Apocalyptic Dark Age

Text 434 Old man

"Here we are……."

This was Ou Ya's second sentence. Gao Feng looked up suddenly and found various garbage, scrap metal, strange damaged vehicles, household appliances with exposed threads, and lichens almost covering the walls in front of the tunnel. .

"There are checkpoints in the official passage, and we can't pass through it, so we take a detour through this long-abandoned passage..."

Seeing Gao Feng's surprised look after taking off his helmet, Ou Ya couldn't help but explain, but Gao Feng closed his eyes and breathed in the turbid and pungent air. This air contained the atmosphere of civilization that was not found on the ground, even if it was just civilization. Despite the negative aura, I still felt relaxed, as if I had returned to my previous life.

"When we get here, we're ready to walk..."

As Ou Ya spoke, he put the backpack on the devil dog on his back, put down his helmet, and turned on the devil dog's automatic defense system. However, Gao Feng walked to the wreckage of an unknown machine and pressed his palm on the steel shell. Soon, a sharp long knife appeared in his hand, and he slashed at the moss-covered wall on one side, leaving a deep mark on the ground.

"I like here……."

Gao Feng threw away the long knife, looked at Ou Ya and said very sincerely that it was just a pile of garbage, including his favorite metal, and there was no place more suitable for him to sit down and fight than the underground world.

"But, can I sneak into the city?"

After throwing away the long knife, Gao Feng began to seriously consider sneaking into the city.

"I'm afraid conventional channels are not possible. There are three thousand troops stationed in this city, equipped with fifty-five Devil Dog U47s, twenty Invader self-propelled fire platforms, and five Spider mine-laying vehicles. In addition, there may be a Nirvana Legion squad. We are not rivals..."

Only the members of the Nirvana Army know how terrifying the Nirvana Army is, and Gao Feng naturally knows that. With him, if he alarms the Nirvana Army, he may not even be able to cry.


Gao Feng knew that if there was an if, there would be an unless, so he took the initiative to ask. Ouya hesitated for a moment, lowered his forehead and looked at the instep and whispered:

"Unless you accept the exploration mission as a hidden tribe, and then find an underground space to report it, then you can become a reserve civilian..."


Gao Feng was certain that in a place where identity verification is required everywhere, this is the only way to do it. Otherwise, it would be like riding a train in the previous life, and it would be difficult to move without an ID card.

"What about you?"

Although I didn't know what difficulties there would be in exploring space, I wasn't worried. I was worried about Ou Ya. After all, Ou Ya's name should be on the underground government's death list.

"My built-in chip has first-level permissions. As long as I don't go to sensitive places, civilian equipment has no right to check my identity, so don't worry..."

Ou Ya's answer was unexpected, but reasonable. The identity confidentiality system is universal no matter in the previous life or now.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go?"

Gao Feng put his backpack on his back, hesitated, unloaded all the guns and ammunition on his body, picked up the long knife that he had thrown away, and condensed it into a dagger. Even the goddess of dawn could only use a crude viper pistol. A hidden tribe , carrying military standard equipment is itself a flaw.

The two people set off again, bypassing the garbage blocking the passage, and moved forward.

The passage is not only filled with garbage and moss, but also a large amount of stagnant water. The stagnant water makes the passage resemble a sewer. Walking in the waist-deep turbid water, Gao Feng had to wear a respirator. He can see the swollen water by grabbing a flashlight. It's black, with countless impurities sandwiched in between, and the smell is even more unbearable.

Fortunately, the military uniforms of the two men were almost completely sealed, and dirty water could not get on the uniforms. Walking was not difficult, but there was everything in the water, including rubber that had accumulated for many years, plastic bags, discarded shoes and clothes, and even some sanitary napkins floating in the water like dead fish.

The passage was long and far-reaching. Gao Feng and Ou Ya walked intently in the sewage. From time to time, they would stumble over the garbage and debris deposited under the sewage. Fortunately, neither Gao Feng nor Ou Ya cared about the environment here. Gao Feng had experienced it in his previous life. Living in a more harsh environment, Ouya has been trained since childhood and has long been immune to these.

I don’t know how long it took, but the terrain continued to rise. The waist-high sewage gradually dropped to the thighs, then the knees, and finally the calves. Finally, they walked out of the long and dirty waterway. At this time, Feng Feng’s sight was filled with darkness. It was blocked by an iron wall. This iron wall was seven or eight meters high, blocking everything from the ceiling to the ground. There was a cup-sized hole in the iron wall that looked like honeycomb coal, and sewage was spraying out. It was obviously the city's drainage channel.

Ou Ya did not stop here. The peak followed the edge of the passage and led to a dirty path. This path had been stepped on by countless people. The ground was covered with black mud and still exuded a pungent fishy smell.

Walking in mud is more comfortable than walking in sewage. In addition to sewage itself and garbage, sewage also contains mud. This time the two of them speeded up a lot. After a while, they walked on the dry ground and stood on the ground. , the mud and sewage flowing on the military uniforms flowed to the ground like running water, accumulating turbid mud, and Gao Feng suddenly felt relieved.

At this moment, Ou Ya suddenly made a silent gesture to Gao Feng. Gao Feng raised his head and looked forward. He could vaguely see the faint light coming from the front, and there was some lie in the night vision device.

"Don't kill people casually..."

Seeing that Ou Ya was touching the gun, Gao Feng grabbed her wrist and whispered.

Ouya hesitated for a moment, released the handle of the pistol, and walked forward first. Not far away, Gao Feng saw a wall made of black oilcloth. The light came from the gaps in the wall, and he could faintly hear it. When they heard some noise, the two looked at each other. Ou Ya rushed over first, and Gao Feng rushed over later. The next moment, they saw an old man with a white beard sitting on a tin box, stretching out his hands to bake on the bonfire. .

The flame is a stove modified from a small metal can. A long and slender glass tube protrudes from the top of the can. A porous ball is set on the glass tube, and the flame is spraying from the hole, like an Olympic torch.

The owner of the bonfire was a very old guy. This was the first time Gao Feng had seen such an old man in this world. He was wearing a thick gray suit, covered with black stains and a layer of oily sheen. The wrinkles on his face are like dry tree bark, and his hands are also wrinkled, but darker than his face.

The old man slowly raised his head, glanced at the two people with dull eyes, narrowed his eyes slightly, and it took a while for the old man to say;

"It feels so good to see a living person before I die..."

These words left Gao Feng speechless, but Ou Ya ignored the old man and prepared to leave.

"Don't leave in a hurry. You are still young and have a lot of time to waste. Unlike me, I am too old to even walk..."

The old man talked a lot. When Gao Feng heard this, he felt desolate in his heart for some reason. He pulled Ou Ya to sit in front of the old man and warm themselves by the fire together.

"I don't know what to call the old man?"

Gao Feng took the initiative to ask this question. After two or three seconds, the old man slowly shook his head and said:

"No one has asked my name for many years, and no one has talked to me. If I didn't talk to myself every day, I wouldn't even be able to speak, and naturally I wouldn't be able to remember my name..."

These words of infinite loneliness made Gao Feng feel a little sad. The old man's present is his future, and no one can escape birth, old age, illness and death.

"Let's go quickly. There are many such old guys hiding in corners and committing suicide. The government will not allocate resources to support them..."

Ou Ya obviously didn't care what the old man said and urged Feng Feng. Feng Feng hesitated for a moment, took out a few tubes of liquid food from the backpack behind him and put them into the old man's dull hands.

"I've been looking for a long time, but I didn't find the food you prepared. I'll give these to you. Even if you die, you will be a well-fed man..."

Gao Feng is purely pitiful. In addition to the old man's age, the two of them are equally lonely. In this world, only he is different. Even though there are many people close to him, the loneliness has never disappeared.

"Are you a child of the Yin tribe?"

The old man's hands that caught the food trembled, and a few tears rolled down his eyes. He asked Gao Feng for an answer in a trembling voice, and then said to himself:

"It must be so. Only the children of the Yin tribe still have some sense of humanity. Those guys in the city are all machines, without any human nature..."

"Old man, take care of yourself, I'm leaving..."

Gao Feng had already seen some signs of dementia in the old man, and he might not be able to get the information out of his mouth, so he stood up and left.

"I am old and have nothing to offer to thank you..., but I have lived for so many years and know some things that others don't know. If you are willing, I can tell you..."

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