Apocalyptic Garbage Sorting System

Chapter 1011: Li Fangzhou reappears

Chapter 1011 Li Fangzhou Reappears

Thinking of this, Li Yichen immediately teleported to the outside of the driving cabin. He didn't dare to teleport into it directly because he still didn't know the situation inside, so let's take a look at the creature inside.

The portholes of the cockpit are very transparent, so Li Yichen immediately saw the situation inside. The moment he saw it, Li Yichen stayed there because he saw someone he hadn't thought of! An acquaintance-Li Fangzhou!

Li Yichen had seen Li Fangzhou's projection many times, and even the earliest he had seen Li Fangzhou's robot body, but this time...he actually saw Li Fangzhou himself?

Although from the outside, this man is no different from Li Fangzhou with a robotic body, but the system is not wrong. It says that there is a living body inside, so this Li Fangzhou cannot be a robot, because in the entire driving cabin, Only Li Fangzhou himself!

The next moment, Li Yichen teleported into the driving cabin, but at a distance from Li Fangzhou. He looked at Li Fangzhou, and Li Fangzhou seemed to be aware of it, slowly turning his head to look at Li Yichen.

"Unexpectedly, I really have one day to come back! Origin Realm... has been away for too long!"

Looking at Li Yichen, Li Fangzhou cast his gaze out of the porthole again, looked at the sky outside, and said with a smile, the voice was still the one that Li Yichen was familiar with.

"Li Fangzhou?

Are you... are you still alive? "

Li Yichen stared at Li Fangzhou, he couldn't see what was special about Li Fangzhou, he seemed to be an ordinary person, and there were no tyrannical energy fluctuations! Even the detection of the system is the same!

"You ever met me?"

When Li Fangzhou heard Li Yichen call out his name, he looked back at Li Yichen again, and suddenly laughed:

"En! It's possible! After I sealed myself up, I still had a soul tossing outside. According to my personality, it should be a big toss! It's not surprising that someone knows me!"

"A piece of soul?

Are you saying that the arrangements I saw with you are actually just a piece of your soul? "

Li Yichen asked.


Li Fangzhou nodded, then came to a chair and sat down:

"Oh! This body has been sealed for too long, and it is a little weak! Have you eaten?"

Li Yichen stepped forward, then exchanged some food and water from the mall, and placed it on the bridge in front of Li Fangzhou with some caution, and then stepped back. Although the system identified that Li Fangzhou had no strength, this Under the circumstances, Li Yichen didn't believe that Li Fangzhou was just an ordinary person!

"Don't be so careful! My previous strength should be okay, but after self-sealing... Haha! My previous ability has disappeared! It is impossible to recover!"

Li Fangzhou saw Li Yichen's caution, so he took a bottle of water and took a sip, then another bread, and said to Li Yichen:

"But... the breath of the Origin Realm is really familiar!"

Li Yichen did not speak, but quietly watched Li Fangzhou eat and drink, and Li Fangzhou also chewed slowly. It was not until more than half an hour later that Li Fangzhou was full and he looked at Li Yichen and asked:

"only you?"

"No! There are a lot of people, all below and in the sky!"

"Skyland...is that the skyland we used to be?"

Li Fangzhou asked:

"All the humans who stayed in the Source Realm before are still alive?"

"I have seen a human universe, but I don't know if it is the one you said, and we...not in the source world, we just came to the source world!"

"You can have a heaven just when you come to the source world! It seems that your strength is very good! The source world is very dangerous, and the biggest danger... is in the heaven!"

Li Fangzhou looked at Li Yichen and smiled.

"The biggest danger comes from Tianyu?

Do you mean the Chaos Heavenly Dao Pagoda in the mist of Tianyu Sea or the Heart of Tianyu? "

Li Yichen asked immediately.


Do you even know the broken tower? "

Hearing what Li Yichen said, Li Fangzhou seemed a little surprised. He looked up and down Li Yichen:

"You should... haven't reached the realm of the master, right?"


Li Yichen's heart shuddered, this guy can actually see his strength?

He gently shook his head and said:

"But I have the ability to get in and out of the fog! So another human being in the universe took me to the Chaos Heavenly Dao Tower!"

"What is the human strength of that Tianyu?"

Li Fangzhou asked.


Li Yichen thought for a while and said:

"There is only one controller, the others... are not as strong as I am!"

In fact, the strength of the Guyan Federation is not bad, but if Li Yichen wants to say that they are not as strong as themselves, it is fair enough. Although Li Yichen's own life level is not very high, it is not even as good as Crudy, but if Crudy really matches himself Squat, it must be Crudy who died! Li Yichen said that he was quite confident in his heart.

"That's not right!"

Li Fangzhou frowned upon hearing this:

"If they were the human race that stayed in the Source Realm, no matter how they fell, they wouldn't have become so weak!"

Hearing what Li Fangzhou said, Li Yichen couldn't help a black line. Listening to this, in Li Fangzhou's eyes, he was quite weak?

"Could it be other than what happened?

Humph! I have long said that they can't do it that way, and they will easily kill themselves. They just don't believe it! "

Li Fangzhou pondered for a while, then suddenly muttered, then raised his head and looked at Li Yichen and asked:

"So... where did you enter the Source Realm?

How did you get in? "

"We are from a place of trial, as for..."

Li Yichen thought for a while and decided to tell the truth, but as soon as he spoke, he saw Li Fangzhou suddenly standing up, staring at Li Yichen and asking:

"What place of trial?"

"The place of trial is..."

Li Yichen was stunned, but still explained to Li Fangzhou:

"Actually, I am not very sure, but in the world before us, it is said that every epoch, there will be six races entering that world, what trials they accept, and then after the trials, they will be ranked according to their trials. They rewarded! So my world is called a trial place by those trial races!"

"Humph! They really did it!"

Li Fangzhou frowned and said angrily. Li Yichen couldn't help being stunned, looking at Li Fangzhou and asking:

"Do you... know who those arbiters are?"

"of course!"

Li Fangzhou curled his lips in disdain:

"It's just those idiots, because they want to fight the Zerg and break through the life form, they make some **** of trials! They even use our human genes to create countless new species!"


Li Yichen was shocked, the creatures called arbiters of the invading races in the trial place were actually humans?

Moreover, from Li Fangzhou's words, it seems that they have also created a new race. Could it be...the undead were created by them?

"Then how do you know the arbiter?

According to the temperaments of those guys, you humans should be their guinea pigs, and should be used as food by the invading races. Shouldn't they take the initiative to tell you this? "

Li Fangzhou seemed to think something was wrong, so he asked.

"We eliminated the invading races! And also subdued one of them, knowing all this from them!"

Li Yichen replied, and then asked:

"In addition, you said that the race they created should be the undead, right?"

"What kind of race do you see?"

Li Fangzhou did not answer, but instead asked another question.

"Blood, Demons, Undead, Orcs, Goblins, Zergs!"

Li Yichen said all the six trial races!

"Except for those **** bugs, the others... are all races they made!"

Li Fangzhou looked at Li Yichen with a weird smile:

"In fact, the trial site is for studying how to deal with bugs. Perhaps the bugs you came into contact with in the trial site were not very powerful. At least you have said that you said that those races were all wiped out, but I want to tell Yours, those Zergs... definitely can't underestimate them, they may destroy all the lives in the source world!"


Li Yichen frowned. It seemed that when he first entered the Source Realm, the Guyan Federation had also mentioned the Zerg, saying they were very powerful, and they were shocked when they heard that they had destroyed the Zerg.

In addition... all other races were made by humans themselves?

To figure out how to deal with the Zerg?

Li Yichen felt a little confused. It is acceptable to say that the undead were created by the human race, because the zombies originally changed after being infected, and then when the zombies have wisdom, they become undead, but other races... …

Among other things, how could goblins and orcs be made by humans?

Isn't it too far from human beings?

Is it also made with human genes?

(Zombies: So, we are all brothers and should not be killed. How many zombies did you kill?


Is this right?

Why is it so urgent?


"Have you heard from the Zerg now?"

Li Fangzhou asked again.

"En! It is said that there are Zerg in this Source Realm!"

Li Yichen nodded.

"damn it!"

Li Fangzhou immediately cursed, then looked at Li Yichen:

"Actually... we humans were originally born in the source world, but at that time, we encountered a crisis, and our human race at that time was divided into two factions because of disagreements. One faction planned to fight the insects. , And the other faction wants to leave the Source Realm, avoid the bugs, find a way to restrain them, and then come back and kill them!"

"This one……"

Li Yichen's expression was dumbfounded. Li Fangzhou's words are easy to understand. There may be nothing wrong with listening alone, but combined with his previous words, it seems that something is wrong...

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