Apocalyptic Garbage Sorting System

Chapter 833:  The rules of time come

This time, Li Yichen came directly to the mountain range where the original goblin base was located. Although the Zerg had to pass through here when hunting down the Orc before, after they started attacking the Worm’s Nest, the Zerg had already given up chasing. !

As for now, I believe that the messed up Zerg has no time to organize an insect wave to attack the Orc base again.

Randomly found a cave. After Li Yichen solidified and sealed the entrance of the cave, he sat down and sat for a while. After feeling that his state had reached its peak, he said in his heart:

"System! Give me time injections!"


The system replied, and then Li Yichen felt a strange element enter his body, instantly filling his whole body, and then all the feelings disappeared.

"Huh? System! What's the situation?"

Li Yichen was taken aback for a moment, then opened his eyes and asked in his heart at the same time, but immediately, he was surprised!

Where is this...? Li Yichen found that he was in a corridor, and in front of him was a door!


Li Yichen reached out and twisted the door and strode into a fresh food supermarket.

This supermarket is very large, and the decoration is quite luxurious, but all of this has no meaning in this end of the world. What is still useful now is the food inside and the extremely strong glass in the window!

The streets were full of hideous zombies. They soon discovered the existence of Li Yichen, so they lay on the display windows and glass doors and knocked constantly, as if they were about to break in.

"this is……"

Li Yichen looked at the zombies and frowned. Of course, these zombies would not panic him. In fact, this kind of zombies with no life level did not threaten him at all.

But... where is you?

Li Yichen looked around and found that there were people at the cash register, so he hurried over, but when he arrived at the cash register, his head suddenly sank, and then...

It was early in the morning and there were not many people on the street. When Li Yichen rushed in with his father in a coma, there was only this cashier who had mutated into a zombie in the supermarket!

If there was only Li Yichen himself, he might not have the courage to fight this extremely vicious zombie, but he was still carrying his unconscious father. Thinking of his father being torn and swallowed by this guy, Li Yichen suddenly became angry and put his father aside. , Picked up a knife on the shelf and rushed up.

Some people say that the threat of death will make people burst out with unprecedented power, but when your beloved is threatened, the power you can burst will surpass death!

guard! It is the source of the strongest power in the world!

"I won't let you approach my dad!"

Seeing howling while walking towards his zombie, Li Yichen gritted his teeth and roared, then rushed up, threw the zombie to the ground, and then stuck a knife on his forehead, and actually killed him like this. The process went smoothly. Li Yichen couldn't believe it.

After killing this guy, Li Yichen immediately locked the front and back doors of the supermarket and went around the supermarket. After confirming that no one was there, he removed the two shelves and put together a simple bed. Then, he put his father together. Put it on it and hide in the supermarket for two days.

In the past two days, through the supermarket window, Li Yichen saw the chaos caused by the arrival of the end times...

He saw people being caught by zombies, tearing pieces of flesh and blood from their bodies, and dying in heartbreaking screams. He saw that in order to get rid of the zombies, he pushed his wife to the ground and escaped alone. Her husband, he saw the parents who were torn apart by zombies in order to protect the children, both of them held the children in their arms.

When the end of the world has just come, humanity has been completely exposed. There is greatness and selfishness, but it is for the continuation of life. Some people are for others, and some are for themselves.

Li Yichen didn't want to comment on the right or wrong of those people, because he felt that he was not qualified. In order to protect his father, he bravely rushed towards the zombies, regardless of the danger that he might be scratched by the zombies and he became a zombie.

But also for the safety of his father, when someone saw him in the supermarket and slapped the supermarket door to ask him for help, he did not open the door, which may represent the hope of life for people outside. At the end of the glass door, I watched those people who were caught by the zombies in desperate pleading, torn, died, and finally turned into zombies in front of him.

Li Yichen didn't know if he was doing the right thing, and he didn't care, because he just wanted to live, with his father, in this dark apocalypse, to live as much as possible!

Two days later, the street began to quiet down. Of course, it was relative to the previous chaos, because now there are zombies everywhere on the street, and the living people can no longer see them. Either they have escaped or they have joined. An army of zombies.

As for the cashier who was killed by Li Yichen, Li Yichen didn’t know where to throw him, so he simply put him back behind the cashier counter, presumably he should also hope that the end times will not happen, and he still sits as usual. Right there?

Seeing that the cashier ignored him, Li Yichen leaned down and looked at the cashier's gray eyes and said:

"Hey! Buddy! I know I was a bit rude to your actions at the time, but you have to understand, after all, you attacked us first, and you were not as friendly as you are now. In order to protect my dad, I must let Be quiet! Do you understand?"

After waiting for a few seconds, the cashier did not respond.

"Okay! Maybe it will take a while for you to forgive me, it doesn't matter, I have patience, I don't think you lack this!"

Li Yichen turned his head and looked at the zombies who were constantly tapping on the display window. At the same time, he reached out and pulled two large shopping bags from the cashier's side. He looked at the cashier and said:

"Then... see you next time!"

Pushing the shopping cart back to the back door, putting the goods in the cart into the shopping bag, Li Yichen opened the door and left the supermarket!

The building he is in is located in the city center, the most luxurious residential area in the city! Before the end of the world, such a mansion could not even be bought by Li Yichen.

But now, almost the entire building belongs to him, because this is the city center, everyone knows that there will definitely be more and more zombies here, and they will eventually be trapped here, so other residents in the building, either Escaped, or...become a member of the zombie!

Li Yichen placed his father in the duplex house on the top floor. It was a well-decorated mansion of more than 300 square meters with attic and roof-not for enjoyment, mainly because it was the furthest away from the zombies. There was no rancid smell, and no zombies' roar.

Because of the end of the world, the electricity has stopped long ago. Not only the electrical appliances in the mansion are unusable, but the elevator is also useless. He can only climb the stairs. Fortunately, it is not very high, only 52 floors...

It took almost twenty minutes for Li Yichen to return to the residence on the top floor. He was about to take out the key, but suddenly heard some noise from the next floor.

"Any zombie opened the door by himself?"

Li Yichen frowned. Over the past month, he has killed a lot of zombies. The apocalypse happened too suddenly, and it was still early in the morning. Many people slept at home, so most of the zombies were trapped in At home-as for the living people, they basically escaped after reacting. This is the city center, the most populous place, and no one dares to stay here for a long time.

Although the zombies are not conscious, they can occasionally open the door of their own house by accident and sneak outside. Li Yichen has already killed many such zombies in this building.

Gently placing the two shopping bags in his hands at the door, Li Yichen reached out and pulled out the dagger stuck in his waist, ready to kill the "jailbreaker", but he immediately changed his mind.

Across the door, his father may have heard his own voice. Not going in for a long time will arouse his suspicion, because when the end of the world came, his father was in a coma. When he woke up, he had already put his father in In the living room of this mansion, he put the dagger back again, took the key next to it, and opened the door.

Opening the door, Li Yichen picked up the shopping bag again and walked into the room:

"Dad! I'm back..."

As soon as he spoke, Li Yichen stopped, because there was no one on the bed in the living room!

Li Yichen stiffened, then gently squatted down, put down the shopping bag, pulled out the dagger, slowly touched the bedroom, and opened the door: no one!

Kitchen, toilet, study room, balcony, roof...

After searching all the places, Li Yichen did not see his father's figure either. He grabbed the dagger and turned around on the roof, looking at the zombies below, he shook his head, his father was injured in his leg and could not walk alone. , There is no ability to jump from here!


At this moment, there was a dull gunshot from the right. Li Yichen was taken aback, rushed to the right of the roof, leaned out and looked down.

Next to it is a small commercial building with a height of more than ten stories. The top platform is about three to four hundred square meters. On the edge of the platform, a man in camouflage is lying there, holding a sniper rifle at the street below.

"Qianzi! Have you seen my dad?"

Seeing the guy below, Li Yichen picked up the walkie-talkie hanging on the rooftop and asked inside.

The next person is named Bi Qiang, 22 this year, two years older than Li Yichen. The two did not know each other before the end of the world. Since entering the end of the world, this guy has not tried to escape like other people, but stayed and used it all the time. The gun killed the zombies.

Because of the gunshots, although he killed a lot of zombies, there were more and more zombies below, and all the nearby streets were now blocked.

Li Yichen didn't care, he didn't plan to abandon his father and leave, so a few zombies and tens of thousands of zombies made no difference to him, as long as they could not rush in.

The commercial building where Bi Qiang is located is specialized in outdoor supplies such as hunting and survival, so there is not much food, so Li Yichen threw a rope down and gave him a lot of food and mineral water, while Bi Qiang was He was given some weapons, including this walkie-talkie.

Hearing the sound from the walkie-talkie, Bi Qiang did not move, still holding the sniper rifle, putting the scope on the head of a hideous zombie, and then pulling the trigger...

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