Apocalyptic Garbage Sorting System

Chapter 1120: Why are you late?

Chapter 1120 Why Are You Late?

According to the images Li Yichen saw before, the three world reincarnations are the same. Although at the beginning, the various races fought with each other, but after realizing the power of the Zerg, they ended up being humans, undead, orcs, and goblins. Races such as, blood, and demons unite to fight against the Zerg. Even at the last minute, humans will flee the planet with the undead to avoid the Zerg's edge and avoid the race from being completely extinct.

Why does it now sound that the system actually means that you have to fight against the joint attacks of other races?

This is something wrong!


The system replied:

"I said, what you see now is the reincarnation world that has been changed by you, and the original reincarnation world... Forget it, you can see for yourself!"

With that said, Li Yichen once again appeared in front of his eyes, the same world, the same disaster at the beginning of the end times, but this time the plot is completely different from before...

At the beginning of the last days, zombies quickly occupied most areas of the planet because of the number. Humans also established bases and struggled to survive. This situation is almost the same as the situation in the trial place at that time, except that Li Yichen It was keenly discovered that after the mist dissipated, the mist that gave birth to the Zerg did not remain, but disappeared along with other mists, and of course the original island no longer existed.

And this reincarnation, of course, there is still Li Yichen, but this time, he did not go to that island, but took Huang Dahu and Guo Qing and others to establish a strong base, constantly fighting with the zombies.

In this reincarnation, Guo Qing also became the undead king again, but because he was in a battle, in order to cover the evacuation of Li Yichen and Huang Dahu, he independently led away the tide of corpses, and was finally overwhelmed by the tide of corpses. After standing up again, maybe because of the obsession in his heart, maybe because he is destined to be the undead king, in short, he has awakened...

Afterwards, the war continued, and humans began to develop various potions to improve their abilities. Kaizi did not meet Li Yichen and the others in this reincarnation. He still became the leader of a large base and was madly conducting his own experiments. , Even turned himself into a powerful blood...

As a result, demons, goblins, orcs and other races were born, and they fought each, but this time, because there was no absolutely powerful Zerg threat, all other races were targeting humans during the battle. Because all these intelligent races, including the undead, were transformed from humans, so in their hearts, they always felt that humans were the greatest threat.

And this kind of aiming quickly reached a consensus, so that the undead races, goblin races, orcs races, and other races were all united together, preparing to completely exterminate mankind, and then they would decide the war between them!

Under the joint attack of the five major races, human bases were destroyed one after another. Even if Li Yichen took Huang Dahu and their desperate resistance, it was still useless. In the end, Li Yichen and Huang Dahu were forced by the five major races to the end of humanity on this planet. A base...

The final battle started. Li Yichen was the strongest man in humans, so he was directly targeted and besieged by the strongest of the other five races. However, fortunately, Li Yichen is a strong space system and has the rules of time and life. One enemy five, but still not afraid of it!

However, although Li Yichen can resist the strongest of the five major races, other people in the base can't do this, especially in terms of numbers, they are at an absolute disadvantage.

Seeing that the companions below are in crisis, Li Yichen will of course want to rescue them, but the powerhouses of the other five races also know what he thinks, and he also knows that he is a powerhouse of the space system, so while fighting, in Li Yichen The surrounding space was directly shocked, so that Li Yichen could not teleport to save people!

As a result, Li Yichen could only watch his relatives and friends die one after another in front of him. He tried his best to save their lives, but was repeatedly blocked by the other five powers. s failure!

In the end, the entire mankind was left with Li Yichen alone, who was still fighting alone, and below the place where they were fighting, there was a human base that had become a ruin, and there were stumps and blood all over the floor—not many corpses, Because all corpses, whether they are human or other races, will eventually become zombies. Except for zombies, zombies are dead, they are really dead...


Li Yichen, who was fighting alone, seemed to be on the verge of exhaustion. At this time, there was no anger, no sadness, and no despair in his eyes. Instead, he was quite calm. He drank lightly, and then, the person completely disappeared...

"I... escaped?"

Li Yichen was stunned. He saw the situation very clearly. According to his thoughts, at this time of the battle, he would never run away. He would definitely commit suicide by using some drastic means, and he would have to drag a few enemies before he died. go!

Looking at the previous situation, it seemed that he had escaped by using the rules of space, because it disappeared in an instant, it seemed that it was not a means of suicide.

"Yes! You are here!"

The system replied softly:

"You wanted to explode at the time, but because the powerhouses of the five major races had anticipated your intentions a long time ago, after all, they have been fighting with you for many years, and they know you even better than yourself, so they They had been prepared for a long time, but... they didn't expect that they only wanted to seal your self-destructive energy and send you to the space storm, but they sent you here by mistake!"

"This is where?"

Li Yichen looked at the surroundings blankly and asked.

"do not know!"

System Road:

"The creation space, the tower of heaven, the reincarnation space, whatever you call it, in short, you didn’t succeed when you wanted to explode at first, but came here. After that, you watched the reincarnation world countless times here, looking for The way humans escape from the dead, and you have experimented countless times!"

"You have tried to eliminate Kaizi and others who gave birth to orcs, because if there are only undead in the world, humans can still resist, at least they will not be extinct, but after you tried it, you found that it was useless. Orcs did not appear. , There will also be creatures of other races. Among human beings, there is never a shortage of crazy guys, so after trying a few times, you gave up this idea!"

"Later, after the end of the world, you tried to gather all humans together to build a huge survival base, but in the end it failed. Because of human infighting, in short, you tried countless times and failed. Finally , You made me!"

"At the time, your idea was to use me to decompose all living things, and even control all resources, leaving only a small wave of humans, so that humans can continue! But what you didn’t expect is that I can’t accommodate too much. With so much life energy and resources, after reaching a certain level, I blew myself up!"

"Then, that misty area appeared, and it contained all the purest life energy that I had absorbed. It was just that you just let me absorb it, and those lives were killed by you, so these life energy contained violent turmoil. Attributes!"

"Later, you tried to recycle those mists again, but it was of no use, because in this way, I would be useless, and it would still be of no help to your plan!"

"Finally! You have chosen to create countless dimensional worlds in that mist, and link the dimensional world and the mist to form a perfect cycle, so that the mist and the dimensional world in it can exist forever!"

"You have left countless puzzles in the dimensional world, because the puzzles are not so good to think about, so you simply use a lot of movies and stories to build, what you hope is that you can use this method to make all races the most powerful The people are attracted here, making them feel that this is the road they should pursue. In this way, maybe other races will not be in the mood to unite and destroy mankind!"

"As a result, this method also proved to be ineffective, because... even though the strong of other races discovered this, they still want to destroy humanity first, and then begin to comprehend the way of heaven, because they know the terrible human wisdom, if let Human beings are also here to understand, then they worry that they will eventually perish!"

"This method failed again, but in the process, you have a new idea, and you plan to implement it for the last time, and because you are afraid of being affected by the previous, you erase all your memories and only take me. , Entered that world!"

Having said this, the system closed its mouth. Obviously, his experience after entering the world is now Li Yichen's own experience, and he doesn't need him to introduce it anymore!

"That's it! So... My original idea should be to create a non-humanoid race to counterbalance other humanoid races?

So there are only animals and bugs in that nest! And in order to be able to control them, I created this ultimate trial in the Heavenly Dao Tower-that is, in the mist, and let me come here? "

Li Yichen thought for a while, then frowned:

"That's not right?

In the end, is the Zerg annihilated all races, but humans still haven't survived? "

"But after all the races were destroyed, the Zerg also returned, and the world started reincarnation?"

The system replied:

"You know, in the previous reincarnation, after you humans were destroyed, you have to wait a long time before you can wait for this reincarnation world to restart, because the battles of the other five races will last for a long, long time..."

"It turned out to be like this!"

Li Yichen nodded, then turned to look at the vast universe, and asked again in his heart:

"System, I will answer one last question. I took you into that world, right?

Why are you late for more than a year? "


(End of full text)

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