Apocalyptic Garbage Sorting System

Chapter 514:  Double the debt

"Judge! What do you mean? What happened to the advance legion?"

The voice on the other side suddenly became serious.

"The stupid pig of the advance legion did not carry out the attack according to our plan. He made his own proposal and divided his troops into three directions. He wanted to take down all the three strategic points of the Hell Capital at once, including the most defense. A strong joint base!"

Guo Jinbao sneered:

"Furthermore, all their combat intentions have been seen through, and now almost the entire army is wiped out. Only the head of the stupid pig and about 40,000 fighters are left, and these fighters have reached the front of the joint base and their ammunition has been exhausted. Surrounded by groups, in order to rescue them, I had to expose myself, otherwise, they would be killed immediately!"

"Are you exposed?"

The other side was shocked, and then angered:

"Judge, you should know your importance. It doesn't matter if the advance army is destroyed. We still have follow-up troops. They are the main offensive force. You should..."

"Shut up! I'm here, why would I be unclear?"

Guo Jinbao was furious, and scolded unceremoniously:

"What a special follow-up unit, if I don't expose it, this follow-up unit will soon be wiped out with the advance legion! The capital of Hell has long known the location of the Glorious Base, and now two powerful missiles are in front of my eyes! If you don’t do what I said, I won’t care about it!"

Guo Jinbao's rage made the other person silent. After a while, another voice came from the communicator:

"I am the Golden Eagle, Judge, what is going on?"

"To put it simply, our combat plan has completely failed. The Capital of Hell is much stronger than we thought, and their intelligence sources are quite accurate. Not only are they aware of the location of our advance army, but even our glorious base. , Even the forces inside, they are all clear about it!"

Guo Jinbao said to the communicator:

"Now, the advance army is almost annihilated, and there are only more than 40,000 people left-at least I saw only so many, and they have been defended, basically regarded as prisoners, if they want, they can kill in a few minutes. Just leave them."

Looking back at the two huge missiles, Guo Jinbao said again:

"In addition, the Glorious Base is also within the long-range strike range of the Hell Capital. At least there are two huge missiles in front of me. According to the leader of the Hell Capital, these two missiles can completely destroy the Glorious Base. The back legion naturally..."

"Are you sure about the power of that missile?"

The golden eagle asked.

"I'm not sure, but I don't think he lied to me because there is no need!"

Guo Jinbao looked up at Li Yichen and said to the inside.

"What does he want?"

The Golden Eagle asked again.

"Um... Hell must let us exchange resources for the advance army and the soldiers of the Glory Base, and we only have five minutes to decide. If we do not give him a positive answer after five minutes, then the two missiles Change back into the air!"

Guo Jinbao replied, and then after thinking about it, he added:

"Trust me, I know our Glorious Base has the ability to intercept missiles, but it must not be able to stop these two missiles. I have seen it before!"

After speaking, Guo Jinbao looked up at Li Yichen, Li Yichen smiled at him and nodded, indicating that he was right.

"What resources does he want?"

The Golden Eagle asked in silence for a while.

"This... you'd better record it, he wants a lot!"

Picking up those two lists, Guo Jinbao smiled bitterly.

"Say it!"

The golden eagle is very calm.

"Uh... there are ten tons of gunpowder, fifteen tons of steel, various herbs..."

Guo Jinbao looked at the list and read out the materials on it one by one. Hearing the quantity of these materials, the other side didn't say anything and kept silent all the time.

"One goblin's corpse. If all the materials are insufficient, they can be replaced with other materials, but the total number must meet the requirements on the list. Bargaining is not acceptable!"

Although Guo Jinbao spoke very fast, it took more than three minutes to finally read the list.

"Is the leader of the **** capital by your side?"

After reading the list, the Golden Eagle did not say anything else, but directly asked Li Yichen.


Guo Jinbao looked at Li Yichen. Although Wanshan was the real leader of the Hell City, Guo Jinbao knew that Li Yichen was able to call the shots, so he did not explain to the other party!

"Let me tell him directly!"

Golden Eagle Road.

"Say it, I'm listening!"

Li Yichen spoke immediately.

"I am a member of the Golden Eagle, a member of the elders of the Kingdom of God, how do you call it?

The golden eagle is very polite, maybe because his own people are still here, right?

"I am Mr. Lee!"

Li Yichen replied.

"Okay! Mr. Li! You need a lot of supplies!"

Golden Eagle Road.

"It's okay! Anyway, I said in advance, no bargaining. As for whether to give or not, you can decide by yourself. Just give me an answer within five minutes. The timing starts now!"

Li Yichen's tone is very relaxed.

"Even if we promised, we wouldn’t be able to get so many materials together in five minutes. You should know that what you want is all raw materials. There is no glorious base for this thing. Let’s give us three hours. We How about mobilizing materials?"

"Hahahaha! Mr. Golden Eagle! I don't think it will take three hours. Now the soldiers of your glorious base are already evacuating? As I said, all I want is a positive answer, give or not! It's that simple ."

Li Yichen laughed and said:

"As for the material handover, I can give you three days. As long as the materials are delivered to me within three days, Chairman Guo knows the way! Also remind you that you only have four minutes left! Four Minutes later, if I still don’t get a positive answer, then the missile will be launched, so you don’t have to delay time with me. It’s useless. Please discuss with other veterans quickly, right?"

"Mr. Li, what do you mean is that as long as I promise to give you these supplies, you will release people and will not launch missiles?"

The golden eagle asked.

"That's right! As long as you agree, then President Guo will sign on this list and promise to give us the materials, and I will release them immediately!"

Li Yichen replied happily.

"Then... what if we didn't send the supplies over after we agreed?"

The golden eagle asked.

"Hahahaha! Do you want to go wrong without giving it? It's okay, anyway, I am better at asking for accounts, and I will come back if anyone owes me to me, you don't have to worry about this!"

Li Yichen replied very happily...

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