Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1010 The Truth

Returning to the infinite forest makes Gao Feng feel very strange. In the forest, Gao Feng can blend with a certain aura bred by nature, as if he is loved by nature, allowing him to vaguely detect within ten kilometers of the forest, and upgrade it to regret. After reaching the middle rank of the army, Gao Feng's perception in the forest became clearer and his integration with nature became closer, making him feel that he was a son of nature.

Every plant and tree is known to Gao Feng. All kinds of creatures in tree holes and bushes cannot escape Gao Feng's detection. Some rare elixirs growing silently in corners are also revealed, but the ones that can really thrive in the forest are not Gao Feng is two naughty little guys. After they hide in the forest, Gao Feng will never find them again unless they let Gao Feng discover that in the forest, Piao Miao is the real darling.

Walking among the huge trees at the peak is like walking in the world of giants. The misty mist ripples like milk in the forest. Breathing the pure air, the crackling ice and refreshing mist will stimulate the whole person's spirit. In the forest, you can Only Gao Feng enjoyed this kind of treatment. Several fully armed scouts, carrying rifles, looked like ferocious monsters, walking on the ground of exotic flowers and plants. Their cheeks could not be seen in the fully enclosed helmets, which were thick and heavy. The combat boots stepped on all kinds of bright flowers without hesitation, and followed the peak silently. Occasionally stopping, he carefully collected a plant or insect he had never seen before into the collection box. Biological research is a material library.

The two little guys shuttled like shadows in the depths of the forest. Occasionally, their lavender military uniforms could be seen flashing in the distance, but if you look closely, it would be dazzling and you couldn't catch their traces. They could only hear screams of joy. During the occasional fight, the huge spider followed closely behind everyone. Its huge body was like a steamroller, carving out a wide road among the dense vegetation. The mountain of supplies made it like a hard-working old scalper, just looking for the peak. Not looking around.

Suddenly, two delicate and graceful figures suddenly appeared next to Gao Feng, holding Gao Feng on the left and right. The scouts had already seen the unpredictable tricks of the two little guys, and were already used to it. They stepped forward knowingly and started from Gao Feng. He took a few fresh elixirs that were still wet with dew in his hands, put them in the collection box behind him, and then silently stepped aside, waiting for the two little guys to appear again.

Handing each elixir to Gao Feng and collecting the scout's collection box, Gao Feng felt that precious elixirs seemed to be everywhere in the forest. You must know that after becoming Piaomiao, ordinary earth-level elixirs were no longer valued, and only earth-level elixirs were available. The top-level elixirs are misty food. If the collection box is returned to Yinyun City, Gao Feng suspects that he can buy it for a whole street.

Fortunately, Gao Feng was not specialized in collecting elixirs. In the process of integrating and communicating with the forest, Gao Feng found his destination. It was a hundred meters high, but there were no giant green trees. The branches were bare and the trees with dead skin were worthless. Fei's light wood has a tree body with a diameter of at least thirty meters. If it is hollowed out, it will be a floating airship shell that does not require processing.

Seeing this top-quality light wood, Gao Feng sighed slightly in his heart. Who knew that the truly excellent light wood is actually the remains of natural death, like the roots of a giant python, with its intricate branches emerging from the ground, and its tiny branches? There are still pieces of soil that have not fallen off on the root system. It looks like a big tree floating into the sky, with the roots pulled out of the ground.

In fact, after a big tree dies, the water disappears, and the tree body will form an upward buoyancy. If one day the tree roots cannot withstand the pull of the buoyancy, the big tree will break away from the ground, slowly rise into the sky, and be struck by lightning in the electromagnetic clouds. The charred remains that shattered and fell were the hard-to-find lightning-struck wood, a rare treasure in the Jia Luo world, a supernatural weapon that could truly withstand Beng Yun's full force.

The trouble is the countless vines wrapped around the light wood. These vines are like cables, wrapped around the flying light wood, and they are as tight as bow strings. The scouts followed here to clean up these vines.

Two little guys stood on a tree more than 100 meters high, shouting happily towards the peak below. The little thing even made faces at the peak mischievously. The little pink ball waved its little hand, swaggering downwards, calling for the peak to come up. , seeing the two little guys going up first, Gao Feng smiled and waved to the spider behind him. The spider quickly ran behind Gao Feng, like a tame rhinoceros, and slowly lay on the ground. The shiny silver metal box on its back began to flow and deform, moving to Gao Feng's body like water, covering him all over.

The wings that had not reappeared for a long time suddenly spread out from behind Gao Feng. The huge wings, which were several meters long, shook slightly and jumped into the air with Gao Feng. They flapped lightly and rushed upwards as fast as sharp arrows. At this time, a A silhouette of dancing silver silk suddenly appeared next to Gao Feng. Kalea, who was as smooth as jade, appeared next to Gao Feng. Her ten-meter-long silver hair was fluffy and spread out. A few strands of it covered her measurements just right, but her body was Naked, this little girl still hasn't solved the problem of clothes. She finally found a way to cover her private parts. Even if she is flying in the air, the degree of exposure is within the acceptable range.

Even so, blocking is not as good as not blocking at all. The power of temptation rises straight up. Every time I see Gao Feng, my heart beats faster, and my nose can't help but want to bleed. This little goblin is becoming more and more tempting, and I stay there every day. In the battleship, Kalea had long been annoyed by the monotonous environment. After solving the problem of hiding her shame, she couldn't help but want to follow Gao Feng and explore the green forest.

The peak and Kalea fly together in the air, like a pair of beautiful people. With the infinite forest as the background, they support an alternative nature and wildness, like a beautiful picture, dotted with this long-quiet world.

They both landed on the top of the tree, and the two little guys jumped on the wings of the peak together, like a slide, sliding to the left and right to the shoulders of the peak, kicking their calves, looking proudly at Kalai who seemed to never need to land. Ya, Kalea has long been immune to the two little guys. He curiously looked at the endless green hills around him and asked Gao Feng:

"What are you doing in the tree? I remember that in history, there was a creature called a monkey living in the tree."

Gao Feng glanced at Kalea and said rudely:

"Then why are you here? Haven't the test results been out a long time ago? As long as you dialyze the blood in your body, you can return to normal. Why are you running around naked?"

When Kalea heard this, he was not angry and said calmly:

"I think this is very good. I can fly freely and not be restricted by the world. Cold and heat cannot invade my body. Human emotions will not make me confused. I should thank you for letting me find the path of my own evolution. Maybe, in the end, One day I will no longer be bound by the world..."

"You are sick, mentally ill, and your brain is no longer normal..."

Gao Feng's directness did not arouse Kalea's anger. On the contrary, she stared blankly at the boundless green ocean. She didn't know what she was thinking. Gao Feng, who was asking for trouble, shook the two little guys off and released dozens of thousand calamity sticks. The threads swished on countless hard-dried branches, easily cutting down huge trees. After a while, the big trees turned into bare trunks. The peak was about to go down, but I heard Kalea said :

"Thank you……."


Gao Feng did not expect that Kalea would say this. Kalea turned around and looked at Gao Feng's eyes seriously. When the two people's eyes met each other, Gao Feng felt a slight chill in his heart. He found that Kalea's eyes were actually Without the emotions that humans should have, they are even more inhuman than modulators and clones, without sadness or joy, cold and cold.

"It's all thanks to you that I am like this. If I can reach the highest point of evolution, I will never forget your help to me..."

"What exactly do you want to say? What do you mean?"

There is definitely something wrong with Gao Feng. Today is the first time I saw Kalea since I was separated from Kalea last time. I thought she would continue to make noise with me, but I didn’t expect that she was just by his side at the beginning, but now she is saying weird things. , leaving him confused. Is there really a mental problem with Kalea?

"I don't know how to tell you. I haven't eaten anything these days, and I no longer have normal human pursuits. My mind has never been so peaceful, and I have never recognized myself so clearly. Maybe you will think that I have become strange. But I feel that I have transcended the shackles of human beings for thousands of years and have truly sublimated my thoughts. I think I am no longer suitable to be a human being..."

"You..., what do you mean?"

Gao Feng felt something was wrong more and more. He did not doubt Kallea's words because he no longer felt that Kallea looked like a human being, whether physically or mentally.

"I'm leaving. I always feel like something is calling me these days. It wasn't clear at first, but now I know clearly that the human world is no longer suitable for me. I have to go where I should go... "

After Kalea finished speaking, he pointed in a certain direction. Gao Feng looked in that direction and was surprised to find that it turned out to be the direction of the energy node.

"Of course, I will not forget you. If one day we are in a hostile position, I will not kill you..."

After Kalea said these words, her temperament suddenly changed, and she was no longer affected by perception, as if she had never appeared before. Gao Fengfeiling was heartbroken and said in shock:

"Is the Chaos God King the same as you?"

Kalea suddenly smiled, such a holy smile, but his eyes were full of pity and contempt, looking down at the struggling ants in the world like a god.

"Next time we meet, you should call me Goddess Kaya..."

Watching Kalea's retreating figure, Gao Feng did not stop him. He had roughly guessed the truth about the Chaos Front, and he had also figured out the sound of the silver pearl. Everything was caused by the energy nodes, and the brutal beasts destroyed the world. It's not the truth. The truth is that anyone who swallows the silver pearl will lose human emotions.

Thinking of this, Gao Feng lowered his head suddenly and looked at the two young ladies beside him. The two young ladies also raised their heads and looked at Gao Feng. Under their enthusiastic appearance, was there a gradually indifferent heart hidden under them?

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