Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 743 Guan San

"Did you find just this much in three days?"

Guan San fiercely threw the object in his hand at the opponent's face, rebounded and fell to the ground, making the opponent tremble uncontrollably, lowered his head and did not dare to speak.

"Hmph, useless waste. I'll give you three more days. If it still happens, you can apply to go to the front line yourself. I will take good care of your family..."

The person opposite was the Minghanjun Jialuo. As a Xianfeng Jialuo, Guan San did not even dare to refute. After hearing Guan San's words, he ignored the majesty of the high-ranking Jialuo and begged:

"Master Steward, it's not that I don't try my best, it's just that there is really no other way. The Anbu has been cleaned up from top to bottom by Youming, and all those left behind are the die-hards from the past. How can we break in? And the Anbu is isolated from other places. Once you step into ANBU territory, you will be considered to have evil intentions. It doesn't matter if we die, if the ANBU finds out about you..."

The last sentence of Xianjun Jialuo's defense was the key point. Guan San couldn't help but nod. As a wise man who uses his brain more than his fists, Guan San didn't want to be exposed in the eyes of others. This time, he felt very insecure.

"Okay, this time I am worried. You are not suitable to stay in the family, so as not to arouse suspicion. Send a letter to the Leicra family for me, and come back after it is delivered..."

Pinching his eyebrows somewhat covertly, Guan San looked at Xianjun Jialuo's legs and said, while at the same time that thought flashed through his mind, a thought that only he knew.

Xianjun Jialuo quickly agreed and went out with a lot of thanks. Looking at Xianjun's leaving figure, Guan San shook his head helplessly and thought to himself:

"It's not that I don't want you to live. You have been noticed by ANBU. It would be better for you to die than for everyone to die..."

When he let go of the idea of ​​guilt, he walked to the desk and sat down, looking at the portrait of Gao Feng on the white silk and frowning in thought.

"This man is in the Western Wilderness. Thundercracking Seventeen appears in the Western Wilderness. You Ming also appears in the Western Wilderness. What exactly is there in the Western Wilderness? Why did the Thundercracking Family issue the Star Loss Order to me? It must be completed even if all the lurking shadows are sacrificed. , but why didn’t you make it clear?”

Guan San had a headache when he thought of the orders from the Leishan Family. It was really difficult for him to investigate the death causes of the three Split Mountain Garos. Once he got involved in the trouble about the Split Mountain Garos, there was a very high chance that he would die without a complete body. Guan San was very embarrassed. The only breakthrough point may be You Ming. He can't afford to offend You Ming, so he can only open the gap in Feng Feng. Thinking of Feng Feng, he is also a little jealous in his heart. A barbarian from the wilderness can actually inherit and make people jealous to the extreme. of wealth.

Just as Guan San was thinking wildly, someone suddenly called him softly at the door, waking him up from his reverie. Then he saw in his left and right hands, a hidden object hidden behind the previous Xianjun Jialuo. In fact, he was the The main force monitoring the peak.

The person who came in did not stand in front of Guan San like Xian Jun did before. The sole of his foot slipped and he slipped into the darkest corner of the room very naturally, as if he was born to belong there, without any sense of surprise, but if If you don't pay attention, you will naturally ignore his existence, just like you often ignore a small stain on the floor of the room.

"Shadow, you followed me ten years ago. There is no need to be so careful, right? You should relax here with me. No one will hurt you except me..."

The shadows in the shadows are like silent ghosts, standing there, synchronized with the darkness. Even if you stare at them with your eyes wide open, they are easy to ignore. Guan San is not used to it. He likes to look at the other person's eyes and expressions. Through The subtle changes can determine the other person's inner thoughts.

"I'm used to it, and I'm almost done with what you told me..."

Hearing this, Concern felt happy. After all, Shadow had never let him down.

"That child is useless. Xuantian has not lived in the courtyard of Luo Xing. They have only met once..."

The first sentence made Guan San's heart sink, but he said nothing and waited quietly. He knew that the shadow would tell him whatever he needed to say.

"When the news about the maid next to Luo Xing was exposed, the two of them only said a few words in total, and then Xuan Tian left, and they never saw her again."

After closing the door, I couldn't help but lean back on the chair. I habitually touched my chin with my fingers and squinted my eyes to think. In the eyes of many people, the children of Luo Xing were important chess pieces. Even Guan San was no exception. The influence of ANBU was real. It is too big, and it has the power to decide life and death over the younger generation. No one wants to live under the threat of You Ming.

"After leaving the planet, Xuantian disappeared for a period of time. During this period, no one knew where he was. I arranged thirty-two chess pieces in the ANBU and monitored four-fifths of the area and ten of the nineteen passages. Hachijo has never seen him. I suspect that he has reached the core area of ​​the family..."


Guan San couldn't sit still anymore and stood up suddenly and almost rushed to Shadow's side. Fortunately, he knew that the area within three meters of Shadow was an absolute safe zone and no one was allowed to get close.

After walking quickly back and forth for three times, Guan San finally calmed down the excitement in his heart. The core area of ​​the Xuan Ye family was his purpose of sneaking into the Xuan Ye family. In order to accomplish this goal, he lurked for ten years. If he had not found out the possibility I have to lurk for the rest of my life.

In order to find out what is in the core area, the Leicra family and other families have made a lot of efforts to come back over the years, but no one has been able to succeed. All the people who lurked in have disappeared, as if they had never appeared. The biggest infiltration was, It was three months ago that the new and old clan leaders had replaced each other. During the inauguration ceremony, they sent out twelve Xianfeng Jialuo and four Xianjun Jialuo. Unexpectedly, they still disappeared and no one saw them again.

Sixteen Jialuo can completely establish a medium-sized family and control a small town. This loss will completely destroy the potential force that has been operating for ten years. It will also destroy all the elites sent to him by the Leixia family. If If it's not his true identity, I'm afraid he has been eliminated by the Thunder Split family.

"In addition, the Yongye airship that you asked me to focus on lost Xiao..."

After saying this, Shadow's mood fluctuated slightly. Guan San sat down heavily on the chair, his eyes were empty and lifeless, and he murmured to himself: "Even Xiao Xiao was lost? He was an assassin who could split the mountain with half a step. If it weren't for his lack of confidence, , let him enter the core area long ago, he is our last hope..."

"The last hope should be with Xuantian..."

Shadow was always colder than Guan San. He did not continue to dwell on Xiao Xiao's death, but said what went straight to the core.

"Yes, that's him. He has been to the core area and came here on the Yongye. He is also a member of the Youming family. He should know many things..."

Guan San's face flushed with excitement, and the grief for Xiao disappeared completely in his heart. As long as he could find out the secret of Yongye and learn the secrets of the core area, everything would be worth it.

The shadow looked at Guan San's excitement indifferently, without breaking the opponent's fantasy. He stood quietly in the shadow, waiting for Guan San to recover, and asked with some embarrassment:

"How did Xiao Xiao die?"

"You Ming has been living on the Evernight No...."

"Damn it, we were all deceived by You Ming. Even an ordinary Split Mountain Garo can't kill Xiao. If it weren't for his previous head injury, he would have become a Split Mountain Garo. All those who provide false information will die, and no one can be spared. …….”

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