Apocalyptic Garbage Sorting System

Chapter 1015: Earth again?

Chapter 1015 Is It Earth Again?

"It's very simple! I was just from their group, but I didn't follow them away!"

Li Fangzhou said with a smile:

"Before we left, those of us decided to keep some people. One was to occupy our heaven and leave a way for ourselves, and the other was to see what those people could do. Come!"

"The main reason is to stay behind, right?

If those people succeed, you can call them back, right? "

Li Yichen couldn't help asking.

"Um... young people don't speak so straight! Besides... we were... well! Some people really think so!"

Li Fangzhou's face blushed, and finally he admitted directly!

"Then how did you leave here, and how did you go to the place of trial?"

Li Yichen asked again, this guy speaks in ink and often digresses, so Li Yichen plans to solve all the doubts in his heart now!

"Because... we found a space channel connecting the outside world in the sky, and at that time, the Zerg was very close to us! We were afraid of being discovered, so we all moved there, and we were All the resources in the universe have also been brought over!"

Li Fangzhou replied with some embarrassment:

"After that, we lived on the outer planet. Because of the rush, we couldn't even contact the people we left before! So we broke contact, but we knew their coordinates in the outside world, so we developed vigorously. Technology, I want to find them."

"But after all, we are outside, and the galaxy they are in is far away from the Milky Way, so..."

"Wait! What department do you mean?"

Li Yichen was taken aback and asked immediately.

"The Milky Way!"

Li Fangzhou was taken aback, then explained:

"Because on that planet, the night sky can form a silver belt of light, like a river, so we call that galaxy the Milky Way!"

"What about your planet?"

Li Yichen asked again:

"What is the name of the planet you live on?"

"Haha! I named that planet because it has a large land area, so I named it Earth!"

Li Fangzhou replied with a smile.

"The land is huge?"

Li Yichen was taken aback, thinking that the land area on the earth is not as large as the ocean area?

Hearing these names, the Milky Way and the Earth, this is clearly his hometown. However, Li Yichen thought about it again. According to Li Fangzhou's technological level, it is estimated that when he arrives on the earth, he has the ability to build space warships, which is definitely more than The technology level of the earth he is on, so...Li Fangzhou's earth should be the earth of other sub-planes, so... it's not impossible that it is something like his own earth!

"Okay! Keep talking! By the way, your level of naming is pretty good!"

Li Yichen finally stopped asking and asked Li Fangzhou to continue.

"Later, we survived on that planet and started to build space warships, intending to find our people, but... the resources of that planet are really barren. Although we have the ability to build space warships, the resources of that planet simply cannot Meet our needs!"

Li Fangzhou gently shook his head and said:

"Moreover, many of the technologies that we have brought in the past cannot be used on the earth, because there is no corresponding material there. If we want to build space battleships, we must re-study related technologies. It's like... …You brought a super terminal to a new world, but that world has no electricity, so you have to start with bricks and build a power plant step by step before you can use this terminal!"

"Our situation was like that at the time. We had quite high technology, but we couldn't find the corresponding materials. We could only re-study the materials of that world and re-develop our technology for that world! Of course, because of the original technological support It’s much easier to re-study technology, but... my life span is not enough!"

"I am the strongest person left at the beginning, and I am still a strong soul, so I have a long lifespan, so... after we have lived on the earth for many years, the generation that went out with me is slow All died slowly!"

"In the end, I was the only one who knew our secrets, because when we left... it was not worth boasting, so we didn't tell our children at all, and when I found out that my life span was not many years left, I started thinking about retreat!"

"At that time, there were two ways. One was to tell our descendants the secret in my heart and our origin, and let them continue to search for our people, and the other was to use my power to seal myself. , I will be able to wake up again when I meet my people in the future!"

Li Fangzhou sighed:

"In the end, I chose the latter because at that time, only I knew the truth of the matter on Earth. Everyone else thought that they were originally Earthlings and didn’t even know the existence of Origin Star, and we had never been there. They showed their strength in front of them, because the earth's rules of heaven and earth are quite thin, and it would be quite difficult to cultivate!"

"Although we have left a lot of cultivation methods, the effect... is very poor! If these people return to the Source Realm, it is estimated that they will not even be cannon fodder. If this is the case, then why should I tell them the existence of the Source Realm? ?

If they know that the source world is good, maybe they will find a way to return, it is very likely that the Zerg will be introduced to the earth, and even this new home will be destroyed by that time! "

"Let them treat themselves as earthlings and live a good life here! Although this group of humans will not become very powerful, they can at least pass on humans without perishing!"

"With this thought, I decided to seal myself up, and set the conditions for releasing the seal to meet the breath of the source world. In this way, once I met someone who left the source world, I would be able to wake up. , Or to say... Back to the source world, it can also wake me up!"

Li Fangzhou looked outside:

"At the time, I really didn't expect that I really still have the day to wake up, and what I didn't even expect was that when I woke up again, it was not because I met the people in the original world, but because I came back. Source World!"

Having said that, Li Fangzhou turned around and looked at Li Yichen:

"But... I need to remind you that if the Zerg is still there, the sky is not safe. They will find here sooner or later, and then... kill all people and turn them into their energy! So, if this ship The space battleship can still be sent back to Earth, so hurry back!"

"I haven't told you that I wiped out the Zerg once in the trial land?"

Li Yichen looked at Li Fangzhou and said.

"That's different!"

Li Fangzhou shook his head and said:

"The rules of the outside world are incomparable with the source world and the heavens! Only where the heavens and the earth rules the Zerg can the Zerg be able to exert its maximum combat power! Now that the Zerg already has the heaven, their strength is basically endless. And...what did you use to destroy the insect nest?"

"I have a way!"

Li Yichen said:

"Moreover, I'm not used to running without a fight! In addition... this space battleship was not discovered on the earth, but in the place of trial! As for the earth... I was actually born on the earth, but it should not be yours. The earth! It’s from another dimension universe."

"The place of trial?"

Li Fangzhou was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered. Li Yichen did say before that they came from the trial site, but... why is this built space warship in the trial site?

Could it be that they went looking for the tribe who left and found the place of trial?

Because he had sealed himself a long time ago, even though there is a Li Fangzhou with a part of his soul outside, Li Fangzhou still cannot share the memory of that Li Fangzhou, that is to say, after he sealed it, another one did it himself. Things, this Li Fangzhou is not clear!

However, after all, it was his own soul. Li Fangzhou still had a way to leave a message. He came to a console and clicked on the stage. A secret door appeared beside him. Li Fangzhou reached out from the dark. Take out something from the door, then close the secret door, return to the main console, and stuff that thing into a slot in the main console!

"Although the materials of this space battleship are somewhat different, the style and function are completely built according to our original space battleship, and the functions should be the same!"

Li Fangzhou said while operating.

"By the way! You said you were sealed by yourself before! So... where were you sealed?

I didn't see you here before! "

When Li Yichen saw this hidden door, he remembered one thing, so he asked, if there is a hidden door, there is a memory hidden in it that can’t be discovered. It’s possible, but Li Fangzhou is hiding in Where?

You must know that Li Yichen previously received the Ark into the system space. Although it was not recycled, but temporarily stored, the rules of the system must also be followed. In other words, life cannot be put into the system space. !

Therefore, if Li Fangzhou has been hiding in the Ark, then Li Yichen will not be able to bring the Ark into the system space! Moreover, the system was able to detect Li Fangzhou's vitality just now. There is no reason why it could not be detected before. Ark Li Yichen has come here many times. He has been here many times, and the system has not told him that there is a living body here!

"Haha! I'm in this room!"

Hearing Li Yichen’s question, Li Fangzhou seemed a little proud, and answered with a smile, then stretched out his hand and pointed in a direction...

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