Jiang Yuan didn't expect to meet someone from the Wang family in this situation, and it was five bases of such a scale.

In his perception, Jiang Yuan, who was patrolling outside the base alone, had found more than twenty! He even suspected that there were also king-level existences here!

The six ordinary hunters were motionless and had no idea of making a move, and it seemed that they were monitoring the movements of the Wang family's base.

The splitting skill was used, and Jiang Yuan and Xiao Zi quietly circled behind the six hunters.

Chaos Storm, Spiritual Blast, Crimson Ray, and Gravity Field

! The four major skills were cast at the same time, and the next moment Jiang Yuan and Xiao Zi's bodies burst out, silver light flickered, and the six hunters couldn't even see the enemy's shadow clearly, so they were slashed by Jiang Yuan!

These six people collected a total of ten Origin Black Crystals, and there were also hundreds of Origin Pills at the Commander level, including twenty at the Ninth Order Commander Level.

Jiang Yuan unceremoniously absorbed it all.

The speed of the system's prompt evolution point +1 has become faster again, plus twenty Commander-level Origin Pills, Jiang Yuan feels that he will be able to accumulate 5,000 evolution points in about an hour!

Looking at the Wang family base in front of him, Jiang Yuan's eyes flashed.

"System, turn on hunter signal jamming!"

[Ding, turn on successful.]

The corners of Jiang Yuan's mouth curled, and he wanted to determine whether the Wang family also had a king-level life, as long as a big man tried a wave, it would be clear!

There were other hunters within thirty kilometers, and as long as Jiang Yuan turned on the signal shielding, they would definitely notice that something was wrong.

"Hunter cuties, I'm here, come and find me!"

After they withdrew from the shielding range, after several attempts to determine that there was a signal shielding ring in front of them, they immediately reported the intelligence.

The royal hunter team got the information and directly ordered all the hunters in the vicinity to gather.

"Sir, the shield is up ahead. The

king-level hunter flew forward, and after flying into the signal shielding circle, his brows furrowed slightly, and he found that all the communication equipment on his body had failed.

"In the shielded area, there is a large gathering place of the Awakened, which I reported to you before, because I suspected the existence of a king, so only six people were left to watch. "

We had a preliminary investigation before you came, and the shield was in the shape of an arc, and it hasn't changed since then. "

When our communications were first blocked, a large number of companions died, and the strange disappearance of Montenegro began to happen after that!" said

one of the hunters, his expression solemn.

The king-level hunter nodded and said, "Follow me in

!" "Yes!"

Hundreds of hunters turned into streamers and quickly approached the location of the royal base.

Jiang Yuan, who was hiding in the shadows, looked at the hunter cursors that appeared in large numbers on the map, and the corners of his mouth were crooked.

I'm really a little genius

! Next, he just needs to wait on the spot, waiting for the Wang family to fight with the hunters!

Jiang Yuan is very curious about what kind of surprise the Wang family, which reveals the mysterious aura everywhere, will bring him.

Looking at his level panel, Jiang Yuan muttered: "It's almost 9 o'clock, it's almost ...

The eyesight blessed by the eagle eye allowed Jiang Yuan to see those ordinary hunters, but the king-level hunting team always turned on the stealth ability of the nano suit, and Jiang Yuan could only detect their location through perception.

"Huh, alone?"

Sensing it, the king-level hunter actually broke away from the team alone and quickly flew towards the five bases of the Wang family, while the other hunters began to scatter and separate, surrounding the place.

Jiang Yuan frowned and looked at the sky, the dazzling sunlight was slightly dazzling.

The next moment, Jiang Yuan saw a cone-shaped black object appear and fall towards the Wang family base below.

500 meters... 400 meters....

The free-falling black cone soon came 100 meters above the Wang's base.

The next moment, the cone suddenly burst out of it, turning into

black particles scattered in the sky, covering all the bases of the Wang family! The automatic defense mechanism of the base was activated, and the protective shield was instantly propped up, and the black particles in the sky instantly attached to the protective shield, and seemed to be blocked.

"Enemy attack!"

the awakened person of the Wang family finally reacted and immediately yelled.

The base batteries all stretched out, and a large number of commander-level awakened people poured out of the base.

They looked at the dense black particles attached to the shield, their brows furrowed, and their faces were unusually solemn.

The next moment, they were shocked to find that the black particles that seemed to be blocked by the shield suddenly melted and quickly merged with each other.

In just a few seconds, it was pitch black all around! The

lights of the base were quickly turned on, and people were horrified to find that they were actually trapped in a black cage

! Boom, boom, boom!

The artillery fire of the base began to fire in an instant, bombarding the black curtain barrier.

But what everyone didn't expect was that after the bombardment of the artillery fire hit the black barrier, it couldn't even set off a ripple

! They wanted to open the base and forcibly rush out, but they still returned in vain!

Jiang Yuan, who was secretly observing, frowned, but he didn't expect that the Awakened still had this kind of technological weapon.

From his point of view, the five royal bases were covered by a black translucent cover, but looking at the reaction of the royal bases, it seemed that they didn't notice that the various bases were surrounded by hunters.

I have to talk to the doctor when I go back, and ask the doctor to make him some of this thing too! This is simply a siege artifact!

Suddenly, two extremely powerful auras appeared in Jiang Yuan's perception, and Jiang Yuan's eyes widened instantly.

The two pillars of light rose into the sky, piercing a big hole in the black barrier of the hunters' siege of the Wang's base!

The king-level hunter's face changed, and he stared at the two people who flew out of the hole.

"This is supposed to be a black prison, it seems to be targeted by a king-level hunter.

"Tsk, it's really annoying, I didn't kill those tempting hunters for fear of trouble before, but I was still targeted!"

The two looked at the hunters who had surrounded the base, and their bodies flashed, turning into two streamers and rushing over.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the king-level hunter directly threw the black knife in his hand and went straight to one of the king-level awakened people of the royal family.

The black knife was covered in golden light, and the speed was terrifying, and in an instant, it came to the back of one of them.


as this person was about to be stabbed, his figure suddenly turned into an afterimage, and he actually dodged!

"I found you!"

His eyes flashed, and his figure instantly turned back to the sky.

"Wenguang!I'll drag this king-level hunter first

, and I'll leave the rest to you, be careful when you do it!" "Okay, Wang Yuanliang, don't be accidentally killed, I'll come after I finish solving this bunch of miscellaneous pieces

!" The roars of the two were clearly heard by Jiang Yuan, his eyes narrowed slightly, and Jiang Yuan murmured in his heart: "This Wang family, really knows some secrets!"

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