Who is this guy? Why is he covered in green light? Could it be that some kind of energy creature is it?

Absolute counterattack and absolute immunity are automatically triggered, which means that this guy has the strength to kill him in seconds!

Jiang Yuan was a little panicked by this guy's green light...

Behind the light and shadow was a half-human-tall, irregularly shaped luminous jade, and Jiang Yuan was immediately sure that it was this jade that attracted him.

The next moment, he saw the strange light and shadow flash sharply in his chest, and then a strange force appeared, and it swept in an instant.

Jiang Yuan didn't have time to react at all, and instantly felt that his body was being ravaged by a terrifying force.

Tried to release a little nanobot to the surface of the body, and it was all destroyed in an instant, and there was no scum left.

The light and shadow seemed to be a little incredulous, and a pair of eyes lit up in the rage, and terrifying spiritual fluctuations swept out in an instant.

But Jiang Yuan was fine, but Guangying himself hugged his head in pain.

But three seconds have passed since the absolute immunity, Jiang Yuan still has twenty-seven seconds left, he must get the jade as soon as possible

! The spatial ability is activated, but Jiang Yuan is shocked to find that the space here is completely disturbed, and he can't be sure where he will appear after the transfer!

Although with the blessing of the indestructible skill ignoring physical damage, Jiang Yuan can extend the claw to the maximum extent, and can also control the claw with the ultimate transformation, but will that light and shadow really give him a chance?

Maybe he just made a move, and he will be knocked away directly!

Ignoring the damage, it doesn't mean that he won't be sent away, it's just that he won't die.


, a golden light swept over Jiang Yuan's head, heading straight for the green light and shadow.

Although the light and shadow were in pain at this time, the figure directly dodged the attack as if it was teleporting.


With such a strong impact just now, the doctor is actually okay?

Jiang Yuan turned his head suddenly, but saw a picture that he had never seen before.

At this time, the doctor actually had a crazy expression on his face, which was in great contrast with the paralyzed face that he couldn't shake before! The doctor laughed

wildly, as if he had discovered a peerless treasure, but there was no greed in his eyes, only the madness of a scientific madman.

"Jiang Yuan! Give me this light and shadow, you just go and grab

that bone!" Jiang Yuan was slightly stunned, that jade-like thing is a bone? What kind of bones actually look like that?

Time is pressing, Jiang Yuan can't help but think about it.

The claw skill was suddenly used, and with the blessing of the ultimate transformation skill, thousands of claws instantly grabbed the jade-like bone like a soft vine.

But at that point of 100 meters away, there seemed to be an invisible barrier, blocking all of Jiang Yuan's claws, and it was impossible to break through at all.

A terrifying shock wave appeared in an instant, and Jiang Yuan's claws flew back in an instant.

This force was too terrifying, Jiang Yuan knew that once he was hit, he would definitely be knocked out, and it was possible to be smashed back to the sea!


time, he was using a single flash, because there was only a 10-second CD, and he had to make sure that the flashing skill could get in.

The skill was activated, and Jiang Yuan instantly appeared in front of the jade bone.

Succeeded! Sure enough, the instantaneous flash skill was not affected!

Jiang Yuan was overjoyed, and hurriedly stretched out his hand and grabbed it towards the jade bone.

But almost at the same time, a terrifying force instantly fixed Jiang Yuan in place, and his entire body imprisoned him.

He couldn't move

!"Damn!Why did this guy react so quickly!"

Jiang Yuan was horrified in his heart, that light and shadow was obviously dodging the doctor's attack, why could he directly detect his appearance?

Jiang Yuan was directly squeezed into a ball, no matter how he struggled, it was useless, and he was directly pulled behind the strange light and shadow.

He could feel that he had endured thousands of attacks in an instant, and any attack could easily kill him in an instant

! And what made him panic the most was that this light and shadow were not shown at all in the perception skill, and it was a monster with no breath of life

!"Doctor! Can you shoot accurately!!" Hit me

!" "It's you!"

"it, you're a traitor?!".

Jiang Yuan was furious, what did this thing say? What do you mean by beating

him? Hmm? Wait, how do you feel that the power that imprisons you has become weaker? The doctor is helping him?

Confused, the second consciousness suddenly spoke: "Body, this light and shadow doesn't seem to be able to leave the range of two hundred meters of jade!"

Jiang Yuan was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly said, "Are you sure?"

The second consciousness affirmed: " I've been observing it, and his range of movement has always been within two hundred meters of the jade bone

!" "Although the Doctor's performance so far is too strong, even the attack released by this light and shadow has not completely destroyed

the Doctor's body, but it is a little unreasonable that this light and shadow has been dodging the Doctor's attack!" "With the speed of light and shadow, it is only a matter of a moment to reach the doctor's side, and if you don't do this, you are either luring the enemy deeper, or it is restricted here for some reason!"

The second consciousness did not need to be distracted to control the body, and was able to concentrate on observing and collecting information, and said things that Jiang Yuan had not been aware of.

Jiang Yuan hurriedly observed, and found that it was indeed as the second consciousness said, this light and shadow had never left the jade bone too far

! This he didn't panic! The flash CD could be reset in a few seconds, and he had every chance to flash directly to

the jade! The only thing he needed to worry about was whether the jade was good or not, but it shouldn't be a big problem if there was a system.

Jiang Yuan counted down silently, and at the same time observed the battle between the doctor and the light and shadow.

The golden rays released by the Doctor are able to scurve, and they also have the ability to automatically track, so even if they don't hit directly, they can continue to wrap around the light and shadow and wait for opportunities to find opportunities.

As the golden light increased, the range of action of the light and shadow was greatly limited, and it had already been hit several times, and the speed of each hit would drop significantly.

But the doctor's body was almost destroyed, and it didn't seem like he could last long.

Finally, the flash CD ended, and Jiang Yuan's absolute immunity skill only had more than ten seconds left.

He only had one last chance! If he didn't succeed, he would have to wait to be resurrected from the urn.

The continuous flash was directly cast, leaving an afterimage clone on the spot, and Jiang Yuan appeared in front of the jade bone in an instant, and his palm touched it directly.

Jiang Yuan was stunned in his heart, why is this thing still sillowed, and even garbled? Don't want to tell him?

"Don't absorb it!"

Jiang Yuan felt that there was a problem, and he was afraid of being pitted by the system, so he wanted to put the jade bone into the storage space first.

But as soon as his mind moved, at the moment when the jade was forcibly absorbed by the storage space, a terrifying force suddenly appeared in the jade bone, which made Jiang Yuan fail to collect it, and at the same time, he was also shocked and flew out.

Light and shadow also discovered Jiang Yuan's actions, and instantly became furious, imprisoning Jiang Yuan again.

But there were 6 flashes in a row, and Jiang Yuan was out of the control of light and shadow in an instant.

Coming to the jade bone again, Jiang Yuan's face had a trace of helplessness.

[Ding, found *** piece, is it absorbed?]


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