Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 28 If anyone offends me, I will kill him!

Because the only main road to Wucheng is Highway 6, those nearby bases who want to come to Wucheng have to take Highway 6, so Li Yichen doesn't know which base he is from. Anyway, it’s definitely not Wanshan and the others.

Li Yichen quickly got on his motorcycle and left. The gap between Wucheng now and Wucheng two days ago was huge. Not only were the buildings gone, but there were still traces of battles on the ground. In order to prevent others from falling into the trap, Li Yichen specially Recycle all the cement boards on all the traps, turning Wucheng into that huge briquette again!

When those people came to Wucheng and found something was wrong, and saw himself here, there would definitely be a lot of problems. How could he have time to explain this to these people?

Hurry back to Wanshan base, use this harvest to fill up all your attributes, and train all 63 warriors including Wanshan, then find a better location, build a city, and bring Wanshan together. Moving the mountain base and stabilizing it is what he needs to do quickly.

As for what to do next? Let's first establish a foothold in this apocalypse. Even with the system, he can't guarantee that he can live for a long time. What if he is not a pig's foot?

However, Li Yichen climbed into trouble, and trouble happened to find him. Because there was only one road, he inevitably walked across from the convoy. When the distance between the two sides was about three hundred meters, the convoy on the opposite side An arrow suddenly flew out of the compartment of the first truck and headed towards Li Yichen.

Fortunately, Li Yichen had been paying attention to the other person. He turned the handle and dodged. He was furious. If he hadn't strengthened his agility long ago and saw the man's action of pulling the bow and took precautions in advance, this arrow would definitely have hit him. Hitting his body, at his current speed, no matter where the arrow hit, he would definitely end up with a car crash and death.

Although darkness is everywhere in the apocalypse [Biquge www.biqugex.info], and sometimes the same kind is more dangerous than zombies, it is still extremely rare for people to kill each other as soon as they meet. After all, you don’t know the other person’s strength. , it is not a good habit to make enemies rashly.

"Hahahaha! Old money! Your archery skills are so bad, look at me!"

There was faint laughter from the opposite car, and at the same time, another person drew his bow at Li Yichen, and then another arrow struck.


The furious Li Yichen braked suddenly, the motorcycle tires made a violent friction sound with the ground, and then stopped sideways on the road.


He reached out and took off Tianya from his back. When he held it in front of him, he directly used his bow arm to flick away the feather arrow that had just flown in front of him. Then he took out the feather arrow and pulled the bowstring to shoot two consecutive shots. The target was the two who were attacking him. Archery man.

"Poof! Poof!"

At this time, the truck was less than fifty meters away from Li Yichen. When the two guys didn't react at all, they were hit by arrows between their eyebrows almost at the same time. The sharp arrow penetrated both of their heads. Neither of them groaned. He fell down softly with a sound, causing a burst of exclamations.


Just as the exclamation started, the truck came into close contact with Li Yichen's motorcycle and knocked the motorcycle away. However, the motorcycle produced by the system seemed to be of good quality and did not disintegrate under such a large impact force. , not even one wheel was said to fly out.

Naturally, Li Yichen was no longer in the car, because the truck's intention was quite obvious. Not only did it not slow down, it even adjusted its direction, obviously intending to hit Li Yichen to death.

After crashing the motorcycle, the convoy also stopped. They had a total of four vehicles, two trucks and two off-road vehicles. There were about thirty people on board.

In fact, if they were a little more crowded, one truck would be enough to hold these people, but they used four vehicles, which was considered an extreme luxury in this end of the world where fuel is scarce.

After the convoy stopped, several people got off each of the four cars, more than ten people in total, and walked toward Li Yichen. The leader was a guy with an eyepatch on his left eye. He looked at Li Yichen angrily and said Before he walked in, he pointed at him and yelled:

"You bastard, how dare you kill our people? Are you tired of living here?"

Following this guy's words, the people around him started to move their weapons. The one with the bow drew the bow and set an arrow. The one with the dagger flicked the dagger in his hand, and the one with the baseball bat hit it with the bat. In the palm of his hand, everyone looked at Li Yichen with a sneer.

Li Yichen's expression did not change and he kept walking. After sweeping his eyes across the faces of those people, he glanced at the one-eyed dragon and said calmly:

"I won't offend anyone unless they offend me. If someone offends me, then kill them!"

Having just killed countless zombies, the murderous aura on Li Yichen's body has not yet dissipated. Those who came into contact with Li Yichen's eyes paused involuntarily, and some even shuddered.

Although they are all masters who have seen blood and even regard killing as fun, they have never met guys like Li Yichen who just begged and pissed off when they saw them. He is a young man with a murderous aura that can almost be condensed into substance.

Fortunately, Li Yichen changed his clothes and covered all the wounds on his body. Otherwise, a guy with such serious injuries who could ride a motorcycle all over the world and even kill people with a bow and arrow would have let them go long ago. Hide far away.


After hearing Li Yichen's words, the one-eyed dragon's momentum also froze, while Li Yichen passed directly between them, as if he had not seen the weapons in their hands.

"Moreover! If you dare to scold me again, I will kill you too!"

Just as he walked over, Li Yichen suddenly stopped, looked back at the one-eyed dragon, said seriously, then turned around and continued moving forward.


The one-eyed dragon swallowed, looked at the people around him, opened his mouth, but said nothing.

"get down!"

Li Yichen came to the front of the first truck, pointed to the truck driver, and said very briefly.

The truck driver was a young man about thirty years old. When he drove into Li Yichen just now, he smiled wildly, with cruel joy on his face. But now, he looked at Li Yichen with a look of horror on his face and shook his head desperately. head.

The driver had already seen the situation of Cyclops and the others in the reflector. The ferocious Brother Wolf was so frightened by a young man that he dared not move. How scary must this guy be?

"You don't want to come down? Okay!"

Li Yichen nodded, then looked at the co-pilot:

"He just wanted to hit me to death, so I have to kill him. Since he won't come down, then you all come down. I'll give you three seconds!"


As soon as he finished speaking, Li Yichen immediately started counting down...

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