Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 36 Tiger Shark Attack

"Quick! There are a few coming here! Kill them!"

"This way! There are three here!"

"And this! Damn, Chang Guchuan, stop pulling the monsters, there are too many!"

"Huang Hua, why did you shoot it in the head? Why did you shoot it in the shoulder? Is it OT?"


At the entrance of the Valley of the Dead, Chang Guchuan and the others were hunting zombies while shouting. They were divided into two groups, one on the left and the other on the right, advancing towards the valley.

This is the method Li Yichen gave them. There are exactly two groups of sixty people, each group has thirty people, and each group is divided into ten groups. Each group has three people, one for long-range, two for melee, and two for melee. One is responsible for attracting the zombies' attention, and the other is the main force of the attack.

From Wanshan Base to here, they stopped seven times in total over a hundred kilometers. Li Yichen also gave each of them seven enhanced enzyme injections, four for endurance, two for agility, and one for strength.

Although they are still not as good as the Enhancers, their combat effectiveness has been greatly improved, especially now that they know the existence of Enhanced Enzyme Injections, they are even more motivated. Originally, Li Yichen wanted them to be divided into two groups. They took turns to kill the zombies, one group for 12 hours, but they were unwilling and insisted on coming together.

Because Li Yichen's injections were not given to them for free. They needed to exchange them with zombie corpses. They could exchange one for every hundred zombie corpses, and they could choose any type.

This is Li Yichen's plan to train them. If a hundred zombies are exchanged for one, they will definitely not save a hundred to exchange them. Instead, if each group collects a hundred, they will ask Li Yichen to exchange for a potion, and then They are allocated internally according to the agreement.

And everyone knows himself best. For example, if I like to be powerful, then I will choose a powerful one. If I like to be more flexible, I will choose an agile one. Li Yichen completely delegates this right to their own hands. He Not wanting to control anyone's future - except his own.

In this way, Chang Guchuan and the others can improve their combat experience when killing zombies, and can also exchange for injections to strengthen their physical attributes. Li Yichen is not at a loss either. After a hundred ordinary zombies are recycled and sorted, about a dozen will be produced. Enzymes are strengthened, so not only does he not lose money, he also makes a lot of money.

This is just Li Yichen's preliminary idea. After a few days, after all the physical attributes of these guys have been increased to the upper limit, and the zombies are cleared to some extent, he will even build a base here first, and then slowly Clean up the zombies!

Of course, before that, he had to kill all the enhanced zombies in the valley. Ordinary zombies could be blocked by solid walls, but lickers could not, and the destructive power of the tyrant was also very powerful.

In fact, the small island in the middle of the lake is a very good location, but the problem is how to get up. It is impossible to build a bridge. There is a certain range for the size of buildings that Li Yichen can exchange for. He can only exchange for a building with more than ten floors. Come out, there is no use for a bridge that is several kilometers long.

Otherwise, wouldn't he just summon a cement lump that could cover the valley and crush the zombies here to death? And even if he wanted to exchange it for a smaller stone slab to crush the zombies to death, it would not work. The garbage classification system has restrictions on this. No matter whether it is recycling or summoning, there can be no living creatures within the range.

For example, he can directly recycle a building, but if there are zombies or people in the building, it cannot be recycled. The same is true for placement. If there are living creatures in the placement location, the building will not be placed.

And he didn't know if there were powerful mutant creatures in the lake. Even if a bridge could be built, he wouldn't dare to enter rashly, so he could only occupy the entire valley first, and then slowly study the lake!

Looking at Chang Guchuan and the others who were happily hunting zombies, Li Yichen smiled. These guys seemed to have transformed a lot, and they actually named themselves the Redemption Legion.

According to them, those dead brothers redeemed them with their lives, and they will also redeem the world with the glory of those brothers.

Li Yichen was noncommittal about this statement. He didn't have such lofty ideals. He just wanted to save himself and the people around him. As for the world? It doesn't belong to you.

Coming to a zombie and smearing its blood on his body, Li Yichen prepared to hunt down those high-level zombies. This was not difficult for him because the high-level zombies here were too scattered.

In fact, he originally thought about letting the guys from the Redemption Legion kill high-level zombies, but that was a bit dangerous, and according to the speed of their advancement, it would be a bit slow. Anyway, this is the end of the world, and the most indispensable thing is zombies. There will be many opportunities in the future. .

Looking at Li Yichen's actions, the members of the Redemption Legion looked envious and jealous. They also wanted to do this, but they did not have Li Yichen's ability to be immune to the zombie virus. As an enhancer, Ermao was immediately bitten. Let’s talk about the funeral arrangements, let alone them.


After putting on his disguise, Li Yichen walked towards the valley. When he passed by the guys from the Redemption Legion, he "yelled" at them with open teeth and claws, which made those guys happy. They didn't expect that their black-faced instructor could actually have such a thing. On the one hand, and only at this time, they could remember that Li Yichen actually looked to be around twenty, which was younger than many of them.

A zombie attracted by the Redemption Legion gave Li Yichen a "strange" look, seeming to think that his performance was a bit too exaggerated, but then Li Yichen cut off half of his head with Tianya and fell to the ground.

At this time, the Redemption Legion was unhappy. We were the ones who brought this one over. As instructors, it was too much to "steal monsters" with us, so they all used their bows and arrows to shoot all the zombies near Li Yichen to avoid being attacked by him again. Grab it.

Li Yichen shook his head and walked straight to the depths of the valley...

At this time, a huge convoy was driving towards the Wanshan base. This convoy actually consisted of twenty container trucks, as well as a dozen off-road vehicles and a modified truck with iron on the outside. heavy truck with chain.

At this time, everyone in Wanshan Base has moved into their "new home", and there are still a few people patrolling at the entrance of the original base. Although Li Yichen has long said that this place is only temporary and they will have a new base soon, but Before moving out, the land outside cannot be given up. At least it can be used to grow some short-cycle vegetables.

"Huh? That's... Brother Yi and the others are back?"

Xiao Mao spotted the convoy in the distance and couldn't help shouting with surprise. Li Yichen had brought back many vehicles to their base. Is there another big surprise this time?

"No! Hurry! Call the boss! He's from the Tiger Shark Base!"

But when the convoy approached and saw the tiger-head shark marks on the cars, Xiao Mao finally realized something was wrong and quickly shouted...

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