, seemingly preparing to repeat yesterday's meat grinder-like killings.

Yesterday's casualty exchange ratio was very distressing for both Mantou and Tianzhao. There were more than 300 Tianzhao tribe warriors and more than 700 injured, mostly injured by rolling stones, while Mantou's tribe suffered almost 300 casualties. About 2,000 people. Except for minor injuries, the seriously injured people basically have to carry it by themselves. If they can resist, they will survive. If they cannot resist, they will die. They will not have any help.

After a night of anxiety, Kanzi finally stood on his ideal position. The position was as clean as the position he stationed in the morning. There were no corpses and blood, no spears like dense blades of grass, and no crossbow arrows that nailed people to the ground. , the stones on the ground are like city walls, everything is so beautiful.

In order to promote his status, Mantou will not go to the battlefield in person, whether it was yesterday or today, so the war only takes place among ordinary people.

The warriors of the Tianzhao tribe were divided into two columns like yesterday. One column, about 3,000 people, headed for the hilltop where they attacked yesterday, and the other column headed for the hilltop where Kanzi was.

Seeing those warriors holding forest spears and shields, Kanzi let out a slow breath. In his opinion, these warriors were the same as yesterday. Most of them were surveillance elements. If they wanted to attack the hilltop where he was, they must at least be more powerful. More troops will do.

Kanzi did not expect that after yesterday's casualties, the actual number of elite warriors had dropped sharply to more than 2,000. The warriors coming towards them were the same warriors who had fought with them for a day.

According to the plan, today's attack will not be as violent as yesterday, and the attack should be carried out by reserve warriors. They only need to contain all the troops. However, I did not expect that yesterday's violent attack, which was suppressed for a long time and was vented, actually caused certain positions to be destroyed. The unstable guy was frightened and went to Tianzhu's tent in the middle of the night to show his loyalty and play neutral. This led to today's defense switch attack.

Of course, Tianzhao will not be so stupid that he will believe whatever others say. These two thousand elite warriors are the essence of the entire tribe. He cannot help but be careless, fearing that the entire army will be wiped out like last time, so today's main attack direction is still barbaric. there.

After the Skyclaw tribe launched another attack, the canyon fell into a state of fanaticism again. Countless people were roaring and venting. The barbarian side pushed down the stones that had been replenished overnight and rolled down towards the Skyclaw warriors. However, compared to yesterday, today's Skyclaw warriors were even more powerful. Jianjian, as if it was agreed upon, the stone only rolls towards places where there are no people, and does not approach those with people at all.

The dodge speed of the Sky Claw Warriors is completely different from yesterday. At the slightest disturbance, they would scatter like rabbits and hide. Compared with yesterday's warriors, it was like they had changed teams, but what they did was understandable. They looked scattered, but they still remained the same. Getting closer to the top of the mountain.

If he were to look at it as a commander who is proficient in war, he would definitely come to the conclusion that yesterday's troops and today's troops are two different styles of troops. , like a group of lions, today's army is like a group of hyenas. There is no specific combination. Whether they move or dodge, they all do it at will, but they never give up their prey, slowly forming an encirclement and approaching slowly.

Soon, the hand-to-hand combat officially began, and the results surprised Kanzi. He found that the attacking warriors were as timid as if they had lost their eggs. They were no longer as crazy as yesterday. They were ready to retreat as soon as they approached. Only when there are enough comrades around him will he launch an attack tentatively.

The barbarian warriors of the barbaric tribe were also surprised. They did not take advantage of the opponent's hesitation to launch a counterattack. They solemnly guarded the conquered land, and were still subject to various changes by their opponents. He stood still, did not retreat, did not attack, did not provoke, and did not show weakness. .

A steady stream of warriors rushed up the mountain, and then, under the counterattack of Heman and others, they were like deflated rubber balls, carrying the wounded and corpses and fled down the mountain. Before the cheers from above ended, a new offensive launched, one after another. A wave, like a sweeping tide.

Although the offensive is fierce, it makes people sleepy when they watch it. Compared with yesterday's brutality, today's battle is like a child's play, but no one can say anything. After all, there are many casualties on both sides, and every moment Someone was being carried down. The difference was that yesterday Kanzi could only support with all his strength and there was no room to carry away the wounded. Today both sides have time to carry away the wounded.

The battle lasted from early morning to afternoon. Snow began to fall in the sky again. Both the Skyclaw tribe and the barbarians began to increase their troops. They collided and melted on the top of the mountain in an endless stream, but it always made people feel weird. It was weird and unclear, at least. Kanzi felt something was wrong.

"Okay, let them do it. There is no problem on the Heman side..." Hongshi put down the half telescope he got from Gao Feng, turned around and said to the elite warriors who had been waiting for a long time.

This young warrior has strong muscles and a stern face. If you don't look carefully, he is almost the same as Gao Feng. However, he is one of the two attendants who followed Gao Feng before. He is also one of Tianzhao's unnamed sons. He will be The flagpole beside him was pulled up and waved violently. The whirring animal skin flag was the signal. An overwhelming roar resounded from the foot of the mountain where Kanzi was stationed through the canyon, bringing the battlefield on the opposite side to a standstill.

The next moment, two thousand elite warriors who had been waiting for a long time were like tigers emerging from the coffin, bursting out with fighting intent and rushing toward the top of the mountain where Kanzi was.

This almost made Kanzi's eyes pop out. They had been watching the battle and never thought that the warriors who were monitoring them would show their fangs when they started to push the stones to launch a counterattack.

Holes suddenly appeared on the hillside between the two sides, and a crossbowman emerged from each hole, firing deadly crossbow arrows at them.

The number of crossbow arrows is not large, that is, about a hundred, but in this case, even one crossbow arrow can be chilling.

"Trap, this is a trap..."

Kanzi dodged a crossbow arrow, turned around and shouted loudly to the seventh elder behind him. The seventh elder looked blankly at the elite warriors below, his whole body trembling. Just under his crotch, a crossbow arrow was trembling on the ground. With tail feathers.


Kanzi's words were interrupted by a roar like a frenzy. The distance from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain was not close, but the speed of these warriors was extremely fast, and because of the interference of the crossbow arrows in front of the formation, his warriors could not concentrate on pushing down the rolling rocks and let the pressure from below It weakened a lot, so I approached the top of the mountain even faster than yesterday.

Kanzi finally knew what was wrong. He was deeply impressed by the bed crossbow yesterday. He didn't know how many people died when the bed crossbow fired from a long distance. Today, he didn't see the bed crossbow on the opposite mountain. Obviously, there was no such thing. It's not that the Sky Claw Tribe forgot to use it, it's that they have always used it here.

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