Jiang Yuan, who was hiding underground, kept staring at the hunter's mark on the map function.

So far, more than thirty hunters have been spotted on the map, and they have begun to travel in pairs.

Jiang Yuan frowned, during this period, there were several hunters passing by within his perception range, and they were all ninth-order commander level.

He couldn't imagine what kind of force cultivated these people, if everyone had nano battle suits, how big the power behind this hunter must be?

And at present, it seems that the target of the hunter should be the Origin Pill of the spirit beast zombies, as for whether they will attack the human Jiang Yuan is not clear.

But no matter what, if the hunter is allowed to act all the time, Jiang Yuan's speed of gaining

evolution points will be greatly reduced! Snatching his evolution points is asking for his life!

Moreover, if the other party uses the Origin Pill to evolve a king-level life, it will be difficult for Jiang Yuan to gain a foothold in this area.

A fierce look flashed in his eyes, Jiang Yuan slowly returned to the ground, he glanced at the two hunter cursors closest to him on the map, and quickly rushed over.

Along the way, Jiang Yuan saw a large number of corpses of the Origin Pill that had been dug up, which should have been the actions of those two hunters all the way.

Finally reaching the range of perception, Jiang Yuan's mind moved, and he turned into a bald ape again, and forged his breath to be a first-order commander-level.

He didn't dare to look like the hunters he had killed before, these guys were different from human survivors, and probably had instruments on them that identified each other.

Coming closer, Jiang Yuan saw a man and a woman in the distance collecting Origin Pills from the zombie corpses everywhere and putting them into a small box.

The small box looked like it was only half the size of a palm, but it didn't seem to fit enough.

Another strange thing is that these two hunters did not pursue the low-level zombies that scattered and fled, nor did they enter the Black Mountain to collect the Origin Black Crystal.

They just put away the Commander-level Origin Pill and quickly left.

Jiang Yuan glanced strangely at the direction in which the two of them disappeared, and after pondering for a while, he first entered the Black Mountain to absorb the two Black Crystal Origins, and then slowly chased after them.

Jiang Yuan seems to have found another way to get rich?

Following all the way, Jiang Yuan determined that these two hunters would only do things against the commander level, and the rest would basically not be targeted as long as they didn't have bad brains to take the initiative to provoke them.

Finally, Jiang Yuan followed the two to a city occupied by the Awakened Humans.

This city is about the same size as Jiangbei, with a total of six Awoken bases.

The two hunters looked cold, slowly pulled out the long black knife behind their backs, and walked over step by step.

"Stop!" the

two figures were quickly spotted, and a team of awakened people patrolling nearby shouted at them.

The seventh-order commander-level awakened person led by him frowned, and as he looked at the two hunters who came with knives, a strong sense of crisis suddenly rose.

He pulled out a strangely shaped gun he was carrying behind him and aimed it at the two hunters.

"One step further, die!"

he tensed his muscles, sweat oozing from his palms, and his eyes stared at a man and a woman who had not stopped.

The next moment, he pulled the trigger without hesitation, and a blazing

white light erupted from the muzzle of the gun in an instant! Brush

! The male hunter on the left swung his knife, and the black blade actually split the scorching white light from it!

The white light split in two passed over the hunter and hit the wreckage of the ruins behind the two.

Where the white light passed, two terrifying ravines were melted, and black smoke was rising.

The awakened person's pupils shrank wildly, and he looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief, directly abandoning the team members beside him, and retreated without hesitation.

"307, quick and quick, don't waste time. The female hunter frowned.

"Tsk, boring. The

male hunter pursed his lips, and the next moment his figure rushed out, and soon caught up with the awakened one, a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth.

The Awakened looked horrified, and was about to make a move, only to see an afterimage passing by.


Blood flew everywhere, and the body of the seventh-order commander-level awakened person was split in half in mid-air, and he was killed in an instant!

The hunter held a blood-stained Origin Pill in his hand, put it away, and continued to rush towards the team of the awakened.

Jiang Yuan, who was secretly observing, frowned, these hunters didn't even let go of humans?

The human camp was in chaos, and the combat power of the two ninth-order commander-level hunters was terrifying, not to mention, they even ignored the base's firepower suppression.

Those weapons that can deal great damage on the zombie spirit beasts, everything they fire is blocked by the barriers on the two hunters.

Upon closer inspection, Jiang Yuan found that the two hunters did not cast any abilities from beginning to end, and they looked like they were simply flesh awakeners.

The barrier on their body is not an ability, but a shield released by some kind of equipment on their body.

The shield seems to have limited effect on abilities, but only protects against tech weapons.

But even so, the two of them were still ninth-order commanders, and the terrifying power and speed made the awakened powerless to parry, and there were even nano suits to help them break through the defenses of the awakened.

The controller of this city was a ninth-order telekinetic awakener, and his eyes were full of fear when he saw those seventh-order and eighth-order awakened people being slaughtered like chicken cubs.

He went straight back to the laboratory where he studied the origin of Sombra, and manipulated all the Sombra Origin with his mental power, trying to escape.

The telekinesis could fly, and he thought that the two hunters in the sky could not do anything about him.

But he soon realized that he was wrong, and it was a big mistake

! A hunter pressed on his arm, and the next moment he flew straight up, and the speed was much faster than that of the telekinesis awakener!

The awakened man was furious and forcibly tried to control the opponent's body.

As a ninth-order commander, he was indeed able to influence the other party, but the effect was limited, and it was not as effective as his previous suppression of those who resisted him.

He turned to flee, only to see another hunter circling behind him.

The two black knives were staggered, and the ninth-order commander-level awakened person was directly cut into three sections, and his pupils quickly dilated, and he soon lost his life.

The strange thing is that the two did not take away the Sombra Origin, but let them fall, and looked at the awakened people who were still attacking them with base fire, and a trace of disdain flashed in their eyes.

"307, gone. "

I said 206, don't you like men? I'm so handsome, you are so cold to me?"


two of them left quickly, and the awakened people below were a little dazed for a while, and they were a little at a loss when they looked at the Black Crystal Origin that fell to the ground and smashed the ground out of the pit.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew up, kicking up countless dusts.

After those general-level awakened people reacted, they found that the five black crystal origins had all disappeared! After

they looked at each other, endless fear rose in their hearts, and they immediately drove the five bases into the air and fled quickly.

And Jiang Yuan was smiling at this time, silently following behind the two hunters.

"This feeling of getting something for nothing is cool!".

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