Jiang Yuan never thought that the military would have such a powerful strength, and this battle refreshed his cognition of the Awakened!

He was still lurking in the distance, staring at the battlefield in front of him with a pair of cold eyes.

Although he admires these military awakeners, Jiang Yuan will never be soft.

The two sides add up to forty-one king levels, which in his opinion is a lot of evolution points and attribute points

! There is also that Lin Yuanqing's barrier ability, Jiang Yuan wants it very much!

But the other party is a third-order king level, and Jiang Yuan can't see his attributes, so everything has to be done carefully.

He looked back at the volcano and found that those king-level zombies didn't move, just staring at it coldly.

Tapping on his ear, Jiang Yuan asked, "Doctor, have you found anything?... Doctor?... Hey, Doctor, are you dead?"

the Doctor stopped moving, and Jiang Yuan suddenly frowned.

Is it dead?Or is there something down there blocking the signal?or... What treasure did the doctor find and wanted to swallow it alone, so he didn't reply to him

? Jiang Yuan frowned slightly, did he steal the chicken after the defeat of the human and the awakened people? Or did he sneak into the interior of the volcano now?

Just as Jiang Yuan was thinking, the second-order awakened person put his two knives together and quickly assembled a pair of gauntlets of the T-101 battle armor.

After quickly injecting the two Dark Crystal Origins into it as energy, he raised his hand and shot at the military awakened people below.

Boom! The

terrifying light cannon broke the first protective shield of the military camp almost instantly, and the second line did not last long.

But at this time, a second-order king next to Lin Yuanqing suddenly made a move.

As soon as he raised his palm, there was a sudden illusion above the camp of the Awakened, and the beam of light disappeared instantly after touching the illusory area.


Thousands of kilometers away, a blazing light appeared out of thin air, tearing a deep crack in the ground in front of him.

"Such a large-scale attack can also be transferred?!" Jiang

Yuan was shocked, the Spatial Ability Awakener could be regarded as the rarest type of awakening at present, and it was also the most difficult for Jiang Yuan to deal with.

Because except for psychic attacks, it is basically difficult to encounter awakened people with spatial abilities.

The hunter was also shocked, he didn't expect that he had lost two Black Crystal Origin in exchange for nothing.

"Damn, there is actually a king-level spatial ability awakener!" Looking

at the pale-faced hunter, Lin Yuanqing sneered: "Since we dare to come, we have full confidence to kill you! Struggle, fear! You can also have a good understanding of the feelings of those who were slaughtered by you

!" "Major General Lin, the MS-03 energy cannon has been fully charged, please instruct!"

Lin Yuanqing's ears suddenly heard the report of the soldiers in the rear, and his eyes instantly shone brightly.

"Mu Yu, cooperate with me

!" "Okay!"

Lin Yuanqing and Mu Yu, the spatial awakener beside him, raised their hands almost at the same time.


next moment, the barrier surrounding the hunters shrank sharply, forcing hundreds of hunters within a hundred-meter-wide area.

An irrepressible sense of crisis rose in the hearts of the king-level hunters, and they suddenly roared: "All hunters obey the order! Shoot with all your might! Sacrifice the strongest means!"

The next moment, the king-level hunters sacrificed their T-101 battle armors, took out the black crystal, and began to charge.

Jiang Yuan's eyes narrowed from a distance, and he almost rushed over.

What a waste! This wave of charging, he directly lost more than thirty black crystal origins!

Seeing this, Lin Yuanqing shouted: "Mu Yu!" Mu Yu,

the spatial powerhouse, stepped forward and raised his hands suddenly.

This action made the hunters who were about to shoot stiffen.

But the second-order king-level hunter had a fierce face, and a screen suddenly appeared on the nano suit on his arm.

He connected his fingers, and the pupils in the eyes of more than a hundred ninth-order commander-level hunters quickly dilated.

The next moment, they rushed towards the military troops.

Jiang Yuan saw the bright light in their chests, his pupils shrank, and he hurriedly retreated into the distance.

Hundreds of people blew themselves up, and he couldn't determine the scope of this power at all!

Lin Yuanqing and Mu Yu also discovered this, and as a last resort, Mu Yu used his spatial ability.

He had to transfer these people out!

, but the timing of those hunters' self-detonation was different, and Mu Yu couldn't completely transfer it, so he could only use the skill he used to transfer the opponent's light cannon again.

Boom, boom, boom!

The whole earth shook with a continuous bang, and a special defensive shield appeared in front of the hunters at some point.

After the hunter's self-detonation power was blocked by the shield, it was greatly weakened, and did not cause much damage to the hunter.

And although the Awakened was diverted by Mu Yu from the frontal impact, he couldn't handle the power of the explosions that affected the surrounding barriers.

Finally, Lin Zhengqing spurted a mouthful of blood wildly, and he could no longer support the shield.


was a crunch, and the shield that had besieged the hunters for so long finally shattered.

Just when the hunter's face was overjoyed, Lin Zhengqing roared.


!" Boom

! With a loud bang, the terrifying beam of the energy cannon actually appeared out of thin air from all directions of the hunter!

"Damn! It's that space powerhouse again!" The

king-level hunter let out a roar of rage, and at this time there was no way to retreat, he could only swallow a blood-colored pill and use all his means to block the attack of this energy cannon.

But the power of this energy cannon has never been seen before, a large number of commander-level hunters were actually broken through all their defenses in a matter of seconds, and then burned to ashes! The shield of the king-level hunters

was also in danger, as if it would be breached at any time, they fled frantically, but no matter how fast they were, they were still shrouded in the attack of the energy cannon.

They knew that if they didn't kill the Awakened of that spatial ability, everyone would probably die under the disintegration ray.

The next moment, the gauntlet light cannon was fired, and the goals of more than ten hunters were extremely unified, all aimed at Mu Yu.

Light cannons are coming from all directions, but the military also has similar armor, and they have more king-level

ranks! They protected Mu Yu in the middle, desperately fighting against the attacks of the hunters.

Eventually, they blocked the hunter's cannon, but were seriously wounded themselves.

The shield of the king-level hunter was also destroyed at this moment, completely exposed to the attack of the military's energy cannon.

Their nano suits were their last defense, but they were still unable to resist the terrifying energy cannon, and their bodies were already exposed, and they were seriously injured.

When the attack of the energy cannon finally ended, all the hunters were seriously injured, although they were not dead, but their combat power had dropped by at least more than seventy percent!

This battle completely exceeded Jiang Yuan's expectations, he did not expect that in the end, it was actually the military that stood on the side of the advantage.

But the Awakened Ones of the military were also not comfortable, except for Mu Yu, who was not too seriously injured, the rest of them were also seriously injured.

Jiang Yuan knew that if he didn't act, he might not have a chance, so he immediately got up.

"System, can all the remaining nanobots after the death of hunters around here be removed?"

[Please rest assured that the host will act.]



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