Apocalyptic Garbage Sorting System

Chapter 1013: The Mist and the Zerg

Chapter 1013: The Mist and the Zerg

Listening to Li Fangzhou’s words, Li Yichen nodded slightly. He has now determined that the fog in Li Fangzhou’s mouth is of the same nature as the fog on the side of Tianyuhai. Therefore, the methods adopted by those strong people seem a little stupid. , But it is the only feasible way.

Otherwise, there will be fog around, and people who enter can easily lose their way. Once this happens, even a strong person who can resist the fog may be trapped in the fog forever and never get out!

Seeing Li Yichen nodding, Li Fangzhou smiled. There seemed to be some sarcasm in his smile, which made Li Yichen a little puzzled. Did he do something wrong?

But he did not speak, because Li Fangzhou had already continued!

"At that time, in our entire Origin Realm, there were about 10,000 people who were able to withstand the invasion of the mist. Almost everyone participated in the deep mist operation. The momentum can be said to be quite huge!"

"Because those people originally had a pivotal position in the city where they were located, and they gathered together to do one thing, of course, the entire Origin Realm is concerned!"

"At that time, many cameras were on the edge of the fog to broadcast their exploration live! Almost everyone watched this live broadcast on TV or mobile phones, wanting to know what is hidden in the fog!"

"Soon, those strong men began to enter the mist. They were very cautious. They entered the mist one by one, because they had absorbed the rules of heaven and earth in the mist, so they knew the mist best, and no one wanted to let themselves go forever. Lost in it! So even though they all know it is live, they are all cautious and idle!"

"Seeing their cautiousness makes other people extremely excited. They can gather the strongest of mankind and be so careful. What is it?

They all hope to know right away! "

"As time goes by, there are fewer and fewer strong people outside, until the last strong one also enters the mist! After the figure of that strong man disappears, everyone is staring at the mist, they don't know that these strong men enter the mist Is the distance enough for them to discover the secret of the fog? After all, there are only 10,000 people, and each person is separated by three meters, which is only 30,000 meters. Who can guarantee that the fog is only 30,000 meters?"

"If... these powerhouses are connected and unable to discover the secrets of the mist, no one may ever know the secrets of the mist, because it will take a lot of time for humans to have more powerhouses that can withstand the mist. !"

"However, people were not disappointed in the end, because those strong men really found out what was in the mist. Even the people outside could see what came out of the mist, but if you can choose, I think every Individuals don’t want to see the secrets of the fog, and even hope that those strong men have never thought about exploring the fog, and just assimilate the rules of heaven and earth honestly on the edge!"

Listening to Li Fangzhou's words, Li Yichen was itchy with hatred, Nima, it's obviously coming out, so what did you say quickly?

You have to be here to sell the gates, because you sold the gates before, but the few pictures left behind, without saying anything, are gone!

However, this time it was a real person, and it seemed that although Li Fangzhou had no strength, he didn't look like he was about to hang up, so Li Yichen tried to endure himself and didn't let himself rush to slap Li Fangzhou twice.

Li Fangzhou didn't notice Li Yichen's expression, he still had a look of recollection, and said slowly:

"At that time, the people and cameras waiting outside were the strong ones who entered the fog first. However, the strong ones looked extremely embarrassed at this time, and obviously escaped the fog!"

"The first person who rushed out of the mist just rushed out, waved his arms vigorously, and shouted:

‘Run away! Get out of here now! ’, and everyone can see that the clothes on this person are damaged in many places, and the body is covered with blood, with disheveled hair and panic on his face! "

"Later, a lot of powerhouses rushed out of the fog. They were all embarrassed. They seemed to have gone through some battle, and they all had a look of panic and fear. After they came out, they wanted to run away!"

"As these powerful men kept rushing out of the fog, a huge bug suddenly emerged from the fog. The guy looked like a spider, but it was quite huge, with a height of ten meters and his body everywhere. They are all horrible burrs like steel needles!"

"As soon as the monster got out of the mist, it stretched out a long leg more than ten meters long and pierced the back of a strong man who was running desperately, then threw him into his mouth and chewed!"

"This horrible scene dispersed the souls of the people around, and everyone began to flee for their lives. At this time, two huge monsters emerged from the mist, one is a beetle, and the other looks a bit like They are cockroaches, and they are huge in size."

"However, after these insects got out of the fog, they didn't stay away. They just stopped at the edge of the fog after killing a few people who were too late! They even left a small part of their body in the fog! "


Li Yichen said softly, the monster crawling out of the mist sounded like a Zerg! When Li Yichen first went to the Worm Nest, didn't he also see many different insects?

"Yes! It's the Zerg!"

Li Fangzhou sighed:

"After those guys entered the fog, they didn't know how to alarm these demons and lead them out of the fog, because none of the strong men in the innermost escaped the fog, so how did this exploration cause the Zergs? know!"

"After all the people stayed away from the fog area, they discovered that the 10,000 powerful people who entered the fog exploration at the beginning, escaped alive, only more than 300, almost annihilated!"

"Of course, it is possible that not all of these people were killed by the Zerg. Some of them should have lost their way and got trapped in the mist when escaping! However, at this time, no one cares about them anymore. Everyone thinks The thing is, will those bugs return to the mist and never appear again!"

"Because they wanted the bugs to run back by themselves, the people at that time didn't immediately attack the bugs, but they immediately mobilized and called up all weapons of mass destruction, and all began to ship there!"

"Those bugs did not return to the mist, but stayed on the edge of the mist. The monster, which looked like a big beetle, actually began to spit out something on the ground, as if it was building a nest. This made the people at the time very panicked. They felt, It seems that these bugs don't really want to return to the fog."

"Although these zergs are the first contact with humans, insects have been studied by humans for a long time. At that time, some scholars said that these insects are building nests. Once the nests are built, they may begin to reproduce. Then, the insects will more and more!"

"The words of these scholars caused people to panic again. There are only three giant bugs appearing outside the fog, but these three bugs have almost wiped out their strongest. If they start again Reproduction, the end of humanity may be coming!"

"No one doesn't know how abnormal the reproduction ability of insects is, so all the people in the entire source world began to unite! They were ready to attack the three insects. Because of the lack of time, many weapons were not in place, so they decided to wait for the weapons. All come before you attack!"

"Because those worms are very big, and according to the strong man who fled back, the body of this worm is quite hard, so they worry that if they don’t have all the weapons now, if they attack with these weapons, not only will they not be able to kill the three worms. , It will alarm them and let them rush into the Source Realm!"

"No matter what, the three bugs stayed there honestly. Of course, such a stationary target is easier to gather fire. So people decided to wait until all the powerful weapons were concentrated here, and they started Set the fire together and blow all the bugs to pieces!!"

"The source world is too big, and there are many weapons of mass destruction that are also very heavy, so it is not easy to transport them here. Fortunately, the emergence of the Zerg is obviously a crisis. Therefore, all cities They all put aside their previous grievances and gave their full support to get through this crisis!"


Li Yichen chuckled. Sure enough, no matter what world you are in, as long as there are people, there will be contradictions! People in Yuanjie are no exception! Even at the Chaos Heavenly Dao Tower, it looks peaceful now, but... once something appears that involves the interests of everyone, it is estimated that this peace will disappear instantly!

Moreover, Li Yichen also thought that there were only humans in the original Source Realm, so... why did humans develop so many weapons of mass destruction?


Li Fangzhou glanced at Li Yichen, ignored him, and continued:

"Later, when the large-scale weapons were almost ready, the beetle had already built a large nest, and the other two bugs had already entered the nest and were never seen again!"

"However, people didn't care too much. They just stared at the worm's nest to prevent a large group of insects from rushing out of it. As for the worm's nest itself, no one cares. Anyway, it's the fire attack, even if there are multiple covers , Can it block them with so many weapons?"


Hearing what Li Fangzhou said, Li Yichen couldn't help sighing. Although he hadn't said how effective the weapon was, Li Yichen had already foreseen it, because when he was in the Trial Land, Li Yichen ate on the Worm Nest like this. deficit……

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