Apocalyptic Garbage Sorting System

Chapter 1003: Horizon expansion

Chapter 1003

Although Wanshan’s creation of the world is to expand it on the basis of the existing world, but for Li Yichen, this kind of creation can not only enable the people of the **** capital to live better, but also extend the world to the world. Your next generation, then this is truly creating the world!

As for the heart of the universe given to Wanshan, it is not the two that the chairperson gave him, but the one that Li Yichen directly appeared in his hands after he withdrew from the world where I am a legend. This should be his reward for solving puzzles. .

However, when the speaker seemed to have said that in addition to the heart of heaven, there are other rewards, but Li Yichen did not see it, but he did not ask the speaker, maybe because the first floor, so there is only one sky The heart of the domain.

Even so, this reward is good enough for the people in the heavens. Think about the ancient flame federation for so long, but it just got a heart of the heavens, and now the capital of **** is here. How long does it take to have a heart of heaven, this speed can be said to have surpassed the Ancient Yan Federation.

Moreover, Li Yichen here is not what he originally had. Just this time he went to the Guyan Federation and gained two hearts of heaven. Unlike the big speaker, Li Yichen doesn’t care about the heaven of the Guyan Federation at all, as long as hell. If the universe of the capital can still eat the heart of the universe, then Li Yichen will continue to supply it!

Anyway, it seems that as long as you pass one level of Heavenly Dao Pagoda, you can get a heart of the heavens. Even the speaker has passed more than 20 floors. Li Yichen does not believe that he can't reach that height!

Even if it only passes through the 20th floor, there are still 20 celestial hearts. In addition to filling the system for the upgrade, there are more than ten left. If all these more than ten celestial hearts are swallowed, **** What will the universe of the capital look like?

"What are you looking at?

Hurry up to absorb it to our Heavenly Heart? "

Li Yichen couldn't help laughing as he watched Wanshan staring at the heart of Tianyu in his hands.

"This... is actually useful for you, right?"

Wan Shan looked at Li Yichen.

"Yeah! I'm also useful, but...this celestial domain is mine, and I still have a lot of celestial heart! Hurry up, don't ink!"

Li Yichen waved his hand and said:

"You know where the heart of heaven is, so you take it and swallow it, and I'm on the side of the sea of ​​heaven, and see how the heavens expand after the heart of heaven is swallowed!"

"it is good!"

Wanshan no longer inked, and left directly with the heart of the universe, while Li Yichen flashed directly into the mist, and began to let the system recover the rules of heaven and earth in the mist...

With these mists, Li Yichen’s various rules of heaven and earth will no longer be lacking, and even the various materials used to build the heavens can be supplemented at the same time. After all, the mist contains all the rules of heaven and earth, and the whole world , Was originally composed of these rules of heaven and earth!

After absorbing in the mist for a while, Li Yichen felt that Wanshan was about to start swallowing the Heart of Heaven, so it flashed out again, standing on the seashore of the Heaven Sea, waiting quietly.

After more than ten minutes, Li Yichen finally felt the changes in the sky. First of all, the mist of the sky began to recede. Because Li Yichen was here, he could only sense the sky and the ocean within his sight. The dynamics of the fog, and if you overlook the entire sky from the sky, you will find that all the fog surrounding the sky is receding, and the diameter of the entire sky is expanding.

"The system, can you tell what force is pushing the fog of the sea of ​​fog backwards?"

Li Yichen looked at the retreating Tianyuhai and asked in his heart.

"Host, it's not that the mist of Tianyuhai is pushing back, but..."

The system replied:

"The fog of the Tianyuhai is being converted, so the fog is gradually decreasing, but it seems to the naked eye that it is retreating!"


Li Yichen was taken aback for a moment, and then carefully observed it with eagle eyes. Sure enough, he found that the fog was indeed not retreating, but the innermost fog was constantly melting, so it looked like the fog was retreating!

"What's happening here?

Can you detect the system? "

Li Yichen asked again.

"Of course, it's actually very simple. Because the universe is expanding, the fog will disappear. The disappearing fog is used to build a new universe!"

The system replied:

"You also know now that the fog is actually formed by all the rules of heaven and earth except the law of life. Therefore, the fog itself can also create the world, but it requires very complicated means."

"And now, it seems that the ability of the Heavenly Heart is to use these mists to create the world! Therefore, after swallowing the new Heavenly Heart, the Heavenly Region will begin to expand!"

"Isn't that...the heart of Tianyu is also chaotic, is it similar to mist?"

Li Yichen asked.

"No! The chaos in the heart of Tianyu is richer and more advanced than that in the mist, so it can transform those mists to form a new heaven!"

The system explained that at this time, Li Yichen also discovered that as the fog melted, the land part of the universe was also expanding. This time Li Yichen did not directly ask questions, but paid attention to observation.

He discovered that the new continents did not expand out a little bit, but constantly condense in the sea, that is to say, these new continents are all condensed from the mist, they are brand new continents!

"In this case, it will have to be completed in one go!"

Seeing this situation, Li Yichen couldn't help but frowned. He originally wanted to build a sea paradise, but now it seems that after building a sea paradise, if the heart of the universe is swallowed, the New World will occupy the position of the sea paradise. .

But...now I don’t know if the Heart of Heaven will swallow the next one right away, and Li Yichen is not sure whether he will be able to get a new Heart of Heaven.

Now that Li Yichen saw the expanding horizon, he suddenly had a new idea in his mind, that is, to expand the horizon as much as possible to see how far it can expand!

From the speaker of the grand speaker, Li Yichen learned that there are many heavenly regions in the source world, but few heavenly regions can swallow more than three heavenly hearts.

That's because those who have the ability to get the heart of the heavens are powerful races. Among these races, there will basically be creatures of the controller level. Once they become the controller, of course they will know the existence of the Heavenly Dao Tower, so , Those in control began to pursue the improvement of their own strength. Just like the speaker, they would not give their heavenly heart to their own heaven to swallow them, and even some controllers would order in order to become stronger quickly. His own heaven will go out to attack other heavens, and the heart of heaven will be taken away by him.

Under this circumstance, the chance of the Heart of Heaven being swallowed by the same Heart of Heaven is of course very small, and most of them are absorbed by the master to strengthen themselves!

But Li Yichen is different from those who control. Those who control are basically old fairies who have lived for a long time. The feeling of his own people has faded long ago. Li Yichen is only in his early twenties, and there are so many people in the capital of hell. They are all following him all the way, so Li Yichen has no resistance to strengthening his own universe.

In addition, there is another most important reason, that is, Li Yichen owns the system, which is an advantage that no controller has. As long as the system is still there, Li Yichen will not lack resources, so of course there is no desire for the heart of the universe. So heavy.

Li Yichen was there watching the expansion of the universe. When the expansion of the universe stopped at the end, Li Yichen asked the system how much the universe had expanded.

Although Li Yichen can also see how much the sky has expanded, it is inaccurate to see with his eyes, especially if the sky has a circle. How much diameter and area the circle has expanded? He only knows the pi For Li Yichen of 3.16, the difficulty is not small.

"The area of ​​Tianyu's expansion is four-fifths, which is nearly doubled!"

The system told Li Yichen the answer after calculation. Li Yichen nodded slightly. In fact, if the two hearts of heaven are expanded, they should be exactly doubled to not be a loss, although his heart of heaven comes from the mystery of time rules. The reward for the question, but after all, having a heart of heaven is equivalent to having a heaven!

However, four-fifths is four-fifths, which is better than expanding only half, and maybe the hearts of the heavens will suffer some loss when they swallow each other.

"I don't know if the Heart of Heaven will be swallowed continuously after it is swallowed!"

Li Yichen looked at the expanded horizon below, and thought in his mind that he landed directly and exchanged for a motorcycle and galloped toward the heart of the horizon.

When Li Yichen came to the heart of the heaven, Wanshan was still here, directing people to bury the heart of the heaven.

"Wait! Lao Wan! See if the Heart of Heaven can be swallowed continuously!"

Li Yichen shouted in the car, and then threw it to Wanshan a heart of heaven. Wanshan looked at the heart of heaven in his hand and stopped talking nonsense. He directly ordered the heart of heaven to be dug out again. Looking at Li Yichen and asked:

"how about it?

How much expanded? "

Because Wanshan was here to swallow the heart of the sky, so I haven't seen the situation on the other side of the sky.

"It has expanded by four-fifths, that is to say, the universe has almost doubled!"

Li Yichen jumped off the motorcycle and said with a smile.

"So big?"

Wan Shan's eyes lit up immediately, and then he looked at the heart of the heavens in his hand. If he could swallow this, the heavens could expand again, and then they would be close to the size of the three original heavens. In that case, temporarily the land Will suffice!

Wanshan's use is temporary, and that's because...Once it stabilizes here, the population of the Hell City will definitely skyrocket. At that time, as the population increases, the land will still be insufficient...

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