Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 82 Complain after eating

After placing the water tank, Li Yichen led the water pipe connected to the bottom of the water tank through the hole he had dug out in advance to the edge of the waterfall. After looking down, he pulled the water pipe and jumped...

"I'll go! Is this the Water Curtain Cave?"

When jumping off the waterfall, Li Yichen discovered that there was a cave hidden behind the waterfall, but because he fell so fast, he didn't know the depth of the cave.

After falling into the lake, Li Yichen did not swim towards the island in the center of the lake, but swam directly to the edge of the lake.

Pulling the pipe ashore and putting it aside, Li Yichen turned to look at the location of the hole behind the waterfall, and had some ideas about the hole in his mind.

After going around in a circle and returning to the cliff again, Li Yichen exchanged a rope, fixed it, and then slipped down the waterfall...

Li Yichen originally planned to build a hydropower station here to use the water power of the waterfall to generate electricity. Now that he has discovered this cave, it can be used. With the protection of the waterfall, this power station will basically not be easily discovered.

The cave was located in the upper two-thirds of the waterfall and was about four meters in diameter. After Li Yichen jumped into the cave along the rope, he discovered that there was a gate about ten meters away.

After carefully checking the door, Li Yichen found that the door had not been opened for a long time, so he gave up the idea of ​​finding a way to open it and go in to find out.

There seemed to be many secrets in the Valley of the Dead Army, and Li Yichen suspected that this door was related to the cave he had discovered before. It was better to wait until the affairs of the Tiger Shark Base were settled before coming back to explore this place.

A surveillance camera was installed next to the gate. Then Li Yichen returned to the entrance of the cave, exchanged a hydroelectric generator set from the mall, installed it at the entrance of the cave, and placed the turbine under the impact of the waterfall.

After debugging the generator set until it was operating normally, Li Yichen pulled the power line and jumped into the lake below again.

After climbing ashore, he put the wires and water pipes together, exchanged them for a hundred engineer shovels and threw them aside. Li Yichen looked at the three legions. It didn't matter. He actually found that there were a lot of people gathered around these guys. of zombies.

"Holy crap! Do you want to kill zombies or recruit zombies? Are you here to hold a concert?"

Li Yichen was very depressed, but he also knew why this happened. The sound of gunfire would attract zombies, and these guys' marksmanship was not very good, so of course they would kill more and more.

Coming next to these guys, Li Yichen took a serious look and found that there were differences between these guys. The one with the most accurate marksmanship was the Hell's Scythe. These guys now adjusted their rifles to single-shot gear and could basically shoot with one shot. one.

Next are the little guys from the Shadow of Death. They hold pistols with both hands raised and aim. Three or five shots can kill a zombie.

The worst ones are Chang Guchuan and the others. These guys now have a pistol and a military spur. After firing a shot and finding that they didn't kill them, they simply ran up and stabbed the zombies with the military spurs. As a result, their military assassin's record far surpassed them. Rifle in hand.

At this time, Li Yichen discovered that a licker was rushing towards him from a distance. However, he did not take action this time and continued to watch the excitement. Anyway, Xiaomao was there, so there would be no problem.

Xiaomao was the first to discover the lickers because he could use his perception to locate the zombies. Now the zombies are gathering around them and they are not trying to break through because Xiaomao is controlling them.

After the Licker appeared, Li Yichen found that the formation of the Hell Scythe had changed, turning directly to the direction where the Licker appeared, and forming a formation with two sides protruding and the middle retracting.

When the licker rushed out of the group of corpses, those in the middle immediately shot at the licker. Although the licker relied on speed to dodge left and right, he was still beaten with blood splashing, so the licker shot towards The gunfire came from a conflicting direction.

Just as the Licker was approaching, the people on both sides also opened fire. They had all turned their rifles back to automatic. Countless lines of fire penetrated the Licker's body, almost turning it into a sieve.

Looking at the licker lying on the ground and not moving, Li Yichen nodded secretly in his heart. Xiao Mao's skills were used to command the army, which can be said to be like a fish in water.

Zhi Nao uses brain waves to control the tide of corpses, and Xiao Mao also uses this method, and maybe it's because he is a human being who has not lost his self-awareness? So Xiaomao can use this ability on humans.

Of course, it's not that Xiaomao can control humans, that would be too unnatural. He can only use brain waves to send his consciousness into other people's minds, which is equivalent to soul transmission in fantasy novels, so his hell There was no need for him to command the Scythe Legion, as long as those soldiers received his brainwaves.

And another advantage of this kind of brainwave communication is that it can convey one's own meaning to the other party's brain very intuitively, and can express the intention more clearly. The marksmanship of the Hell Scythe warriors has improved so quickly, which is basically Xiaomao's credit. .

Xiao Mao has a very high level of intelligence. After a casual analysis of the usage of firearms that Li Yichen explained earlier, he understood them all. He was even able to automatically analyze a set of best shooting methods and directly transmit this method to the Hellscythe warriors. in the mind.

For those warriors, this is almost equivalent to being a marksman with good marksmanship. They are guided step by step in practicing their marksmanship, so their marksmanship improves very quickly.

As for why he didn't convey this method to the other two legions as well, this was Li Yichen's rule. The three legions each had their own affiliations and could not be managed cross-wise. Chang Guchuan could not command the Hell Scythe warriors, and Xiao Mao could not use brainwaves to control them. Give orders to the soldiers of the Redemption Legion.

This is not because Li Yichen is afraid of their alliance, but in Li Yichen's mind, these three legions will each have their own areas of expertise and will be responsible for different forms of battles.

"Chang Guchuan! Take your Redemption Legion and withdraw from the battle. It's better not to practice your marksmanship! Save some bullets for me."

Li Yichen called out Chang Guchuan and the Redemption Legion, but these guys didn't pay much attention. When they first got the gun [pencil novel www.qbxs.xyz], they were still fresh, but they found that this thing couldn't hit them at all. After reaching the target, their interest was greatly reduced. They had long wanted to throw away this piece of shit. They simply didn't have the pleasure of rushing into the group of corpses and slashing wildly!

"Go! Take your people over there. There are shovels there. Dig a trench from the mountain wall directly to the base. Bury all the pipes and wires. Remember to bury them deep, don't let the zombies dig them out! "

After Chang Guchuan and the others came out, Li Yichen pointed to where he put the tube and said.


Chang Guchuan immediately replied, Li Yichen has stipulated that no matter what questions you have about my orders, you must carry them out first. If you have any questions, you can complete the task first. Even if I ask you to eat Xiang, you must eat it for me first. , and then come back to complain about animal cruelty to me.

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