Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 827 Past Events

Where Aiselin is, she has been pursued by many men. In addition to her background, it is more because of her stunning appearance, proud figure, and queen-like temperament. But in front of the peak, she has become an incompetent person. A popular ugly girl, most of the time, she even doubts her gender. Why doesn't Gao Feng react like a normal man?

What Gao Feng did made Aiselin, who had always been praised as a princess by everyone, extremely angry. It was obviously Gao Feng's fault, and she even said that she was the one who caused the trouble. If Gao Feng had given her food, how could she have arrived? Don’t know how to find food by the water?

Aiselin stared resentfully at Gao Feng who was cleaning up the mess, touched her painful neck, and couldn't help but pull out the short knife that Gao Feng had tailor-made for her. But the next moment, she gave up her plan, even if she was given a twelve-hole rocket. The transmitter may not be able to reach the peak.


A clear sound of water splashed, frightening Aiselin to forget all her resentment. She jumped up and rushed to Gao Feng. With a twist of her toes, she ducked behind Gao Feng. Her hands tightly clasped Gao Feng's waist, making Gao Feng feel like she was blowing air. Like this, he pushed his chest to the limit.

"Let me go, I can't breathe..."

Green veins appeared on Gao Feng's forehead. Just now, he wanted to kill himself with his eyes, but now he is scared to death. He has never seen such a shameless woman. Aiselin just ignored it and used her hands to become stronger. Gao Feng was helpless. Shaking his head, he dragged Aiselin and walked towards the river step by step.

When they arrived at the river, Aiselin's head cautiously popped up from behind Gao Feng and looked at the dark river. Gao Feng flicked his wrist and whipped out his long whip. Then he entangled something and dragged it towards the river. Only then did Athelin let go of Gao Gao, blushing a little.

A huge aquatic creature with a diameter of more than 20 meters and a shape like a bat was dragged up the river bank by the peak. This big guy with smooth skin and a fishy smell was the big mouth that caused trouble in the water. The jagged edge of a spine cut from the back of the fish. It was obvious that this monster could not digest the hardest bones of higher beasts.

Aiselin looked at the creature in surprise. She still didn't understand why the spine that Gao Feng had obtained during the day suddenly landed on the monster's body. Just now, neither Gao Feng nor she could move. Watching Gao Feng excitedly dissecting the big fish, she felt that there were more and more secrets about Gao Feng, which made her more and more curious.

Gao Feng cuts out the most tender part of the big fish. This kind of fish is not suitable for making sashimi. The bright red meat is more like veal and the meat is fresh and tender. But if you want to eat it raw, the fishy smell alone will be enough to make you sashimi. On the bonfire, Gao Feng made a grilling net with spider silk. The fish meat of uniform size and thickness squeaked on it, and fragrant oil bloomed.

Aiseline couldn't see the spider silk, and looked at the fish suspended on the fire in surprise. She wanted to ask, but she was afraid of offending Gao Feng and refused to eat. She could only swallow her saliva and focus on the fish. After a while, the fish began to curl, and then she saw a layer of grid lines all over the grilled side of the fish, and her heart moved slightly.

"Which country did you inherit? The United States? Brazil? Or Australia?"

Gao Feng's sudden inquiry made Aiselin suddenly nervous. Her long and narrow blue eyes were shining with an inexplicable luster. Gao Feng kept staring at the barbecue. Without seeing him move, the pieces of barbecue automatically bounced up, flipped in the air, and landed again. On the grid, place the uncooked side over the flame.

Not long after, the fish was almost cooked. Gao Feng picked up a piece and threw it into his mouth. He was immediately burned and blew air, but he still ate it into his stomach, making Aiselin, who had always been hungry, bite her lips and tremble all over. If not The aroma of the food was just that, she could just simmer it for a while, but when she saw how sweet Gao Feng ate, Aiselin couldn't bear it.

"The United States was finished long ago. In 158 AD, Colonel Scott of the military had a military coup. Later, it fell into a civil war between the North and the South. It was not until 215 AD that the last material storage center was finally destroyed... "

Aiselin suddenly spoke. When Gao Feng heard this, he felt a sense of desolation in his heart. The cause of the war in the previous life was for resources, energy, and living space, but the cause of the war was the India-Pakistan war. The population always reached twenty-five. After China, India has become the most populous country in the world. Famine, poverty, imbalance between men and women, and extreme need for materials and living space have led them to expand outwards, and their old enemy Pakistan is their best expansion. direction.

During the Indo-Pak war, because China regained Taiwan and turned Japan's maritime lifeline into an inland sea, Japan's domestic economy deteriorated extremely. And because helium 3 with reserves of about 50,000 tons was discovered in the deep sea of ​​the South China Sea, the world went crazy. Ten thousand tons of helium 3 is enough for the world's energy costs for one hundred years, while fifty thousand tons of helium 3 is enough for China's five thousand years.

Even if China is willing to develop together with surrounding countries, it will not be able to stop the greed of the world. What they need is not affordable supply, but complete control in their hands. If China controls Development rights are equivalent to China kidnapping the entire world's future for five hundred years, which is not allowed. ,

The war became more and more intense. Pakistan could not withstand the tens of millions of Indian troops. In order to snatch food, women, and wealth, the Indians were like a rolling torrent, completely submerging Pakistan. Countless men were killed, countless women became military prostitutes, and countless wealth was stolen. Devastated, China finally couldn't help but intervene. On this day, the Pan-Asian Alliance headed by Japan declared war on China at the same time, and North Korea also fell into the attack of South Korea. This country with Juche ideology and a semi-slave society, in one day They laid down their weapons within a short period of time. The century-old rule of the Jin family was torn to pieces by the anger from the bottom. There were even entire divisions of troops who laid down their weapons against a company of enemies, just because they could no longer bear it.

Except for the war-torn Pakistan, China is like an elephant surrounded by wolves, blocking the left and right. More and more sophisticated weapons are flowing into the Pan-Asian Alliance, and more and more high-tech equipment are being launched towards China. This is a battle. With the power of one country to resist the entire world's war, when Russia invaded China from Outer Mongolia, the war finally entered its final stage.

Pieces of fish meat quickly disappeared into Aiselin's mouth. Gao Feng seemed to have lost his soul. He stared blankly at the blazing bonfire. He finally remembered everything in his previous life, the war, the country, and himself. Gao Feng, who suddenly woke up, looked around. After four hopes, when he found that he had not returned to the battlefield of his previous life, but was still in this unknown grassland, his whole heart felt empty.

Aiselin touched her belly with satisfaction, stretched out her waist comfortably, yawned, lay on the ground, looked at the peak with twinkling eyes, and asked again:

"What's your name? Are you Chinese? How is China doing now?"


There was a loud noise, and Aiselin suddenly raised her head, but she looked at the broken wood in Gao Feng's hand in horror. The whole piece of wood was as thick as an arm, and even a steel knife might not be able to cut both ends at the same time, but it was broken by Gao Feng with the strength of his arm, which showed that it was Great arm strength.

Gao Feng threw the wood into the fire and said with a black face:

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask. I don't care about you, and you don't care about me..."

Athelin raised her chin and snorted, turning her head to look at the lanterns lit with countless lights, pretending to be arrogant. Unknowingly, the fatigue of the day made her close her eyes.

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