Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 726 More Alienation


The scream made Gao Feng pause for a moment before he could send it out again. If the shout was a man's voice, Gao Feng would never care, but it was the sound of Yue pulling sand.

Gao Feng's eyes were glowing red and he glared at the pale Yue Lasha. If Yue Lasha didn't give him an explanation, he would continue to kill.

"They are the war department of the family... and the main ones who accepted the wilderness this time..."

"Who do I care who they are? They even dare to touch my territory. Are they living a good life?"

The killing intent lingering around Gao Feng became even stronger, spreading out in all directions with invisible pressure. Even if it touched the edge, it would scare the whole body of those young people. They were just showing off their skills. Where can it bear the aura of Xianjun Jialuo?

Not only the external war department, Yunhuang and Fatty An were also inevitably affected. Ye Kui almost dropped his jaw when he looked at Gao Feng. It seemed that Gao Feng was still the Splitting Mountain Jialuo not long ago. How many months had it been? When did the army of regrets in the wilderness become so worthless?

"But you can't kill them. They are the elites cultivated by the family..."

"Bah, my family doesn't care about me. Have I ever taken any benefits from the family? Has the family ever given me a grain of food? No one can leave today..."

Gao Feng was tempted to kill. The biggest reason was not that these people were arrogant, but that he thought of the tragic scene of the Tianzhao tribe. He hated these so-called clans for rushing into his home and killing him. He really thought he was made of mud and left alone. Others pinch you? "

"Killing them will not help, and the people who have been lost cannot be recovered. Why not recover the losses from them?"

Yue Lasha has never thought of caring for other people in this way. At this moment, Gao Feng is obsessed with killing and venting his anger. Even You Ming cannot bear the consequences. After all, You Ming is a member of the Xuan Ye family, and even the clan leader cannot be deprived without going through a ruling and trial. The life of a family member.

Yue Laisha used the best reason she could think of to persuade Gao Feng, which made Gao Feng slightly stunned. The anger in his heart had subsided a lot. Wasn't he short of food? If we use this matter as an excuse, we might be able to save the food that our family needs, and we can even find a batch of it instead?

With a slight thought, Gao Feng glared at those pale-faced guys with a straight face and fierce eyes. Just before the final beating, someone in the crowd suddenly screamed:

"What are so many of us afraid of? Kill him to avenge Xuan Jia for the first time..."

This ghostly cry made all the people coming from behind get into a commotion and prepare to take action. Gao Feng sneered and activated Thousand Calamity Threads instantly. They were looking for death themselves, so they couldn't blame him.

Unexpectedly, Qianjie Silk was taken back by Gao Feng, because Yue Laosha stood in front of Qianjie Silk, not to stop Gao Feng, but to rush into the middle of those people before Gao Feng. The Yue Lao Sha flashed quickly like a shadow, Without making any move, the Xian Feng Jialuo who blocked her body flew out one by one.

Many people didn't know what was good and attacked Yue Lasha, and all kinds of weird abilities came into play. But in front of Yue Lasha, it was like a virtual screen made by projection, easily broken by her, just like these bastards who rushed into the valley before. Arrogant, Yue Laisha did the same to them in turn. After a dozen breaths, more than a dozen Xian Feng and half-step Xian Feng all flew dozens of meters away, leaving only one short guy with wandering eyes. Yue Tiasha twisted his neck.

Seeing Yue Laosha's appearance, Gao Feng couldn't help but feel chilled. It seemed that Yue Laosha looked very similar to Xue Youming. That guy was just like his previous self, being twisted like a chicken in the hands of the woman on his end. But Yue Laisha was not Youming. With a scratch, the man's neck was broken.

It was clean, refreshing, and far less cruel and bloody than Gao Feng. It was as easy as a girl's fair and slender fingers breaking a pencil. Gao Feng couldn't help but shudder. It was the first time for him to kill with such beauty. See.

"Don't you recognize the ANBU symbol? There is no need for trial for the following criminals. ANBU has the right to kill them on the spot. Who wants to try again..."

Yue threw the man to the ground like throwing sand into the sand, and looked coldly at Xian Feng, who was lying on the ground unable to move. The family warriors on the mountain also started to commotion. Some people made loud noises, while others ran down the mountain. Knowing that their heads were spinning and even Jialuo was being controlled, what else could they do?

Two people were killed in a row, and the remaining people noticed that Yue Lasha was wearing a small black dagger embroidered on it, and they immediately calmed down. Gao Feng couldn't understand Yue Lasha's fuss. He had previously told him not to kill him. , when it was her turn, she struck more decisively than herself. What does this mean?

"From now on, you and the family warriors will stay here to wait for processing, and privately attack the ANBU stronghold in the wilderness. This account must be settled carefully. Let the people behind you go to the ANBU. I hope you will not be classified as gray. department……."

Yue Lasha's final declaration finally broke the last resentment and resentment of these people. They all looked at each other in horror. Finally, someone broke their silent confrontation and shouted loudly:

"It's none of our business. It was Xuan Jiaci who brought us here. All this is a conspiracy and we were deceived..."

The first person spoke, and the others no longer abided by the repressive alliance, and loudly attacked the person killed by Gao Feng. Many people even reported each other, which made Gao Feng feel confused. It seems that these guys are not good. Things, they were running amok in the eastern wilderness, bullying men and women, and doing all the bad things they could do.

"Why did the family let these people enter the wilderness? Do they want to wash the wilderness with blood?"

Not to mention that when Fatty An heard these words, he gritted his steel teeth with hatred. Even though Yunhuang and Ye Kui both had hostile feelings, Gao Feng also became angry and scolded Yue Lasha. Not to mention how wronged Yue Lasha was. It has nothing to do with her at all. It is the decision of the family elders. For the elders, even You Ming has no influence. After all, You Ming became Split Mountain for too short a time and did not even have time to cultivate direct descendants.

"Everything will be known when Lord You Ming comes back. The person you killed just now is a direct descendant of the family. He may be in some trouble. The other people are irrelevant, but if you can't help it, don't kill him..."

Yue Lasha didn't bother to explain. She silently endured the anger of the peak and did everything she could. She didn't want to care about anything. Those crying Jialuo were completely incompatible with their abilities. They were like a group of mangy dogs that bullied the weak and feared the strong. As for Those family warriors who rushed down from the mountain, under the suppression of Ye Kui and others, simply took off their armor, threw away their weapons, and squatted together with their heads in their hands. It was hard to imagine that just such a group of people had given up to the wilderness. Cause huge havoc.

A rescue operation was carried out in the valley. With a look of mourning on his face, Uncle Cheng led the people to gather together the dying injured. These people either had their internal organs injured, or their entire chests were kicked to pieces, making it impossible to save them. The lively and busy valley became dead and silent. Women and children disappeared and hid somewhere unknown. The remaining men spontaneously armed themselves, using wood, stones, and even sharpened bones as weapons.

Gao Feng stood on the mountainside where Ye Kui loved to fight, dumbfounded and didn't know what to think. Yue Lisha did not leave because of Gao Feng's previous scolding. She stood behind Gao Feng and waited silently. It was just that this time the relationship between the two A little further away.

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