Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 817 Unexpected

The little thing still didn't understand what was happening behind him, so he struggled hard and screamed and made a noise. Suddenly, a small foot stepped on the head of the little thing, causing it to pounce to the ground. From the corner of its eye, it saw the ruler. The long little pink balls were like fairies carved from pink and jade, jumping up to Gao Feng's shoulders, and his facial features were suddenly smoldering with anger.

Gao Feng didn't know that the reason why the little pink ball got Piaomiao's favor was because it ate Piaomiao's blood by chance. In a chaotic battle in the hills, Piaomiao was severely injured and lost a lot of blood. Although the little thing coveted it, But he didn't dare to eat it in front of Piaomiao. Gao Feng didn't notice the little thing's abnormal reaction to Piaomiao's blood. Instead, the little fantuan who observed in the dark found an opportunity and ate a lot of Piaomiao's dried blood after Gao Feng left.

Dried blood and blood essence are two different things. After eating the small powder balls, the accumulated energy is not enough to produce transformation. Just like a malnourished athlete, he can't even think about making a splash and breaking out with good results. Fortunately, these days of elixir essence are available. In addition, even though he ate mostly leftovers, he was still stronger than before. Suddenly he got the blood crystal of the peak beast, which was like nuclear fusion, producing a geometric explosion.

When the little thing mutated, it didn't have any predecessors as a reference, so it became like a monkey but not a monkey, like a human but not a human. However, the little pink ball had Piaomiao as a reference, and it avoided a lot of detours. When she jumped to the shoulder of the peak , touched Gao Feng's forehead with his small hand, Gao Feng immediately understood the cause and effect, and lamented that fate was playing tricks on people.

Piao Miao did not appear, and a combination of circumstances created Xiao Fan Tuan. Except that Xiao Fan Tuan's face is more delicate and cute, with the innocence and ignorance of a little loli, other places are the same as Piao Miao, just like Piao Miao's physical figure. Gao Feng was not very happy because Piaomiao refused to see him.

The toad was still lying on the ground shaking slightly, and the emotion in its eyes could not be seen clearly. Gao Feng knew that this thing was extremely scared, so he walked around the toad a few times. Gao Feng tentatively took back the spider silk and released the toad's five-flowered binding. Even so , the toad still squatted on the ground and did not dare to move, as if he was conquered.

At this time, Gao Feng decided not to kill them all. Judging from the spiders, the little powder balls, and the mysterious one-horned turtle, the beast was also wise, and he had gotten what he wanted. There is no need to kill him again, unless the toad doesn't know how to live or die.

Dahua carefully controlled Dahua to lift the cocoon on the toad's head, revealing the toad's eyes with extremely shrunken pupils. The third eye did not send out a strange attack that would make Gaofeng vomit blood, and his tongue did not penetrate and wander around. The cautious Dahua rushed Gao Feng nodded, moved his limbs and turned around with difficulty, with his butt facing Gao Feng, and ran into the depths of the woods.


Gao Feng touched his chin and looked at the disappearing toad. At this moment, the anxious cry of the little thing reached Gao Feng's ears. When he turned around, he found that the little thing was still struggling on the ground with its legs tied up.

The first time the little thing was touched and imprisoned, the two big eyes suddenly turned scarlet. The big watery eyes of the little pink ball sitting on the shoulder no longer showed fear, and also turned scarlet. Without waiting for the peak to stop, the two little ones The guys collided with each other in the air and staged a brutal fight.

It was said to be tragic, but in fact it was an extremely close collision between the two little guys. Two colors, one white and one pink, collided and flew in the air, hitting each other from the ground to the treetops, and then from the treetops to the fingers. The speed was getting faster and faster, and there was movement. It wasn't big, but the chaos reached the extreme. The chirping and shouting were so noisy that Gao Feng's eyes almost tangled together.

Gao Feng did not stop him. He folded his arms and watched the excitement. Under his perception, the private grudge between Xiao Dong and Xiao Fan Tuan was clearly revealed. Gao Feng had known that Xiao Fan Tuan had been bullied by Xiao Dong, but he did not help Xiao Dong. Fantuan, in the world of two little guys, any interference from outside forces may cause greater hatred. Maybe the hatred has accumulated to a certain extent, and the little thing may kill the little Fantuan. The only way is to let their grievances go. The balance is within a certain range.

The transformation of the little powder ball is now a critical moment for rebalancing. Gao Feng will not adjust it. He can only wait for them to win or lose. He doesn't even have the interest to watch more. He takes Da Hua back to the place of Ink Bone Stone, and just waits for them to win or lose. I saw that the two pieces of ink bone stone embedded in the ground had lost all traces, leaving only the one that was pulled out before.

Seeing this, Gao Feng was startled at first, and then suddenly turned his head and looked around, trying to find Piaomiao who had taken away the ink bone stone. He understood that if other things were taken away, he would definitely take away the three pieces together, and he would never Leave a piece for him.

He didn’t understand the specific use of this thing. Gao Feng knew the meaning of Piaomiao taking it away. It was to tell him the importance of this thing. Dahua had no idea about the ink bone stone. A pair of small eyes kept looking at the noise deep in the woods. Brother The sisters were separated and disappeared, making Dahua care about the remaining two little ones, fearing that they would also get lost.

The ink bone stone was placed on Dahua's body. Looking at it, there were at least a dozen large and small packages on Dahua's body. The fragments looked quite indecent, but at the moment, he couldn't take care of them. A poor family is worth a million dollars. , if anything is missing, it will be troublesome for the peak.

Not long after, the result of the fight between the two little ones came out. They ran out at the same time. It was hard to tell who took advantage and who suffered. Judging from the raised chin of Little Fan Tuan, the days when the little thing bullied her were gone.

"Everyone, stay calm and don't fight, you little bastard. If you obey, I guarantee you will still be the boss..."

Seeing the little thing who was feeling quite depressed, Gao Feng comforted him with a few words, which made the little thing get excited again. With his bulging belly, he glanced at the little pink ball demonstratively and looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle with disdain. , Gaofeng walked straight into the depths of the jungle. The place where black lines of floating grass can appear must be the infinite forest. He was the first step to find his way home.

Unexpectedly, changes are always unexpected. Bursts of huge explosions and flames burst out in the forest directly in front, like a strong wind, hanging down rows of trees and blowing the peaks to the ground. , even Dahua had to lie down to face the scorching waves of air.

Gao Feng was stunned during the roll. He smelled the familiar smell of gunpowder. Judging from the overwhelming explosion, it was completely covered by 122mm rocket launchers. Depending on the situation, it was at least five forty-tube rocket launchers. The scale of the volley enveloped the explosion range of nearly a hundred main stadiums, razing everything in front to the ground.

When Gao Feng struggled out from the blast of air, the little pink balls and the little things jumped on him immediately. Obviously, the two little guys were frightened, and even Dahua, who had never known what fear was, was scared. He ran behind Gaofeng, not daring to show his head again.

Gao Feng looked at the forest in front of him that was engulfed in flames and smoke. He saw a three-eyed toad that was smoked black and jumped out of the flames. There were many others around it. Decorated beasts, large and small, and small birds living in the forest fell like hailstones, landing in front and behind Gao Feng, and most of them were roasted until they smelled like meat.

This was a catastrophe. The three-eyed toad didn't even look at Gao Feng. It rushed out of the forest and onto the plain outside. Then large and small beasts also ran into the plain one after another. Gao Feng turned around numbly, and the fire was approaching him. , so that he had to leave.

But before Gao Feng could walk out, countless small missiles with flames burning on their butts scattered like flowers and fell on the grassland. Nearly half of them landed among the armored horses scattered around eating grass. Even the toads who had just escaped also fell on the grassland. A few were taken care of.

There was another explosion of fire that was more than ten meters high. Gaofeng fell to the ground before the explosion. The scorching air waves, carrying scattered sparks, rolled over the back of Gaofeng like a tsunami. The sound of breaking trees could be heard endlessly. Large tracts of shrubs and leaves rolled up in front of and behind him, and were ignited by sparks. The long smoke swept over Gao Feng, causing him to cough repeatedly.

Before he could get up from the ground full of sparks, the three-eyed toad, covered in charred black and like briquettes, landed in front of Gao Feng with a thud. It bounced its legs and made a final struggle. The toad's skin did not receive much damage. Injury, a half-meter-long irregular sharp shrapnel just pierced its third eye, which was the fatal injury.

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