Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 58 Are you here to discuss cooperation?

Because of a fundamental error in judgment, the feminine man's wish was destined to fail. Li Yichen really didn't know how important the intellectual brain was, so he was indeed killed without any reluctance. Although he got a Ji Zhi injection, maybe A new brain will be created, but at least the program they preset will no longer work.

Therefore, at the Tiger Shark base, the feminine man has been guarding in front of the instrument that can control the new armored tyrant, but until Tiger Shark came back, he did not see the scheduled program start.

At that time, the feminine man was not too worried, because he felt that after catching the armored tyrant, the organization would study it carefully first, and only after confirming that there were no problems would they truly combine the two. At that time, he would shine. It’s time to appear and turn the tide.

The feminine man was very sure that the program they had preset would not be discovered, so he felt that all he had to do was wait.

It was a pity that Tiger Shark did not let him wait any longer. As soon as he returned to the base, he told him that the armored tyrant was directly killed by a person who suddenly appeared, and it was a blow to the head, and he could not die anymore.

After hearing the news, Yinrou Man suddenly felt like a bolt from the blue. He grabbed the tiger shark and questioned him again and again. However, no matter how he asked, the answer he got was that the tyrant was dead. Although it was artificially created, zombies are still zombies after all, let alone still alive. Without the combination, even after the combination, if the head is shot, it will definitely be dead.

"Damn it! How could there be such a stupid person in this world? He was so powerful and could even help him rule the world, and he actually killed a zombie? Does he have no brains?"

The furious feminine man, after venting his anger, immediately asked Tiger Shark to assemble his team and charge towards Wanshan Base again.

The armored tyrant and Zhinao were gone. Although he didn't know that Zhinao was dead long ago, but the armored tyrant was gone, the plan would definitely go bankrupt, at least in the short term. Therefore, the feminine man knew very well that his Big trouble.

Although he is also a small leader in charge of a certain area in the organization, in the eyes of those big shots, he is not even comparable to an ant. Now that there is such a big mistake, the feminine man can be sure that he will die miserably. The kind that makes you commit suicide just thinking about it.

The only chance to save is to find out the mysterious organization behind that guy. Once he learns that there is a powerful organization here, the attention of those big shots will be attracted, and he might be able to escape, or even use his skills. Atonement.

But now that he heard Li Yichen's words, the feminine man was filled with surprises. He was shocked that the secret of the organization was actually leaked, and that this guy actually killed the armored zombies after knowing the secrets of Zhi Nao and the armored zombies. Then Does this mean that they have more powerful biological weapons than armored zombies?

"Who is behind you? How dare you sabotage our plan? Do you know who I am?"

Looking at Li Yichen, the feminine man asked in a sinister voice, while making a few gestures with the back of his hand, while the people he brought quietly moved to slowly surround Li Yichen.

"You... sell sesame seed cakes! Your advertising is all over your face, what's so hard to guess?"

Li Yichen pointed at the feminine man and said with a smile.

Apart from his unattractive face, this feminine man is actually pretty good. He is dressed in silver-white clothing, which has a futuristic atmosphere. He also wears a cloak on his back, which is usually only used to show off and has no effect. It's just that his little The arms are very special, with a pair of metal arm guards, and a pair of metal gloves on the palms. There are sharp claws on the tips of the fingers. It seems that this guy is an assassin-type melee fighter.

He had already noticed the movements of the guys next to him, but he pretended not to see it. After saying this, he took out an injection from his backpack and injected it into his body in front of the feminine man. .

No way, this injection appeared after the body of the Iron-clad Tyrant was recovered. It is also a special injection, and it also has a note that it may change the physical attributes.

Although this does not change the life form, Li Yichen does not want to use it lightly. Who knows what changes the physical attributes of this thing? What if what changes is the yin and yang attributes? There was no place for him to cry.

But it's not possible now. He shouldn't be able to deal with the Evolved Man alone, not to mention he has so many helpers, especially those guys wearing uniform uniforms and holding crossbows, which makes Li Yichen feel a little dangerous.

So he can only choose to inject this enhanced enzyme called Financial Injection. At least there is hope for survival. As for changing attributes? Let’s survive first.

Li Yichen's words made the feminine man furious, but he did not explode immediately. Instead, he kept staring at the injection in Li Yichen's hand.

He was certain that he had never seen this kind of injection before. Judging from the syringe alone, this thing was much more advanced than the strengthening medicine produced by their organization. This made him even more convinced that there must be a huge conspiracy behind Li Yichen. How could an organization or an individual produce such an exquisite syringe?

"What is this? A violent potion?"

Looking at Li Yichen who put the syringe in his backpack after injecting the injection, the feminine man sneered:

"Do you think...this thing can save your life?"

"If I said that this thing can turn me into a zombie, would you believe it?"

Li Yichen looked at the feminine man and smiled. He had just received the injection and needed to delay for a while. If he wanted to chat, he would naturally welcome him.


After hearing Li Yichen's words, the feminine man's eyes indeed showed a vigilant look, but he did not immediately order an attack, as if he wanted to see the effect of this injection.

The most important thing for him now is to extract as much information about that organization as possible in order to have a chance to save his own life. Anyway, no matter what Li Yichen becomes, he feels that he can subdue him.

right! Just to subdue and capture Li Yichen alive, that would be the greatest achievement. And according to this guy's previous performance, he should be a powerful enhancer, otherwise it would be impossible to lift the car so far.

Since it is a power type, even if it goes berserk, it will still be an explosion of power. If I am an agile evolver, can I still run away if I can't defeat him?

"Your organization also mainly studies zombies?"

The feminine man stared at Li Yichen and asked:

"The same goes for our organization. Maybe we can cooperate? That brain should be at your place, right? That's our work, how about it? Are you interested?"

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