Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 279 Conflict before breakthrough

The priest's testing continued all night, until the sky became brighter, he put down a tube of strengthening liquid in his hand, slowly turned his head and looked at the mutants.

All the mutants in the laboratory, including leopards and poisonous spiders, looked at the priest nervously. The entire laboratory was silent, with countless suppressed heavy breathing sounds coming and going...

(Zombie: ...Hmm! Am I the only one who is thinking wrongly?)

The priest looked at the mutants expressionlessly and remained silent for a long time. Just when the hearts of the mutants began to grow cold, a smile suddenly appeared on the priest's face. As the smile spread, he gently spit out three words. Character:



These three words immediately set off the whole place. The mutants in the laboratory cheered together. The mutants waiting outside naturally knew what was going on when they heard the cheers. So, the whole valley suddenly rang with a thundering roar...


After more than ten minutes, the priest stretched out his hands and slowly pressed them down. After all the sounds gradually disappeared, he said:

"Move some tables outside! I have something to say to everyone!"

The leopard and the poisonous spider looked at each other after hearing this, but before they could make a decision, several mutants took the initiative to stand up, moved a few tables and walked out. The leopard took a deep breath, and in the poison The spider kept suppressing his anger in his glances.

"Get out first!"

The poisonous spider came over and pulled the leopard, fearing that he would not be able to control and explode on the spot. Those strengthening fluids are here:

"We'll wait until we have a breakthrough! We'll just be patient for now. Anyway, we'll be able to get everything back in a few days!"

The leopard nodded and then walked outside, out of sight, out of mind!

"Move these strengthening fluids out too! Be careful not to break them! Be careful!"

After the table was moved out, the priest pointed to the strengthening liquid and said. The mutants in the laboratory immediately obeyed. Several people carried one of them and carefully moved all the jars of strengthening liquid out.

"What is he going to do?"

Leopard, who was hiding aside, couldn't help but lose his temper when he saw that the strengthening liquid was brought out. He turned around and was about to question the priest, but as soon as he took two steps, the priest was already standing on the table where the strengthening liquid was placed. Next to him, he spoke loudly:

"Everyone, listen up! I have confirmed that there is definitely nothing wrong with this strengthening solution! The only thing worth considering is... there were only 820 copies originally, but when I tested, I wasted more than a dozen copies, so... ...Although the remaining strengthening liquid is enough for us, we must not squander it, otherwise, the brothers who were injected at the end may not be alive!"

As he spoke, the priest picked up a syringe, held it up with his left hand, and pointed to the scale on the syringe with his right hand:

"Everyone, be optimistic! The dose that each person needs is just a little bit above this scale. If it is less, you may not be able to complete the breakthrough, and if it is more... there may not be enough for some people, so it is best for everyone to follow this scale. Extract the strengthening fluid!"

Then, the priest first picked up the syringe, opened a jar at random, and drew a little bit of strengthening liquid from it, and then drew a little more from the second jar, and then the third...

It wasn't until he pumped a little of the strengthening fluid from all the jars into his own syringe that he looked at the mutants around him, and in front of them, injected the strengthening fluid in his hand into his own body!

"Come! If you want to use the strengthening solution now, come and line up here. Come one by one. After the injection, pass the syringe to the next one! Our syringes are limited, and we are not afraid of infection anyway. There’s no need to be so hygienic!”

After injecting himself, the priest handed the syringe to a mutant next to him, then waved his arms and shouted:

"Remember, don't smoke too much. Although excessive strengthening liquid will give you some more benefits, it won't be too much. Moreover, this is at the expense of the last person being unable to break through. We have waited for so long, Don’t let anyone harm other people because of your selfishness!!”

"Although if the strengthening fluid is insufficient, we can still hunt zombies and mutant beasts. However, one of the mutant beasts in the mountains has been almost killed by us, and the other... the medicine fluid I prepared has been used up. If it is reconfigured, it may take a long time! So everyone must remember not to overdose, but also not to insufficient, and be sure to inject yourself according to the dose I told you!"

There were some mutants who were ready to make a move. After hearing the priest's words, they suddenly became commotion. They said they wanted to make people have no selfish motives, but who doesn't? What if I wait until the end and end up running out of strengthening liquid? Wait for the next batch? Do not make jokes!

As a result, all the mutants immediately rushed to the location designated by the priest and started queuing up. Fortunately, they were afraid of breaking the container, so the scene was not particularly chaotic!

"Wait! No need to squeeze! No need to queue now!"

Seeing this, Leopard finally couldn't stand it anymore and stood up and shouted loudly. After all, he had been the leader for so many years and his power was still there no matter what. Hearing his shouts, the mutated people finally calmed down...

"We said! We need to verify the function of this enhanced fluid before it can be used in large quantities! Now, we only need ten people to inject it! When we confirm that they have broken through, we will inject it collectively!"

The leopard shouted loudly to the mutant:

"That human has already said that a breakthrough will only take one month at most! After waiting for so long, are we still afraid of waiting another month?"

"But what if there is not enough strengthening fluid at the end?"

A mutant in the crowd shouted.

"I will arrange a few people to be responsible for the injection! So everyone can rest assured, right? If you are afraid that they will secretly take care of people they know well, then let these people who are responsible for the injection stay until the end! Do you have any questions? "

Leopard replied loudly.

After hearing what Leopard said, the other mutants no longer questioned it. If they were left until the end, there should be no problem.

"Leopard! This is not a good idea!"

The priest shook his head:

"How can you confirm that the people responsible for the injection will not inject less into other brothers because they are afraid of insufficient strengthening fluid? You have to know that if you use a little less, you may suffer from insufficient energy when you break through. And failed!"

"Can they check it themselves? If they find it's not enough, just smoke some more!"

Leopard replied.

"Oh! It won't work!"

The priest shook his head and said:

"Everyone will feel that they have less, and because they are afraid that their own insufficiency will make the person responsible for the injection feel that it is enough, you will cause disputes among everyone and destroy our unity!"

"Don't you have your standards? Then why are there still disputes? As long as everyone follows your standards, isn't it okay?"

Leopard stared at the priest and asked...

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