Chapter 1009

To build a spatial passage, you must return to the heavenly domain. Although it can be constructed here, Li Yichen does not have the spatial coordinates in the heavenly domain. After all, this spatial passage is to be opened in the heart of the heavenly domain.

Returning to the heavens through the space channel, Li Yichen first found Wanshan and asked him to plan an area for the orcs, based on the place where 50 million people lived. Although the orcs will now be three million, Varimasa Si said that the orcs' ability to multiply is extremely strong, so set aside enough area first.

This is actually not difficult, because Tianyu has just expanded, and the newly expanded land has not been planned yet, as long as you delineate an area here!

Although in this way, the area of ​​the orcs is all in the periphery of the universe, far away from the exit of the universe, but Varimathras himself asked to be close to the sea, and they have carefully planned the previous Tianyu Wanshan, and Li Yichen also Once the building is completed, it will be very troublesome to change it again.

Anyway, Li Yichen also said that the area where the orcs live will not be restricted in the future, so it doesn't matter where they live. Wanshan simply allocated half of the newly expanded area to the orcs, because the orcs will breed in this area in the future. For animals, keep it bigger, anyway, Tianyu will definitely expand in the future, there are some places!

Give those orcs to Wanshan and let them draw out drawings for their own buildings, and then naturally Wanshan will find someone to dig the foundation. As for the building, of course it is still Li Yichen's business.

Wanshan also has arrangements for the Heart of Heaven, but it hasn't been completed yet, but the location of the space channel has been determined, so Li Yichen is ready to start building the space channel.

This is considered to be the most skilled one that Li Yichen has done. Although the space of Tianyu is quite stable, Li Yichen finally completed the construction of this space channel in one go.

After finishing it, Li Yichen thought for a while. At this time, the orcs who were taken away by Wanshan shouldn't start designing yet. In this case, just go and let all the orcs migrate over first.

Originally, Li Yichen planned to wait for the orcs here to design their orcs' buildings, and then Wanshan led the people to dig the foundations, and then he completed all the buildings, so that all the orcs would come over so that they would live there. The place will not be chaotic.

But now it doesn’t take long at all, and the space passage has been completed. If the building is completed, it is estimated that there will be at least two or three days, then simply let the orcs come first, and they can dig the foundation for themselves. .

Moreover, letting the orcs see their means of constructing buildings in an instant can also shock them. After all, they are not the same race. Even if Varimathras and the others are okay, maybe other orcs will have any thoughts!

This Li Yichen had already greeted Varimathras. After the orcs came to the universe, they had to accept the jurisdiction of the Hell Capital, abide by the rules of the Hell Capital, and if they did wrong things, the Lone Wolf’s law enforcement team would also look for it. Go home!

Varimathras also agreed at the time, and actually seemed very happy. This orc’s new Beastmaster was actually driven by a duck to become the Beastmaster. He himself is reluctant to do this. The Beastmaster listened to it, but every day. There are also many thieves.

Originally, when the old beast king Dapla was there, Varimathras just took care of fighting, and he didn’t care about anything else. He was good at this. But now, he not only wants to fight, but also thinks about the future of the orcs. If he fell in his hands, Varimathras would become a sinner of the orcs, and he would have no face to see his ancestors when he died.

So Varimathras during this period of time has been very tormented. Now that he heard Li Yichen say that the orcs must follow the rules of the **** capital after they come in, he is of course happy, because then, he doesn’t need to If you take care of the mess, let the human law enforcement team go.

Varimathras has seen a lone wolf, and he also knows that in the capital of hell, this seldom seen lawman is the object of everyone’s fear. Let this guy control the orcs, he must be able to manage the orcs very well, so he doesn’t need to. Worried.

And Li Yichen also said that the orcs and humans are treated equally, and they will never be too harsh on the orcs. What kind of things do they treat to humans and the orcs. What is there to worry about Varimathras?

Li Yichen stepped into the space channel, and then came to the orc plane. Varimathras saw that Li Yichen had returned so soon, thinking that he had forgotten something, and hurried over to ask;

"what's up?"

"The space channel is done, and now you can move! The entrance of the space channel to the sky is where I built the space channel!"

Li Yichen said to Varimathras:

"Originally I wanted to build over there before calling you over, but thinking about you staying here, it's better to go over there, so let's go there first. It just happens that you can discuss together what kind of building you need. Then dig out the foundation yourself, and I will build buildings for you!"

"Okay! Great! Then I'll order it right away!"

Varimathras exclaimed excitedly, and then turned around and called a few orcs over to let them release the news!

Soon, the orcs began to gather, and then marched towards the space channel. At this time, the orcs had already put on the clothes Li Yichen gave them, and they were all fed and drunk, so they all seemed more energetic than before. Li Yichen's eyes have also become different, full of respect and gratitude!

The orcs are relatively straightforward. In addition, when Varimathras had given out food before, he gave a good publicity to Li Yichen and exaggerated it. According to him, if there was no Li Yichen, they would be destroyed in this trial. None of them can come back.

And the orcs who enter the trial ground are the most elite warriors of the orcs. Once their army is annihilated, the orcs who stay here will soon die. Therefore, in the mouth of Varimathras, Li Yichen is undoubtedly becoming The savior of the entire Orcs!

This was deliberately done by Varimathras. He was also afraid of conflicts between the orcs and the humans, so he must first teach these orcs to be as honest as possible in the past, and to enhance Li Yichen's reputation in the orcs, no doubt It is a better method.

"Lee! I didn't expect that a trial would actually change the destiny of our orcs as a whole. Without you this time, our orcs might really perish."

Looking at the orcs queuing to enter the space passage, Varimathras said with emotion.

Li Yichen also nodded lightly. Varimathras's words are not too exaggerated. They did encounter a crisis at the beginning. If Li Yichen did not appear and Archimonde was exiled, the orcs would have been deceived. In the dark, I didn't realize that my king had been taken over by creatures of other races.

And Archimonde will definitely use orc warriors as cannon fodder, just like letting them attack the capital of hell. In the end, including Varimathras, I am afraid that all orc warriors will die in the trial ground.

Especially Archimonde appeared in the image of Dapla, the orcs did not even have the opportunity to escape, and the end would be even more miserable than the demons and blood races!

Therefore, Li Yichen did not refute, nor did he deliberately say a few words to Varimathras in a modest and polite manner, and directly and honestly accepted it.

Three million people entered the space passage, and there was still going to the sky, so it took a long time, and when Li Yichen watched these orcs enter the space passage, he suddenly remembered that he didn’t seem to have arranged there yet. The staff received the orcs, and they didn't know where to go after they passed.

"I'm going! Forgot! I just came over as soon as I constructed the space channel. After your people arrive in the sky, I don't know where your area is. I will go and guide them first!"

Li Yichen slapped his head and said to Varimathras, then he wanted to squeeze into the orc migration team and enter the space channel.

"Lee! Wait a minute!"

Varimathras quickly stopped Li Yichen, pointed to the side and said:

"Don't you take these things away first?"

Li Yichen turned his head and looked around, and found that there were piles of various materials, wood, tents, and so on. He asked Varimathras to collect the resources of his hands and feet. This guy's movements are very Hurry up, this is all done.

After flying over and recovering all the materials, Li Yichen nodded to Varimathras, and then plunged into the space channel. The situation of Li Yichen recovering those materials was seen by the orcs who were entering the space channel. All of them opened their mouths, as if seeing a ghost...

Back in Tianyu, Li Yichen found that his worries were correct. The orcs had already come here for almost a thousand. They were all surrounded by the space channel, looking around blankly, not knowing where to go!

In fact, there is a castle built by Li Yichen before to cover the elevator that leads to the heart of heaven, but these orcs dare not enter the castle, after all, no one has told them that it is theirs!

Before, when Varimathras gave them clothes and food, he had already told them the rules of the **** capital, and he knew very well that anyone who violates it will be punished, and he is accepting human beings. After being punished by the law enforcement officer, the orcs will punish him once, so these orcs are now acting very carefully!

"Come with me, pull the team away, and the people behind are responsible for guiding the people coming out of the space channel!"

Li Yichen rose into the sky, standing in the air and speaking to the orcs below, and then began to lead the way in the air. Seeing Li Yichen who was able to fly in the air, these orcs were shocked again, and then they all honestly followed Li Yichen's orders. Along the way, the people who directed the direction of the team were left, while following Li Yichen...

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